• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

New to the board - first sauce of the year - Moruga Mama Lava

I just found this board - what an excellent resource for us chili heads.
I've been growing pods for a few years after my brother-in-law said I couldn't make something that was too hot for him.
This is the year's first sauce.  I keep them simple and scorching.  The vast majority of the peppers in this stuff are moruga scorpions.  I threw in a few Moruga Yellows, some douglahs and a fatali or two because they were all ripe at the same time.
1.  Peppers
2.  Vingear
3.  Salt
4.  Garlic
1.  Cut peppers in half
2.  Bring vinegar, salt, and garlic to a boil
3.  Add peppers and boil in vinegar for 15 min
4.  Transfer mixture to food processor and process for a good 5 minutes.
5.  Return mixture to heat and bring to a boil.
6.  Bottle
It is damn hot - A drop or two will take most people out.


I am going to use your recipe for my sauce. Thank You.
Welcome to THP.                                                    From St. Aug.
Made another batch this morning.  Here it is.
The catch of the day ...

I had some vinegar left over from the last batch so I saved it.  This was the excess vinegar that was used to boil the peppers.  It was hot enough to hurt people on its own.  I reused it in this batch thinking it can only make it hotter, right?

Boiling the peppers ...

Through the processor ...

Reheating the bottles


All those peppers yielded 6 1/2 bottles of sauce (5 oz bottles) - That plus the fact that I used Moruga infused vinegar may make this one the hottest I've made yet.
For those peppers - I used about a teaspoon of salt and about two tea spoons of garlic - as for vinegar - cover the peppers and boil them. Add the peppers to a food processor and blend them. Add as much vinegar as you want until it is as thin as you like it.