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contest Oktoberfest Throwdown

JayT and I just split a Trinidad Scorpion and drank some of my altbier

collaboration for the throwdown initiated

I still think that we need to do a Posse Throwdown, TB can be an honorary member of the PA Posse since hes in his own region, and we do like a 5 course menu
Love you, FD4!

(Hugs, kisses, sweet talk, and such...... oh no, I think I'm gagging again! Cough, cough....hack, HACK! That's better.....)
Ayinger Celebator - dunkel, kind of a coffee taste
Weihenstephaner Original - pale, kind of like the average American beer (read: SoFlo Posse might actually like this one...)
Weihenstephaner Kristall - pale, ditto, but more hopsy, though mildly so
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier - dunkel, still trying to figure out what I think this tastes like. Similar hops taste to Kristall. Maybe if I keep drinking it, I'll figure it out....

Also picked up some ginger beer, mixed it with rum and lime. Now that was tasty!

Found an Ayinger Weissbier, also hefe, and gave it a try against the others. It is pale, unlike the Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier, and tastes closer to Weihenstephaner's Kristall than to any of the others. However, the Ayinger has a better blend of flavors - the Kristall has stronger individual tones. Overall, so far, I have preferred the Ayingers over the Weihenstephaner's, but that's me. Haven't found the Weihenstephaner lager yet, but will keep searching.

Also tried the ginger beer, rum and lime mix tonight, but this time with Cap Morgan's spiced rum. Like it better with the sterling rum, as more of the lime flavor comes through that way.

I'm posting this stuff because I'm not familiar with German beers, and thought there might be someone else who might find this helpful for the upcoming TD. If you're familiar with other German beers, or try some I haven't listed, I know I at least would appreciate if you would post your impressions/comparisons, as well.
Das wird eine riesige Feier betrunken sein :drunk: Mine wird nicht Wurst sein, aber es wird Deutsch sein. Sie essen und trinken oder fressen und saufen. :dance: :dance:

We'll another noob will join the ranks and see what kind of whippen I'll get, but I have latent masochistic tendencies. Will be fun. :woohoo:
:rofl: I'm a noob, but I can play. It's been 40 years since I was an exchange student in Germany so it's very rusty and I cheat with a translater.
damn 40 years ago, im a little over half that number :(

Sorry, SL, but I think that one deserves THE CORRECTOR!
(Where are you? Don't mind if I borrow this briefly.....thanks!)

Wheebz - That's for the age remark!

Damn kidz these days....
thanks for catching that youngster, geeme. I've been off the keyboard the last few days, between traveling for the NW chilehead party and a gradeschool camp out.

Heck, the last time I checked for the Okcotber TD, we were still discussing BREAKFAST as the challenge!

Although....beer....breakfast.....beer for breakfast......

It's been done before! (right paulky?)


Just bought a 6-pak of Leinenhugel's Oktoberfest tradiditonal Germand style Marzen Bier to test and it didn't go over well. The review was "it sucked"-

Guess we'll have to try out some more. Don't worry, geeme, I'll be back in a few days~ :beer: