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Opinions on a SFR box of peppers just recieved please

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BakersPeppers said:
Dave and I have an agreement...he's being paid....enough about that crap already...I mean really...do u see "rhody" in here saying I won't pay him?? Mods please DO WORK!

Dale Jr
No he hasn't. We talk outside of THP. The last time I asked him how the "agreement" was going, he told me that you keep pissing him off. Do what is right and pay him. He hasn't seen a dime since the payment you made after he outed you on here.
I never replied to Dale's email about the replacement offer.
I have never stated anywhere that I am "thrilled"
I'm not here to argue. I'm here to have good times and am excited that many of you will be involved. Surely there will be some new friends made.
I just wanted to find out if I should expect better than what I got from my first fresh superhot order.
It sounds like I should.
Even Dale agrees that I am unsatisfied customer.
My choice is to see if someone else will satisfy me.
Have fun with all off this everyone else.
The internet is a funny thing sometimes.
This would be much more fun if we were all face to face.
Enjoy life spicy humans
Shurbryn said:
No he hasn't. We talk outside of THP. The last time I asked him how the "agreement" was going, he told me that you keep pissing him off. Do what is right and pay him. He hasn't seen a dime since the payment you made after he outed you on here.
I have an idea...let's let DAVE worry about his $$$$!! How about that???? He emails me...we have a deal...end of story! Funny how people THINK they know every detail of other people's lives....move on dude....me and Dave will handle OUR arrangement...the details of which I won't share with the likes of YOU or anyone else!! When u see DAVE in here complaining I'm not holding my end, THEN jump on me..until then.....kick rocks dude!!

Dale Jr
MNhots said:
I never replied to Dale's email about the replacement offer.
I have never stated anywhere that I am "thrilled"
I'm not here to argue. I'm here to have good times and am excited that many of you will be involved. Surely there will be some new friends made.
I just wanted to find out if I should expect better than what I got from my first fresh superhot order.
It sounds like I should.
Even Dale agrees that I am unsatisfied customer.
My choice is to see if someone else will satisfy me.
Have fun with all off this everyone else.
The internet is a funny thing sometimes.
This would be much more fun if we were all face to face.
Enjoy life spicy humans
Oh! So your one of the 2 out of 4 who I didn't gear back from...my apologies...if u need that box replaced let me know :)

Dale Jr
BakersPeppers said:
I have an idea...let's let DAVE worry about his $$$$!! How about that???? He emails me...we have a deal...end of story! Funny how people THINK they know every detail of other people's lives....move on dude....me and Dave will handle OUR arrangement...the details of which I won't share with the likes of YOU or anyone else!! When u see DAVE in here complaining I'm not holding my end, THEN jump on me..until then.....kick rocks dude!!

Dale Jr
Don't worry, I've been letting Dave know how well your business is going. I'm not the only one who wants to see the "agreement" finalized. You took advantage of his generous assistance to get you up and going and you treat him like a piece of shit.
Anyway, enjoy selling your moldy rotten pods and your chocolate scorpions that you've named chocolate reapers. :crazy:

MNhots - If you didn't reply to his email, then it looks like Dale has yet again gotten it mixed up and is spurting wrong information again.
MNhots said:
It is clear exactly which customer that I am.
I sent you the same photos that are in my OP.
If you want to send me a new box, you have my address.
Have a good night.
Send me the $6 and I sure will...company policy!

Dale Jr
Btw......didn't I say email/call/text me if any further issues?? I'm DONE HERE...
BakersPeppers said:
Send me the $6 and I sure will...company policy!

Dale Jr
Btw......didn't I say email/call/text me if any further issues?? I'm DONE HERE...
Dale, I think you're missing the point here. He shouldn't have to pay ANYTHING for a replacement of rotting/moldy peppers, and good customer service always trumps company policy. Haven't you heard the addage "The customer is always right"?
elcap1999 said:
Dale, I think you're missing the point here. He shouldn't have to pay ANYTHING for a replacement of rotting/moldy peppers, and good customer service always trumps company policy. Haven't you heard the addage "The customer is always right"?
I think YOUR missing the point...I shouldn't have to replace anything when they get exactly what is guaranteed at 25+ peppers! Anything extra should be a bonus if they all arrive safely....if I ship 40+...they get 25+ that make it thru the mail...how do I need to replace anything?????? And if somehow u guys STILL think I owe replacements after all that, u have to agree that im NOT responsible to pay shipping!! For F sake!!

BakersPeppers said:
I think YOUR missing the point...I shouldn't have to replace anything when they get exactly what is guaranteed at 25+ peppers! Anything extra should be a bonus if they all arrive safely....if I ship 40+...they get 25+ that make it thru the mail...how do I need to replace anything?????? And if somehow u guys STILL think I owe replacements after all that, u have to agree that NOT responsible to pay shipping!! For F sake!!

Again, you're missing the crux of what we're trying to tell you. It doesn't matter how many good peppers he received, the fact he received even 1 moldy or rotting pepper is reason enough to send a replacement to any businessman with common decency, and the fact he has more than one, then it should be a foregone conclusion that a replacement should be sent at no charge. Don't try to hide behind rules just to try and get out of paying $6... Are you really that desperate for money that you can't spare $6?
And it's YOU'RE, not YOUR....
Shurbryn said:
You say this on every thread. Thanks for the post count by the way.
If you shipped the pods properly, you wouldn't have to worry about moldy pods. Why did it take 2 months of waiting for one of the boxes to arrive?
Ohhhh because it missed going out on the Monday.
You took the words right out of my mouth. If all the pods MNhots had shipped came in good condition, free of rot and mold, or if Dale had remedied it by sending a free replacement, none of us would be here on this thread, would we?
Shurbryn said:
Just send the pods. Do the right thing and send him the pods. Don't charge for shipping. You sent moldy shitty ass pods. Fix your mistake.
He went to my website...bought a product that CLEARLY states 25-30 peppers per box......

If I ship him 40+ peppers and a handfull are bad, how ON EARTH do I owe him ANYTHING???? You guys have no clue what your talking about....I've done ZERO wrong here, and the customer knows it!! Paid for 25+ peppers, got shipped 40+!! Sometimes a few slip thru the "sorting" that may have a bad spot on them..it's FRESH PRODUCE people....I'm not PERFECT!! I put more than paid for to account for this!! Why can't u guys get that????

Done DONE DONE!! I'm signing out, will be back to place ads in marketplace....too busy growing and shipping peppers to argue here.......

Dale Jr......OUT!
BakersPeppers said:
He went to my website...bought a product that CLEARLY states 25-30 peppers per box......

If I ship him 40+ peppers and a handfull are bad, how ON EARTH do I owe him ANYTHING???? You guys have no clue what your talking about....I've done ZERO wrong here, and the customer knows it!! Paid for 25+ peppers, got shipped 40+!! Sometimes a few slip thru the "sorting" that may have a bad spot on them..it's FRESH PRODUCE people....I'm not PERFECT!! I put more than paid for to account for this!! Why can't u guys get that????

Done DONE DONE!! I'm signing out, will be back to place ads in marketplace....too busy growing and shipping peppers to argue here.......

Dale Jr......OUT!
We totally get it, Dale, you're hiding behind your own policy, which you've mentioned ad nauseum, to just try and avoid a simple $6 charge for shipping, but what you don't get apparently is that it's considered good customer service to replace even one pod that's gone bad. I've had to replace two orders since I began selling things on here, and not one single time did I ever even consider asking for the customer to bear the cost of replacement. Why? Because I wanted to make sure the customer was treated properly... One was for a bottle of sauce that broke in transit and the other was because a customer found a bug on a single pod. One pod... That was all the reason I ever needed in the world to send a free replacement to him. And again, I reiterate, it's because it was the right thing to do.
elcap1999 said:
Again, you're missing the crux of what we're trying to tell you. It doesn't matter how many good peppers he received, the fact he received even 1 moldy or rotting pepper is reason enough to send a replacement to any businessman with common decency, and the fact he has more than one, then it should be a foregone conclusion that a replacement should be sent at no charge. Don't try to hide behind rules just to try and get out of paying $6... Are you really that desperate for money that you can't spare $6?
And it's YOU'RE, not YOUR....
Lmao!!! Dude...u are CLUELESS!! U go right ahead and send out a FREE box of replacement peppers to EVERY guy who gets ONE bad one in his original order. You go right ahead and pay that second shipping cost out of pocket on EVERY box with one or a few bad pods, especially when u already shipped damn near DOUBLE what they paid for originally.....let's see how long YOU stay in business!!

That shit is HILARIOUS to me dude....get a CLUE!!
BakersPeppers said:
He went to my website...bought a product that CLEARLY states 25-30 peppers per box......

If I ship him 40+ peppers and a handfull are bad, how ON EARTH do I owe him ANYTHING???? You guys have no clue what your talking about....I've done ZERO wrong here, and the customer knows it!! Paid for 25+ peppers, got shipped 40+!! Sometimes a few slip thru the "sorting" that may have a bad spot on them..it's FRESH PRODUCE people....I'm not PERFECT!! I put more than paid for to account for this!! Why can't u guys get that????

Done DONE DONE!! I'm signing out, will be back to place ads in marketplace....too busy growing and shipping peppers to argue here.......

Dale Jr......OUT!
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