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Opinions on a SFR box of peppers just recieved please

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BakersPeppers said:
Lmao!!! Dude...u are CLUELESS!! U go right ahead and send out a FREE box of replacement peppers to EVERY guy who gets ONE bad one in his original order. You go right ahead and pay that second shipping cost out of pocket on EVERY box with one or a few bad pods, especially when u already shipped damn near DOUBLE what they paid for originally.....let's see how long YOU stay in business!!

That shit is HILARIOUS to me dude....get a CLUE!!
First, I thought you said you were done?
And secondly, of all the orders I've shipped out, I've only had to replace the two orders I mentioned previously. Two orders out of nearly 70 orders of peppers, sauces, powders, etc. That's a pretty low percentage, and more than acceptable to me. All in all, that accounts for $30 I've lost, if you totalled up both the product replacement and shipping, meaning I'm not going under any time soon, and I see it as $30 well spent if it meant keeping customers happy...
elcap1999 said:
First, I thought you said you were done?
And secondly, of all the orders I've shipped out, I've only had to replace the two orders. Two orders out of nearly 70 orders of peppers, sauces, powders, etc. That's pretty low, and more than acceptable to me. All in all, that accounts for $30 I've lost, both the product replacement and shipping, meaning I'm not going under any time soon, and I see it as $30 well spent if it meant keeping customers happy...
You avoided my point....which says PLENTY!

Second.....70 orders to date, 2 of which u had to replace?? Dude....when u move the volume I move and get some "big boy" issues, I would LOVE to hear how you have changed your tune! Hilarious!

I move hundreds of boxes of peppers EVERY WEEK man....hard to compare your "issues" to mine with next to no volume....if I shipped 4 boxes this week of course I'd likely have ZERO issues! With crazy high volume comes issues...that's COMMON SENSE!

Now stop with the poorly thought out comments and I won't be forced to come back and correct them! LET ME BE DONE!

Dale Jr
BakersPeppers said:
You avoided my point....which says PLENTY!

Second.....70 orders to date, 2 of which u had to replace?? Dude....when u move the volume I move and get some "big boy" issues, I would LOVE to hear how you have changed your tune! Hilarious!

I move hundreds of boxes of peppers EVERY WEEK man....hard to compare your "issues" to mine with next to no volume....if I shipped 4 boxes this week of course I'd likely have ZERO issues! With crazy high volume comes issues...that's COMMON SENSE!

Now stop with the poorly thought out comments and I won't be forced to come back and correct them! LET ME BE DONE!

Dale Jr
My comments are not poorly thought out. Just the opposite, they're quite well thought out. And it makes no difference whatsoever how large or small someone's volume is, it doesn't excuse them from doing the right thing for customers. You could be the largest grower of peppers in the world for all we care, but it won't make any difference at all if you treat your customers like crap. There are a finite number of bridges in the world to burn in any market, and once you burn enough of them, the size of your operation won't matter one bit. And honestly, I've long-since seen why you felt the need to go after Judy, sicman, and others on here in the past. They sold better products at lower prices, and on some level you felt threatened by that so you lashed out at them, thinking that somehow, someway, by doing so, you would come out on top, but it became apparent to most on here you were only doing it because they were doing better than you from the standpoint of providing much better customer service. I've ordered from Judy and sicman multiple times each, and yet I've only ever ordered from you once. Why? Because they treated me kindly and with respect, and were willing to work with me if there were any issues at all. In your case, you showed your true colors when, not unlike what you did with MNhots, you demanded I come up with the solution to two transposed numbers on my mailing label after I sent you my correct address, and an additional $100 just to ship the order, then you complained to me that you got the original order back as a pile of rotted peppers. The shoe was on the other foot that day, and I can say you were not happy to receive rotted peppers. So imagine how MNhots felt when he got them from you...
elcap1999 said:
My comments are not poorly thought out. Just the opposite, they're quite well thought out. And it makes no difference whatsoever how large or small someone's volume is, it doesn't excuse them from doing the right thing for customers. You could be the largest grower of peppers in the world for all we care, but it won't make any difference at all if you treat your customers like crap. There are a finite number of bridges in the world to burn in any market, and once you burn enough of them, the size of your operation won't matter one bit. And honestly, I've long-since seen why you felt the need to go after Judy, sicman, and others on here in the past. They sold better products at lower prices, and on some level you felt threatened by that so you lashed out at them, thinking that somehow, someway, by doing so, you would come out on top, but it became apparent to most on here you were only doing it because they were doing better than you from the standpoint of providing much better customer service. I've ordered from Judy and sicman multiple times each, and yet I've only ever ordered from you once. Why? Because they treated me kindly and with respect, and were willing to work with me if there were any issues at all. In your case, you showed your true colors when, not unlike what you did with MNhots, you demanded I come up with the solution to two transposed numbers on my mailing label after I sent you my correct address, and an additional $100 just to ship the order, then you complained to me that you got the original order back as a pile of rotted peppers. The shoe was on the other foot that day, and I can say you were not happy to receive rotted peppers. So imagine how MNhots felt when he got them from you...
WOW 'nuff said...........................................I'm done here
As purely an observer, I think the issue is the fact that a whole SFRB of fresh peppers was ordered and paid for, not 25-30 with a few possible bad eggs to fill the space. There shouldn't be a pod limit if you're selling by the frb. It should be whatever amount of fresh pods it takes to fill it, not a "guaranteed" number of fresh pods, with filler thrown in. Plus good business sense dictates make the customer happy no matter what. Send replacement pods to compensate the moldy pods free of charge. Does it have to be a whole sfrb/mfrb/whatever? No. Just cover what was paid for and what was delivered. With this comes happy customers, which become loyal customers, which in turn lead to them telling others of how great you are and then gaining more customers, instead of driving customers away.
MeatHead1313 said:
As purely an observer, I think the issue is the fact that a whole SFRB of fresh peppers was ordered and paid for, not 25-30 with a few possible bad eggs to fill the space. There shouldn't be a pod limit if you're selling by the frb. It should be whatever amount of fresh pods it takes to fill it, not a "guaranteed" number of fresh pods, with filler thrown in. Plus good business sense dictates make the customer happy no matter what. Send replacement pods to compensate the moldy pods free of charge. Does it have to be a whole sfrb/mfrb/whatever? No. Just cover what was paid for and what was delivered. With this comes happy customers, which become loyal customers, which in turn lead to them telling others of how great you are and then gaining more customers, instead of driving customers away.
Agreed, sir! You understand the point several of us have been trying to get across.

And Dale, common sense also dictates you shouldn't be a prick over $6. Yes, there will be inevitable issues with any volume, but replacing problem orders for free is something known as "the cost of doing business." As an example: It doesn't matter that General Motors shipped out however many millions of cars that had no problems, the fact they shipped out the cars with the faulty ignitions meant that as a company, they had to fix/replace the affected products at no cost to their customers. Granted, a car is a far cry from fresh peppers, but the core of my argument is the same. If something is wrong that was shipped out from the company, it's on the company, not the customer, to fix it, and the customer shouldn't have to pay a single penny to have it resolved.
elcap1999 said:
Agreed, sir! You understand the point several of us have been trying to get across.
As someone who works for a small but very successful family owned company, I definitely understand. When a customer comes back complaining that something they bought smells bad, even if there's nothing wrong with it and it's just them wanting a refund or exchange (which happens a LOT!), we give it to them no questions asked. 
MeatHead1313 said:
As someone who works for a small but very successful family owned company, I definitely understand. When a customer comes back complaining that something they bought smells bad, even if there's nothing wrong with it and it's just them wanting a refund or exchange (which happens a LOT!), we give it to them no questions asked. 
Yup! That's just good business practice.
And in all honesty, Dale, your silence after Ed Currie himself came on here and stated the "Chocolate Reaper" you were trying to hawk on here was just a Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion, and to clear up the lies he was hearing speaks volumes. The fact you were trying to deliberately mislead people on here smacks of bait and switch tactics. Not only that, doing so, when the man who bred the very pepper you were trying to hawk contradicted you on the very thread you started, reeks of greed, as those prices you posted for the "Chocolate Reaper" are double what even Ed Currie himself is offering for the original Reaper. And again, I reiterate... We're all human, and mistakes are inevitable, stuff happens in transit, whathaveyou... That's life, and will happen to any business. If it's an honest mistake, take your lumps for it and move on. But to do so deliberately, and to also treat customers the way you have repeatedly and deliberately can never be called a mistake. It shows who you truly are. With the items we all sell on here, repeat business is an eventuality and a necessity, but the way you've treated your customers, that repeat business, at least on here, is drying up, since more and more people are coming on here and seeing threads like this (as well as the one in the Vendor Vault) where you attack the people without any real substantive solutions, simply for disagreeing with you, or who want a recourse that doesn't involve them having to spend more money when good business sense dictates they shouldn't have to, and proceed to hide behind your policy when they ask for it. You berate them, thinking that by talking in all caps, it somehow makes you right (hint: it doesn't), you claim to be done, but like some odd glutton for punishment, you keep coming back and when we think you couldn't find yourself in a bigger and deeper hole, you whip a proverbial backhoe out of your pocket and keep digging.
And all this over $6? Even a teenager earning minimum wage would have earned more money working at McDonald's in the same time you spent replying on this thread. 
Could it be that Dale is making up the amount of orders he receives, shipment he makes and volume of pepper pods he ships?
From what Shurbryn posts, he doesn't pay Dave, for whatever reason.
And what a weird guarantee and return policy to have.
I think foul play is guaranteed to take place.
Dale, thank you for making me want to never purchase anything from you.
You sound similar to my diagonally downstairs neighbour, who keeps repeating the same insane things about being hated for no reason, projecting his own wrongdoings on others, thinking people come into his apartment when he locks his door and babbling on about how he has had such a bad life in general and how he is such a good man.
All the while he stomps really hard during day and night and messes around with other's mail.
I hope you pay Dave back, he's a hero.
My first experience buying from a vendor was ok. I didn't have much clue on what to expect, so when I got my order I saw a couple that looked funky so I contacted the vendor and just showed what I got and the vendor only said, "Send me your address and I'll replace the FULL order.". The vendor even asked if I wanted anything else to make my experience better and I had a small request which was no biggie but I admit I felt guilty for asking LOL.

So the day of the week wasn't appropriate for shipping so I told the vendor to ship whenever the time is good. So I received the replacement order ASAP with that special request and without question.

The reason I say "the vendor " it's because I respect privacy and everything got taken care of within minutes.

What you did is a stupidity. Losing a customer over 2 molded pods... Seriously...

If you're trying to take every cent you can from a customer is simply because your business isn't running smooth. If you really sell in BULK then you shouldn't worry about one box let alone $6...

"You reap what you sow"


Oh and...

I can see how 4 moldy pods could happen.  It is unfortunate but over enough shipments it is probably bound to happen. 
I think Bakers Peppers response is much much more of an issue than the original problem/s.  The cost of the good PR with 50 people watching this thread is worth the $6 postage many times over.  Ignoring any question of right and wrong it seems a bad decision even from a purely selfish point of view not to send the pods. 
If you ship 40+ pods and only 25 are good have you fulfilled your obligation in good concience?   Because that means the box is only 63% full. 
Ultimately I think you need to listen to your customers. They are saying we are not happy.  You are hearing I wonder how many peppers Bakers ship and how successful they are, I wish I knew what generation a grower is in charge, I wonder if there is a caps lock on Dales computer.
My plants are taking a break from producing now for some reason, but once they do I'll post up any sales of SFRB's I have. I will be planting seedlings in the next week or two, so I'll be selling those when they become available.
For fresh pods right now, I can highly recommend Judy (aka PepperLover), my man sicman, mmcdermott (sorry if I butchered your username), and a few others on here. There's always posts in the Forum Ads section for fresh pepper boxes as well from other stuff, so check there frequently.

Does Judy advertise fresh pods on her site, or is it email only?
BakersPeppers said:
I think YOUR missing the point...I shouldn't have to replace anything when they get exactly what is guaranteed at 25+ peppers! Anything extra should be a bonus if they all arrive safely....if I ship 40+...they get 25+ that make it thru the mail...how do I need to replace anything?????? And if somehow u guys STILL think I owe replacements after all that, u have to agree that im NOT responsible to pay shipping!! For F sake!!


$5 OFF SFRB!! by


Time Left - 20 Days, 15 Hours
Maybe you dont know the difference between what you are advertising and what you are selling?

The largest online retailer by volume...
...then pay rhody.

So I went to bakerspeppers.com to check out the company policy...
BakersPeppers said:
Send me the $6 and I sure will...company policy!

Dale Jr
Btw......didn't I say email/call/text me if any further issues?? I'm DONE HERE...
I ended up on this page...
Because this is what were talking about right?
Under this description of the SRFB this is what it says..
"[SIZE=small]25-30 Peppers per box. FREE Shipping as always!"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=small]It's bold and exclamatory, so we know he typed it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=small]Just in case, here is a screenshot of the page.[/SIZE]
So is shipping free or not? company policy on the website says free shipping as ALWAYS, you come here and say "pay me shipping, company policy."
Screw you Dale! How dare you imply that I wasn't doing the right thing.  I was waiting for your replacement peppers to get here, which they did yesterday, and I was drafting up my review last night hoping to post today.  But now I'm just going to join the BAN wagon.  The only thing "fishy", as you said was your peppers, and your customer service.  You absolutely did "question" me when I get the third degree I go back through the peppers and inspect more closely and not surprisingly find more fishy peppers.   You had me send pictures and then said peppers where not bad and that if the bugs had left the peppers are ok.   Yeah screw that!  You sell a SFRB stuffed full of peppers.  If you wanted to be honest you should start selling 25-30 fresh peppers. I absolutely won't do business again and neither will friends of mine.  You are absolutely idiotic to send me replacement peppers in an attempt to "make it write", at my cost I'll add, and then bad mouth me on a public forum.  Stupid!
BTW the replacement box had one rotten pepper and one with bug holes!
filmost said:
Does Judy advertise fresh pods on her site, or is it email only?
You can PM Judy on here actually :) She'll tell you what she has and any other details
I ordered a box of mixed sampler peppers from bakers peppers. They arrived yesterday in great shape no mold, rot, or shriveled fruit. No complaints from me.
Aaron Sm said:
I ordered a box of mixed sampler peppers from bakers peppers. They arrived yesterday in great shape no mold, rot, or shriveled fruit. No complaints from me.
Then your experience, good sir, is by and large the exception rather than the rule. Enjoy it!
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