Ozzy's All Grain on deck

The first time I make a beer that I want to remake, that will be helpful, thanks ...
I'm only confused about one thing ... I think they need wort, as opposed to water ... did you add DME? ...
grantmichaels said:
Interesting, I was under the impression that yeast didn't like being in water, that it stresses them ... but maybe that's only when they are working ...
Lol got me...I'll let you know in the future how it goes. I'm still gonna brew that Barney Flats clone I found before I do another DFH.
After I do these clones, I may venture into creating/editing some recipes. Doing the clones has helped me identify what grains, hops, etc that I like.
I'm pretty sure Jamil Z. said on a Brew Strong that I listened to recently that the yeast doesn't have much glycerol or trehalose to modulate against hypoosmolarity until it's made it in response to the presence of ethanol on the other side of the membrane ...
While the yeast has settled down quite a bit, there are still a lot of small bubbles coming up out of this beer. I was going to try and bottle it this weekend, but I think I'll give it another week before I mess with it. I am however going to bottle my dark chocolate stout, and the DFH 90 clone. The 2 weeks of dry hopping, and cocoa nibs will be up.
I'm hoping I will have enough bottles once it's time to bottle up the Summer Solstice clone. Not to mention I have everything I need to do another DFH 90 and an Oatmeal stout. Oh well, good problems to have. :cheers:
Well, I got the dark choc stout and DFH 90 clone bottled. Both taste great. Can't wait to try them carbed up.

I also racked the summer solstice clone to a secondary. I tasted it and its sour. Something apparantly went bad. I think the temperature got to high in the basement possibly. I'm not sure it's going to be worth bottling honestly. Pretty bummed out. Think I'm gonna give it a week to see if something changes, but I'm doubtful.
Nope no wheat. I'm not sure what happened. I must not have cleaned something well enough. I'm thinking possibly the wort chiller. I run sanitizer through it after every use and before the next use though so I'm not sure.
Nope no wheat. I'm not sure what happened. I must not have cleaned something well enough. I'm thinking possibly the wort chiller. I run sanitizer through it after every use and before the next use though so I'm not sure.

Interesting, you were worried about that one's starter ...
Yeah, it just didn't seem right. It was super slow to get going too but actually got down to 1.008 from 1.043 ish if I remember right.
Yeah definitely strange. I just wish I knew what did it.
Ok I have a theory. I used my 1/2 gallon mason jar to make my starter, which is the same ones I ferment my peppers in. I did sanitize the jar, lid, and airlock though. Maybe I didn't do a thorough enough job and some leftover lacto was still in the jar?

This makes more sense to me than anything else. The temperature in the basement never got above 73, which I guess could have caused it too though.
73F ambient could be a wort temp of 78-80F maybe, but that should only have produced esters and phenols, not a sour. I think you might be onto it w/ the lacto, especially if the gravity is lower that was designed. The good news is that it should change/evolve over time and possibly get smoother/rounder ...
