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Passow's Next Adventure (some advice needed)

Well, I found out the positions for the work study at the organic farm were all taken. So, I now know for 100% certain what I'll be doing next: Backpacking across Europe!!!

Come May or June (at the latest) I'll be making my trip, first stop, Ireland! I'm looking to stay in Europe as long as I can (doing under the table paying jobs here and there). With backpack and sleeping bag I will wonder from bar to bar....er....I mean place to place, seeing the sights and talking with the people. At night I will sleep on the Eurorail or in graveyards or something.

Has anyone ever done this here? Any advice?
Sounds very cool IGG. i don't know about europe but theres a backpacker 'industry' here that travels the country picking fruit. Great way to see the place.
wow you sure are spontaneous! you go from getting kicked out of your place in cali & broke then go back home to ohio & now you're planning on going to europe for months :shocked:

enjoy the trip to & across europe. & I guess learn some of the language before going or get one of those books to translate :lol:

could you handle sleeping in graveyards ? that'd give me the creeps!
texas blues said:
I know something about sleeping in graveyards...I was once married for 10 F#@KIN YEARS!!
Cheers, TB.
Ba dump bump. Thanks folks, he'll be here all week. Try the veal.

chilehunter said:
& broke then go back home to ohio & now you're planning on going to europe for months :shocked:
Still broke. I have to clear up $3,700 of credit card debt. Then I'm selling all of my comic books and collectables to fund the trip.

chilehunter said:
enjoy the trip to & across europe. & I guess learn some of the language before going or get one of those books to translate :lol:
Ya, I'm going to start learning some of the basics soon.

chilehunter said:
could you handle sleeping in graveyards ? that'd give me the creeps!
Ya, me too. This is going to be interesting.
imaguitargod said:
Still broke. I have to clear up $3,700 of credit card debt. Then I'm selling all of my comic books and collectables to fund the trip.

Which titles IMG? I had a collection of 4,000 20 years ago, and sold 90 % of them to help with the downpayment on my first house. I'm glad I did it, but I still wish I had a couple of the big ticket issues I let go...Tales of Suspense 39 was the heartbreaker...
Hot Canuck said:
Which titles IMG? I had a collection of 4,000 20 years ago, and sold 90 % of them to help with the downpayment on my first house. I'm glad I did it, but I still wish I had a couple of the big ticket issues I let go...Tales of Suspense 39 was the heartbreaker...
Oh where to start.umm....I think I have all of them, lol. Including Iron Man #1 and many other high profile comics. I have well over 7,000 and am looking to move every single one of them.
Well my only advice is to try and sell to a collector, not a dealer. The dealers I talked to basically offered 30 % of guide price. I got around 65 % guide price selling privately.

At the time I sold, I had the entire Iron Man run, 70 % of the Tales of Suspense, the entire Thor run, 40 % Journey Into Mystery, the entire New X-Men run, and good chunks of FF, Avengers, Daredevil, the various Spiderman's, What If's, Ghost Rider, and some DC...all I have left are the Thor's and a few old favourites ( I don't think What If is a title any more, but there was a What If - The Hulk went Berserk, that had some great scraps. He killed a few characters including Iron Man before Thor bashed his head in and killed him...)
I liked them because Marvel could present situations you wondered about, and resolve them ( eg who is the strongest Marvel hero - Hulk or Thor; or what if so and so hadn't died ) without impacting any of the storylines.

I'm looking forward to the Iron Man movie, but I hope they don't muck it up like they did Hulk or Daredevil.
The Hulk suuuuucked. If he could leap Oh I don't know, ten miles in a single bound (was that in the original comic???) he would leave huge craters everywhere he jumped from or landed. And how do you go from 6ft tall to 19 feet tall?
I could delude myself that the original absorbed moisture from the surrounding air to make up the extra mass. The movie was just ridiculous.
cheezy - there you go again with all that negativity ;):P
& who really cares if it doesnt hold up to the laws of nature, its a movie!
you know I'm still confused is clark kent superman ? you know those glasses disguise him well ;):rolleyes:
chilehunter said:
cheezy - there you go again with all that negativity ;):P
& who really cares if it doesnt hold up to the laws of nature, its a movie!
you know I'm still confused is clark kent superman ? you know those glasses disguise him well ;):rolleyes:
There actually have been scientific studies done on that subject. It turns out (for the most part) that if you wair glasses, you tend to look completely different. Proven fact. I've had people not recognize me on multiple occasions when I wear my glasses (for reading).

JerseyBoyzJerky said:
how about a trip where you go and lookk for a job...lol so that you can support your pepper adventures

I am doing that too. Hopefully I can get some under the table jobs while I'm over there to keep the cash flow going (dig ditches, wash dishes etc etc....).

cheezydemon said:
The Hulk suuuuucked. If he could leap Oh I don't know, ten miles in a single bound (was that in the original comic???) he would leave huge craters everywhere he jumped from or landed. And how do you go from 6ft tall to 19 feet tall?
I could delude myself that the original absorbed moisture from the surrounding air to make up the extra mass. The movie was just ridiculous.

Tell me about it. That movie was HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! Piss poor! Let's just hope this sequal is better........let's hope.....
Hey GG, I was just thinking. There are a lot of nice Europeans on the "other" forum(chillisgalore). You could probably find a few chile stops if you meet some of the folks on there. I personally would like to visit Luigi il Messicano in Italy and see his fantastic plants and setup. There is probably some chile festivals to look out for too.
IGG - I was kinda being a smartass in that post.
but lets remember THEY'RE MOVIES!!!! I'd have to say you can pick apart about 90% of all movies made & that they have scenes in them that are just not possible or not human nature.
aint basically all movies made on make believe ? well except for maybe that 5% thats base on a true story.
imaguitargod said:
I now know for 100% certain what I'll be doing next: Backpacking across Europe!!!

At night I will sleep on the Eurorail or in graveyards or something.

Has anyone ever done this here? Any advice?

Stay off the moors.
JerseyBoyzJerky said:
dude you need help...lol love ya but you need major help
Yes, I do need help. Please send me some cash.......... ;)

chuk hell said:
Stay off the moors.
Ok, I looked up "moors" and all I got was it relating to Islamic people....does "moors" pretain to something else?

chilehunter said:
IGG - I was kinda being a smartass in that post.