• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patrick's 2011 Grow Log

Here we are again. I can't believe how fast the time goes by anymore. My pops always said the older you get the faster it passes us by.

I am especially excited about this year, I'm going to try and cross a couple of peppers, on purpose! Haven't made the final decisions yet though.

Anyway, here's a few that I overwintered. The one on the left came from a 7 Pod Barrackpore cutting. It struggled for a bit but the roots are starting to grow so I'm hopeful. Center front is a "large" 7 Pod, center rear was a very robust Dorset Naga and the one on the right is a 7 Pod Primo. The latter three I removed from 5-7 gal pots, trimmed the roots and cut them down to just the stem. They sat in my foyer where they got some limited sunlight through a window. I'm very happy with them.


This is the first tray of seeds I stuck in coco coir last night. I've had success before with this medium as a seed starting mix so see no reason to change. It is nutrient poor so I start using fertilizer at an early stage in the plants life, at a very reduced rate.


Here is what I've started so far:

7 Pod, Brain Strain PRF…………………………..………........ 5
7 Pod, Brown Judy………………………………..………............ 6
Bhut Jolokia, Yellow…………………………………..………........ 5
Pimenta Tiger, AISPES004...................... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Butch T Judy…………….………...... 8
Trinidad Scorpion, Chocolate AISPES108…....……. 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Morouga HSC……………….……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow AISPES109..……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow 2 SS………………….………..... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow Morouga AISPES107...…3

Not all of them are in the photo.

They are on a cookie sheet which is on a heat pad. Current temp in the coco coir varies from 75F - 80F. I would like it warmer and may mess with the heating pad settings. I plan on picking up a couple of heat mats tomorrow for more trays.

I have several other varieties to get started and would like to keep my total at under 90 plants.

Here we go! :woohoo:
Yaotzin, that brown 7 is starting to develop little buds now but I don't think my summer is going to last long enough for it to produce any ripe peppers for me. I'm going to give up on this one.

Matt, thank you very much for the kind words. You have definitely found the best place on the web to learn how to grow chili's. I wish you the best of luck.

Thanks Josh. I'm very pleased with how the plants turned out this year despite the setbacks. Yeah the brown 7 Pot has been a tad frustrating. It has taught me some patience though. Ha!
Update time!

Plants are going crazy with new pod growth. Flowers are holding fast and turning into peppers at an amazing rate. Temps are rarely hitting 90F and staying in the mid 60's for lows--perfect I'm thinking. Supposed to get to 97F today though.

Here's a few pics to show what I mean;

First up is my one and only Trini Scorp Butch T. I had a lot of hope for this baby until the second round of hail. That stopped this monster in it's tracks. Today it is making up for lost time. It did end up canopy shaped with little growth along the trunk and stem until the top where it is looking good, all thick and bushy like.


Then when you take a peek underneath....


Pod city baby.

Here's one of several yellow Bhut Jolokia plants growing:


All I need is a couple more weeks of summer.
Patrick that looks awesome man!!
Your yellow Bhuts are so much fatter than mine!
I'm jealous!!! :lol:
That is such a great comeback from the terrible hail you had to deal with this year!!

Thanks Kevin. Pepper plants sure have a strong will to live don't they?

Here's another plant that is going crazy with growth and not just the peppers. This is one of the MadballZ plants I have going. This thing has branches going in every direction. It's past the four foot mark height and width wise and the pods could number in the hundreds.


This year is shaping into what could be my best.
I'm happy to say the Jonah 7/Bhut Jolokia cross is doing well! The new pods that are showing up have the same appearance as the first few peppers on the plant.





I am isolating one branch and right now there are four pods growing in the tulle so I should have lots of isolated seeds available. Just need the weather to hold out for a couple of more weeks. Keep them fingers crossed!
Thanks Flamecycle. Yep this is the first year it's been grown. The seeds for this plant came from a 7 Pot Primo I grew last season.
Thanks for those nice pictures, some good looking plants you got there! I like that the MadballZ is going every direction and those pods of the cross looks awesome. What colour are they gonna be when their ripe?
Patrick I am glad to see your season is going so well, if this is your best I am sure next year will be even better! All your pod pics are amazing!
very healthy looking plants with some big pods excellent. Hope your summer will hold out keeping fingers crossed for you(I want to see ripe pods ;-)
Thanks for the nice comments everyone.

meatfreak, the 7 Pot Jonah/BJ cross end up red when they're ripe and the MadballZ 7 Pot peppers turn a nice dark rust color. Very pretty when they're ripe.

PIC 1 I have 43 plants this year. Down a bit from previous years.

I usually spend about an hour with the plants every morning, before it gets too hot and the sun hits them. I give them the once over, pick off the dried bits of flowers that stick to the pods, kind of anal about that, and get rid of weeds and yellow leaves and such. Always on the lookout for bugs and bug trouble. I came to this yellow Bhut Jolokia plant and seen this:


The top right branch is missing all of it's leaves. After seeing the damage they have caused in a several threads on here I knew exactly what to look for and it didn't take me long. For the first time in over 10 years of growing veges in my driveway I found my first tomato hornworm.

Rat bastage SOB'n green plant eating machine.



Now I'm not a bug hater, actually kind of into them. Afraid that wasn't enough to save this monster. Death was quick and I'm happy to report it is being recycled by a local bird.
I have to admit I am in love with this MadballZ 7 Pot plant. It's all over the place, has more flowers and pods than I can count, and is doing all of that in a small, three gallon pot. I wonder what it would have done if I had put it in a 7 or 10 gallon pot? Anyway I have to post a couple of more pics, hope it's not boring anyone.


And a shot of the base of this beast. I so want to pot it up into a larger pot but it's too late in the season. I'm going to try and overwinter it and hopefully have it in a 15 gallon pot next season.


Think I'll go order some tree house building materials. Ha!
Sounds good, patrick. I have to get me some of those seeds. Damn, i'm glad we don't have those kind of big bugs over here :) The biggest ones are only about an inch big and your not the only one that looks over your plants like that. I do that everyday also, only I'm bumped that i seeded too late so my plants are just setting pods :( and its getting much colder at night, 46F.
meatfreak you're on the list for the cross seeds, should have plenty to go around.

PIC 1 I have two plants isolated like that, both grown from AISPES seeds. A Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate and a Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Yellow.
Hello Patrick,
you have nice and healthy plants(and nice varieties) over there, my Congratulations.
Haha I have to admit that most of my plants are in only 3 gals and my biggest pot is just a little over 5...
You are very nice to your plants
BTW very nice caterpillar... I guess i will never see one as i am to fond of my spiders.
Best Regards
Really appreciate that, patrick. Hopefully I can give you something interessting back, but atm I don't have much super hots yet :)