• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2019

No grow log for the 2018 season other than the Pimenta de Neyde x Bonda Ma Jacques
thread dedicated to Trippa's cross. That one is an ongoing community project going into
second year and a test of the F7 generation. I imagine I will mention it once-in-a-while in
this thread, but the details of its progress will be in the dedicated thread.
I am deciding on a grow list for the 2019 season after growing only Trippa's cross this
season (2018). I definitely have some old favorites that will comprise the great majority
of the grow. I have limited space, so I'm counting on nature to help me make the final
decision. I'll probably start lots of seeds since I'm gun-shy from the poor germination
rates the past couple of seasons.
Here's the pool. Would be nice to be able to grow a bunch of all of them!  I think my
neighbor will shelter the overflow in his yard, but we'll see what to plant and how many
based on what might germinate  :rofl:
c. chinese - 10 varieties
  • PdN x BMJ, F7, white and violet varieties, Trippa's cross
  • Fatali, F2 of seed from Pepper Joe's
  • 7 Pot Burgundy, brown phenotype, pecan shape from 2017 F2 of the 7PB from Windchicken 
  • Scotch Bonnet, MoA, F2 of seeds from John/Sim, not high production, but some nice pods
  • JA Red Habanero, F5 of seed from Walk Good/Devv
  • Yellow Scorpion, F7 aka Yellow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and CARDI Scorpion, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Red, F4, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate, F3 of seed from Georgia Growhead
  • Bhut Jolokia, hybrid, F2 - I believe it is a  (BJred) x (Pdn x BMJ F1 or F2)
  • Yellow 7 Pot, F2 of seed from Trippa 2013
c. annuum - 4 varieties:
  • JA Red Mushroom, F3, brown phenotype, seed from Refining Fire
  • Pimenta de Padron - Spanish seed, fry up while small and green, throw on some salt
  • Pimenta del Piquillo - Spanish seed, sweet, very flavorful, small stuffers
  • Guindilla - Spanish seed, spicy heat, great pickled, long and skinny
c. frutescens - 2 varieties:
  • Nagahari from Tezpur, India, supposedly very, very hot freebie from Pepper Joe's 2017
  • Chili Costa Rica, F2 (2014) from Hippy Seed Company seed, 2012
c. pubescens - 1 variety:
  • Red Rocoto, F3 of Peruvian Market seed, 2016
That about does it. Seeding time will be here before we know it!
Sri Lanka Red Chilis are really yearning for some
nice warm weather. They are doing fine under the
T5HO lights, but there is no substitute for fresh air
and sunshine.

The two plants have different growth habits. The more
upright paired branches of the second have forked already,
the more arching branches of the first have yet to do so.

You can see the first is quite a bit bigger:


How about some nice Easter candy? These look
like they should taste sweet. Maybe in the candy

Not Sorry
PaulG said:
Sri Lanka Red Chilis are really yearning for some
nice warm weather. They are doing fine under the
T5HO lights, but there is no substitute for fresh air
and sunshine.

The two plants have different growth habits. The more
upright paired branches of the second have forked already,
the more arching branches of the first have yet to do so.

You can see the first is quite a bit bigger:


How about some nice Easter candy? These look
like they should taste sweet. Maybe in the candy

Not Sorry

Ooh jellybeans :dance:
Walchit said:
Your Sri Lanka's are catching up to mine. You should probably hit them with some more fish/bleach just to be safe
Yeah, I was thinking about doubling the bleach component
just to be on the safe side

Sawyer said:
That's what I thought first time I tasted one. Not a mistake I made twice.   :mouthonfire:
You are not the first, John! They definitely have a kick.
Thats why I like the name White Lightning for these
little gems

Managed to get a pic of a nice Peruvian Red Rocoto flower
The plant has set about a half-dozen pods and is
flowering like there is no tomorrow. All in a #1 nursery
From the greenhouse...

Sort of a cool, rainy day. Inside the greenhouse, the
plants are nice and cozy with a little assist from the
space heater. Some more sunny days would be nice
just so the plants can get used to it.

The Peruvian Aji Amarillo starting to set a pod or two:

If you look close, you can see a few of the little
upright pods hovering above the canopy of the

If things proceed as they have so far, almost all of
these Peruvian Red Rocoto flowers will set pods:

The flowers are hanging on to the floral coronas
for a long time. There are about a half-dozen like this:
The JA Red Habaneros are just jacked.
Check out the crazy flowering on this specimen:

Just some general scenes inside the greenhouse.
Working in the few square feet of available space
is sort of like hovering over a jungle canopy in a
drone :




Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Plant-out is inching/edging/creeping/crawling/slithering
ever closer. May the chili gods smile on my THP friends!
karoo said:
All beautiful plants Paul. Thanks, friend!
I also noticed the Rocoto flowers hanging around on the fruit for quite some time.
The chili gods have been kind to me so far despite
some difficulty germinating older seeds  ;)
I hope I can have the kind of success with the
c. pubescens that you have demonstrated, Jacques!
Here's to your season is winding down gracefully...
Sawyer said:
At this rate you'll be harvesting pods before plant-out.
I hope not, that would mean my plant-out is late  :rofl: 
Is that a jade plant I see up there?
I may score an F7 PdNxBMJ pod before plant-out
from the plants in the garage. There are a few going
through intense color changes, with some violet just
beginning to shade to cream colored.
Yes, that is a little tray of Jade plants. It's an experiment
I started a number of years back. I keep pruning them
back every year to get them to grow nice, fat trunks.
I'll take it down a little more next winter.
incredible plants!
Thanks, Scott! Have avoided disasters so far.
Still at least a month until plant-out, though.
Fingers crossed  :pray: 
im hoping mine look that good in a month.
I trust in your skills, brother!
Most of these plants started in January, with a few
in February along with some late cuttings. The earlier
plants are into the flowering and podding stage right
on schedule. Too bad they can't be planted out into
some nice sun!
I wish I had the skills you've shown.
I feel like these peppers have taken pity upon my cursed hands and decided to grow anyway. lol
since ive been on this site I have learned a lot and see many types of peppers I want try growing. some reason the rocoto's are really standing out a must try for next year.
I wish I had the skills you've shown.
It will come, everyone makes a huge mistake
once in awhile, unfortunately  ;) 
I feel like these peppers have taken pity upon my cursed hands and decided to grow anyway. lol
Some wiser forum members than myself have
said that the chili peppers grow in spite of our
best efforts  :rofl:
since ive been on this site I have learned a lot and see many types of peppers I want try growing. some reason the rocoto's are really standing out a must try for next year.
I'll send you some Peruvian Red Rocoto seeds
after Fall harvest. They are one of the best culinary 
peppers around.
That's how most of the forum members got it going, Scott.
The danger comes when we think we've got it down and
get complacent, then do something stupid  :banghead:.
Been there.
Done that.
Good luck going forward! 
Bhuter said:
Dammer, Paul! Just stellar plants! You always seem to impress. Great stuff!

Pubescens are an awesome species, BDASPNY! I had really good luck with Aji Oro. Trying again this year. They like it cool and in the shade, IME.

Very nice!
Adam! Good to see you back, brother, was worried
for a minute that you had moved to an internet-
free zone

Looking forward to seeing your grow log. I will
post a picture of the plant from your F7 isolated
seed. Looking very nice!

Good luck this season, my friend!