• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2020

C. pubescens varieties:

Tatiana Yellow in front.

PaulG said:
No, Bryan. I know Khang Starr does something
like that, but he also lets roots grow down into
the reservoir. I usually take the reservoir cup off
a day after watering to air prune the roots and
make a bushier root ball.

Now on that subject, do you use that second cup do that you can bottom water? Or more just to catch water that drains out?
Mr.joe said:
Now on that subject, do you use that second cup do that you can bottom water? Or more just to catch water that drains out?
Hey, Joe. I bottom water the cups. It's just
easier than trying to water the small containers
from the top.  The quarts and 2-liters I water
from the top. I measure out that water so there
is minimal flow-through, and what comes out is
usually sucked back up quickly.
Edit: Sometimes I water the trays from the bottom
just to make sure the soil is watered evenly top
and bottom.
Pretty. And so quick. At 20 days I'll likely have a handful of immature true leaves.
Without rereading the last 14 pages Paul, did you Myco-innoculate? I never have, but I am considering the expense this year, considering my whole 3 months of grow season....
I may reread the last 14 pages anyway, I have an envy gland out of whack....
stettoman said:
Pretty. And so quick. At 20 days I'll likely have a handful of immature true leaves.
Without rereading the last 14 pages Paul, did you Myco-innoculate? I never have, but I am considering the expense this year, considering my whole 3 months of grow season....
I may reread the last 14 pages anyway, I have an envy gland out of whack....
You are a glutton for punishment, Stetto!
I am a bit surprised by the Tepin, as well.
It came out strong and never stopped.
Yes, I use Extreme Mykos. A teaspoon in the initial
transplant, and a couple of Tablespoons in the plant-out
containers, along with soil amendments.
PaulG said:
Wondering if anyone wants any of the Sri Lanka Red
cross ‘Mr. Sausage’ seeds from the 2019 
Flavor and heat similar to the SLR true pods.
That one sounds like it might have crossed with his Orange Thai since they were growing erect.
I'd be curious to throw a couple of those seeds on.  Although, if they're an F1, I don't think I can grow nearly enough to do it justice.
DontPanic said:
That one sounds like it might have crossed with his Orange Thai since they were growing erect.
I'd be curious to throw a couple of those seeds on.  Although, if they're an F1, I don't think I can grow nearly enough to do it justice.
I’ll send you a couple of pods, DP.
They should be in the mail tomorrow.
Pepper-Guru said:
Hey Paul! Sorry my inbox is full, so hitting you up here; did you get the package I sent? 
Hey, Rich - I did, and posted a pic on the
PPATB thread, as well as my 2020 grow log.
Your packaging is impeccable!
Pepper-Guru said:
 Nice! Glad they got there safe! I got yours as well! I'm really gonna enjoy what you sent and thanks again :) Not sure why I wasn't following this thread yet but I am now! Have a great season Paul. 
Thanks, Guru. Always a pleasure to swap a few seeds!
DontPanic said:
Thanks a lot Paul.
One of these days, I'm going to have something interesting enough to send back your way.  :neutral:
There’s no expectation on my part, my friend!

I have received so much from members on
the forum, I’m happy to share a little pepper
love in return.
We will swap some seeds, I’m sure!