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People are dying left and right

he never died of a heark attack but he was in the hospital. And it was a stroke he had and it happened in the childrens ward!

And what will happen to his body, will they bury him or cremate? I'll bet that they recycle!
Those poor Iranian kids are trying to get some real news out of CNN and all they're getting is MJ coverage. The 24 hr news cycle is cruel.
Michael is gone

Michael jackson is dead at fifty. I remeber seing it on tv while searching thru channels but not elieving it. But now it is confirmed. he's gone and leeft a lifetime of music
He definitely had a talent. Too bad the rest of his act overshadowed it the last 15 years. Guy was a total mindwreck.
What the hell, G-d, what the hell?


Go easy on the smite button, big guy.
Yea MJ used to be really something.Sorry for him but some day we all have to grow up.I hope as all is said that he didn`t suffer. But damn !!! Take care of the kids..
I dont know if billy mays is dead...but he was a annoying MF'er!!!
though I'd miss him more than the freak micheal jackson, I still cant see how ya'all say hes some kind of great talent :rolleyes: