
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
I like the way it is now but I will miss the search feature
It is now more mobile friendly ordered seeds yesterday & have noticed it has been tweaked a little since then.
I get double copies now for some reason now in my email but I figure that will be smoothed out .
It was real user friendly not that it was not before .

Ordered stuffing scotch bonnet(mine somehow went missing everything else is where its should be)
Ethiopian Brown Berbere
Trinidad Scotch Bonnet Brown
I got some of my seeds from Judy for the 1st time this year.
 The only ones I had any difficulty with germinating were the Rocotos (though I am told they are harder to germinate anyway)
All seeds ordered were packaged with 20 or more seeds, 90%+ germination on all I planted except the Rocotos (may have been something I did, or didn't do)
Free Bonus seeds I didn't even know I totally wanted too!
Thanks Judy for the AMAZING Variety of Peppers you provide.
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
 The only ones I had any difficulty with germinating were the Rocotos (though I am told they are harder to germinate anyway)
All seeds ordered were packaged with 20 or more seeds, 90%+ germination on all I planted except the Rocotos (may have been something I did, or didn't do)
It may not be you. I have had similar issues with Rocotos. I simply planted more seeds to compensate for the lower germ rates. Judy is always more than generous with the seed count per packet  :)
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
Free Bonus seeds I didn't even know I totally wanted too!
Yeah, she's really good at that. Judy's "freebies" have definitely enhanced my grow this year.  :cool:
I ordered all of my seeds from Judy this year, after hearing so many good things, and I've been very happy. It's early, but I've had a good germination rate, the prices seemed crazy low, and she included some very nice freebies. Super excited for the Trinidad Perfume, I've never tried a mild version of a superhot. Also looking forward to the Farmer's Jalapenos, which look like potatoes, and the Reapers of course.
heathotsauce said:
I ordered all of my seeds from Judy this year, after hearing so many good things, and I've been very happy. It's early, but I've had a good germination rate, the prices seemed crazy low, and she included some very nice freebies. Super excited for the Trinidad Perfume, I've never tried a mild version of a superhot. Also looking forward to the Farmer's Jalapenos, which look like potatoes, and the Reapers of course.
the Trinidad Perfume is one of my favorite non hot Chinense
Grenada Seasoning is good too, but I prefered Trinidad Perfume.
It is what I recommend when someone want to taste a Chinense, but can't handle the  :hot:
I'm growing the Farmers Jalapeno from her this year too  :P
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
the Trinidad Perfume is one of my favorite non hot Chinense
Grenada Seasoning is good too, but I prefered Trinidad Perfume.
It is what I recommend when someone want to taste a Chinense, but can't handle the  :hot:
I'm growing the Farmers Jalapeno from her this year too  :P
Wow, sounds like we have similar taste! I'm growing lots of superhots, but I'm really excited about the Trinidad Perfume and Farmers Jalapenos because they'll be pretty different than what I usually grow.
ETA: Love your user name BTW. That's one of my all time favorite simpsons episodes!
heathotsauce said:
Wow, sounds like we have similar taste! I'm growing lots of superhots, but I'm really excited about the Trinidad Perfume and Farmers Jalapenos because they'll be pretty different than what I usually grow.
ETA: Love your user name BTW. That's one of my all time favorite simpsons episodes!
Yeah, I normally don't grow Jalapenos because I can usually get them cheap @ one of a couple local Farmers markets but the Farmers Jalapeno sounded different and interesting so i'm growing that this year to try it out.
:woohoo:   thank you, that is MY Favorite episode, and why I picked that name :dance:  
I decided to get a head start on my seed acquisition for next year (yes, I'm a bit early). I figured that it's easier to spend small sums over a few months than getting a massive order all at once. I ordered from Judy for the first time about a week and a half ago. She seems to have the best reputation from what I've gathered, and I'm not going to lie, the bonus seeds she seems to send were definitely an incentive. 
I ordered 
Aji Cito
Aji Chuncho
Aji Melecoton
Bishops Hat
Colombian Yellow 
Star of Turkey
All in all it cost me $16, so a bit on the cheap side. Now, it might just be my imagination, but it felt like people were getting mostly really hot peppers as bonuses, which was OK I guess. BUT, Judy seems to actually put a lot of thought to what she sends, I got 4 different bonus seeds: Aji Panca, Aji Verde, Aleppo, Yukan Bakan. I'm really happy with the ones she sent, especially the Aji varieties, I just really love the name so I'm going to shape my grow around that next year. I'll definitely be ordering again from her in a month or two. I guess I should add that it took about 7 working days (ordered on a Sunday, received today, Tuesday) to get them here in Sweden. 
Comptine said:
 Now, it might just be my imagination, but it felt like people were getting mostly really hot peppers as bonuses, which was OK I guess. BUT, Judy seems to actually put a lot of thought to what she sends, 
     I agree. Back in my Pepper Joe days, I always seemed to get the most boring seeds. Same ones each time. It seemed to me he was just unloading unpopular varieties that he couldn't move. Judy, on the other hand, seems to be good at reading minds. I think she looks at the varieties I order and thinks "Hmmm. Nice list. I bet these other varieties are ones he also wanted but they just didn't make the cut." And then she tosses in all those other varieties.
     I swear, I grow more of her extras than the ones I pick out. A lot of times I like them better too. She knows her stuff, for sure!
I just received a load of seeds from Pepperover (again) :P . What can I say about it? Nothing much that hasn't already been said more than once before. She's a fast shipper. Prices are extremely reasonable. And there's alway more than enough seeds to grow the whole neighborhood (well almost then ;) ). Finally there's the bonus seeds that are never boring. Always something new and exciting to grow and look forward to. I can only give Judy my wholehearted recommandation. Good job Judy and thanks a lot. :party:
I got burned on Amazon last year, got mushrooms instead of bonnets. So I lurked THP and found Judy and scored some MOA Bonnets. She's a bad bad lady. She's an enabler! I thought I had my pepper addiction under control and then she sent me all those freebies. She destroyed my well laid plans and now I've got peppers growing everywhere. If I place any more orders with her I'm gonna have to move to the country and get a farm. Beware, you've been warned.