
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
Just received an order of powders and seeds that was loaded up with extras. It is nice to feel spoiled when you open up an order. With Judy on the scene all the other seed sellers are competing for second best.
Price and quantity?
• 5 out of 5 STARS

How satisfied were you with the seller's communication?
• Responded very quickly.

How quickly did the seller ship the item?
• Quick.

How reasonable were the shipping and handling charges?
• Free can't beat that!

Germination Rate?
• I have yet to start. Will update when I do.

I would not hesitate to recommend and buy from again. I am definitely a repeat customer!

Thank you Judy!
The only variety I grew from Judy was the 7pot Brain Strain. It was a huge plant, even here in Austria i could get loads of superhot pods! As far as I recall, my germination rate was about 100% ( i did only use 4-5 seeds though and only kept one plant)
This is my 1st year to use Pepperlover and I'm very impressed! I sent them an email letting them know how well they did. I joked that they caused me a problem being all the free seeds I received will cause me to enlarge my seedling operation and my garden space to fit in all the suprises. Thanks again!!
I received my order today with 6 free pkts of seeds. Cant wait to get them in the soil and start the process. If everything I ordered this year makes a normal crop I'll have enough to supply half the state with hot peppers.

I had a great experience with pepperlover. My seeds came fast. I don't know if this is always the case but I got plenty of extras too. I'm looking forward to seeing what the seeds can do. I plan to make this vendor a regular part of my growing season.
I've ordered a lot from Judy, but until now, I have only collected and traded her seeds. I just planted 2 Red Moruga Scorpion seeds that I purchased from her. Both sprouted - 100% germination.
This is my second time ordering from pepperlover, and i have been a very happy customer both times! All plants i grew from her were true (except a lone yellow scorpion that slipped in somehow), i always get great germination rates and this year got 100% on the bhut Indian carbons i bought from her which i was exited about! Her orders are always generous and the bonus seeds are always nice surprises. highly recommend!
THP you folks sure suggest great vendors!! Thank you!! You rock. I ordered 6 different pepper seeds on Monday night 1/21/13 and within 2 hours of ordering my order was "shipped" Here is it 1/25/13 and I have my order in hand with 3 free seed packets as well!! The seeds look top notch and generous in their amount for each pepper. Great website, fast service, quick shipping and delivery!! Fitting that these arrived today as we are getting a sleet and freezing rain storm today!! I can't wait to get these started indoors tomorrow!! Very pleased with my experience as a first time buyer and highly recommend this vendor!!