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chinense PLEASE post some Scotch Bonnet pics!

My kind of thread. :). Here are pics of 2 of the 3 strains I grew this year. For record, I wasn't too impressed with either although they were a lot closer to real SB flavor than my previous attempts. Great peppers in there own right, just not the SB flavor I've been searching for.







I don't even use these for recipes requiring SB. When needed I've been using Fatalii which was the closest to what I remember true SB being like unitil I met the lovely and absolutely fabulouse flavor profile of the yellow 7pot. Just my two cents. :]
Thanks! You know, earlier in the season they were more yellowy, but not very hot. Now they are larger, meatier, more orangy, and have a real nice punch that I would put up against the hottest of the Orange Habanero. Go figure.
Thanks! You know, earlier in the season they were more yellowy, but not very hot. Now they are larger, meatier, more orangy, and have a real nice punch that I would put up against the hottest of the Orange Habanero. Go figure.

On that particular variety mine started out the same bright yellow, they're all ripening like yours, I took a "apple style" bite out of a large bonnet over the weekend and not only being hotter than before but the flavor is more what it should be............"Hail to the Bonnet"
On that particular variety mine started out the same bright yellow, they're all ripening like yours, I took a "apple style" bite out of a large bonnet over the weekend and not only being hotter than before but the flavor is more what it should be............"Hail to the Bonnet"

Right, what you said about the aroma and flavor increasing as the season progresses. I'm trying to figure out how to "hit the ground" with that character in the first ripe pods in July. You could overwinter the plants, I suppose, but there must be a better way...

"Hail to the Bonnet" for sure! There's something real compelling about this chile, and it grows on ya!
Excellent shots...

I'm glad I browsed back to this thread...


We're supposed to get snow flurries on Saturday, good thing I worked on my SB plants to get them ready for winter. How's your season coming along up in the Windy City?
We're supposed to get snow flurries on Saturday, good thing I worked on my SB plants to get them ready for winter. How's your season coming along up in the Windy City?

Snow flurries already, time to put a bonnet on the bonnet's................... :)

My outdoor season is over, except for some cleanup, I cut back 35 plants to be over-wintered, all are in 2 gal containers spending a "two week holding pattern" in the darkness of my garage.....that helps slow them down before they're brought into my basement.
I've added many additional pepper varieties for next season,
Now to come up with a game plan for Januarys startup.....

Earlier in the season:

Last harvest mixed with some CR's:

Excellent shots! How do you call the yellow pods with the tails? Two of my twelve True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet plants are producing those pods, but the shape, flavor, and plant habit are quite a bit different from the rest of the True Bonnets...I love the chiles—the flavor is wonderfully intense and exotic—and I'm saving the seeds to do a large plant-out of them next season, but I don't know what to call them...


I like your espresso machine. I've got a La Pavoni Professional, one of the old style machines with the piston and lever. I love that thing; it's a chrome-plated work of art sitting on my kitchen counter.
Excellent shots! How do you call the yellow pods with the tails? Two of my twelve True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet plants are producing those pods, but the shape, flavor, and plant habit are quite a bit different from the rest of the True Bonnets...I love the chiles—the flavor is wonderfully intense and exotic—and I'm saving the seeds to do a large plant-out of them next season, but I don't know what to call them...


I like your espresso machine. I've got a La Pavoni Professional, one of the old style machines with the piston and lever. I love that thing; it's a chrome-plated work of art sitting on my kitchen counter.

The ones with the tail are the same as the other yellow/orange ones, all Jamaican SB's, some get the tail and some don't. Those that you've got are really cool looking, I'd be very interested in getting some of those seeds if you've got some, I'll trade whatever I've got. The espresso is pretty nice, my girlfriend is the caffeine drinker though. Her family gave it to us because it was broken, 30 minutes later I fixed the elevator gearing in the back and it was good as new. I do use the coffee grounds to repel the GD aphids I've got late this season! Never had a problem with them until very recently, god I hate those little bastards!

Thanks! I've got plenty of "Bonnets with Tails" seeds. PM me your mailing address and I'll shoot 'em to ya. I can't really think of any seeds that I don't already have for my next season, but thanks so much for the offer. :)

I've got to try the coffee grounds treatment for aphids—There must be something to it, because I keep reading testimonials from other growers here at THP.
