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Prepare to be AMAZED...

the last yoyo trick i mastered was the brain scrambler and bhudda's revenge... but i got tired of buying strings, then having to modify my yoyo's for different tricks... bah... it got me no tail and just kept getting more expensive...

last month i found my two turbo bumble bee gt's and my yomega metal missle... started showing my kids how big of a nerd their dad was in middle school... LOL... they know since they have to stare at 10+ boxes of comic books in the living room... :(

now i'm into tops... i have a couple of fixed tops and bearing tops...

this is fixed...

Yep - that's the dude! I watch him every saturday - he sits like 10' away at the market info booth and invariably busts out his yoyo. I guess it's his own design? He's a cool dude.

Thanks for the vid - Interesting style. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around all the string action. Amazing.

Yeah, the yo-yo he uses is one that he designed with his sponsor, SPYY Manufacturing. I think he has two versions now too, the Punchline and the Punchline Repeater...And I'm jealous you get to hang out with him every week. He is one of those players I would love to kick it with regularly, just so I could soak up as much trick knowledge as I possibly can. The Bay Area, in general, is one of the hot spots for yo-yoing in this country, actually. The wife and I really need to plan to take a vacation out there at some point, just for that reason.

Guy showed me some stuff & talked yo-yo philosophy today. Real cool cat.

The only time I got to hang out with him was at least year's Nationals in Chico. But he was pretty damn cool in the short time we got to kick it.

I would have two black eyes and a broken toe just taking it out of the box.

That sheeit is fantastic. I got to see Jarret his buddy, Jason? and his GF doing that stuff at the NWCF.
Mesmerizing to watch.

Black eyes do happen. LOL. I actually gave myself a really good shiner several years back. The yo-yo string knotted up on me, and when I went to throw it again, the yo-yo swung around and busted me right in the eye. It hit me harder than any fist ever did, and within 2 hours my eye was completely swollen shut.

Nothing like having to tell your friends that you got into a fight with a yo-yo and lost. =P

That kid is insane. You think he would do the super hot yo-yo challenge? :party:

One day, maybe. There was some interest in it at Nationals this year. But because I injured my ankle the last day we were in town, I wasn't really in the condition to do much filming. Next year though, we will be going there with the intention of filming people trying the challenge. It should be comedy gold.

I'm with Scovie, in my yoyo days the string had a new knot every few inches down every time I picked it up. I was lucky to have it come back up....

Nowadays, the new tricks people are coming up with involve tying knots and untying them. I have a few slipknot tricks of my own, actually. They look like they are a big knotted mess, and then I pull a string segment, and everything falls apart.

BTW, here is one of my original tricks that I came up with:

It's awesome how these days everything that was so nerdy and uncool, is all of the sudden hip and the thing to do. Yoyoing to Dubstep....lol, awesome but kills me at the same time. He does have ridiculous skills.

Dubstep is everywhere these days, unfortunately. I hate to admit it, but I was one of the very first people to do a yo-yo freestyle to Dubstep. Too bad the genre became overrun by hypetrain producers trying to cash in, and the quality of the music has fallen way off as a result. Dubstep was so much better before it became popular. But I digress...

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]
the last yoyo trick i mastered was the brain scrambler and bhudda's revenge... but i got tired of buying strings, then having to modify my yoyo's for different tricks... bah... it got me no tail and just kept getting more expensive...

last month i found my two turbo bumble bee gt's and my yomega metal missle... started showing my kids how big of a nerd their dad was in middle school... LOL... they know since they have to stare at 10+ boxes of comic books in the living room... :(

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Right on. If you became frustrated with the quality of yo-yos back then, you should serioulsy think about getting a new one. The yo-yos of today spin longer, don't snap back as much, and are just better for having fun while throwing. If you want some suggestions for new models that are worth buying, definitely let me know.[/background][/font]
The wife and I really need to plan to take a vacation out there at some point, just for that reason.

If you do, the first round of beers is on me. :cheers:

Come on by the Hayward Farmer's Market and kill 2 birds with one stone - say hi to Guy and we can hit up Buffalo Bill's brewery up the street after the market closes & suck back some pints.

Ps - I dig the bridge jumper!

Pps - I asked Guy the same question - "ever given yourself a black eye?" - he said he never hit his face, but he took it a little too casual once and clocked himself pretty good in the leg. basically chucked a brass yo-yo at his shin at 1000 mph. lol

If you do, the first round of beers is on me. :cheers:

Come on by the Hayward Farmer's Market and kill 2 birds with one stone - say hi to Guy and we can hit up Buffalo Bill's brewery up the street after the market closes & suck back some pints.

Sounds good to me. I'll let you know when we start making more definitive plans for a Bay Area visit. Things are pretty much up in the air right now though. We're about to be moving here in the next few months, and in the meantime I will be up to my eyeballs in reviews, cooking videos, and yo-yo tutorials. That is going to be my focus for most of the winter, actually. But around springtime, after we're all settled in at our new place and I am burnt out on an entire season of editing videos, I think the wife and I will start putting together some solid west coast vacation plans. :cheers:
Ps - I dig the bridge jumper!

Thanks. It took me an entire weekend to figure out how to pull it off, but the time spent was well worth it. Everyone I showed it to at Nationals wanted me to teach them how to do it.

Pps - I asked Guy the same question - "ever given yourself a black eye?" - he said he never hit his face, but he took it a little too casual once and clocked himself pretty good in the leg. basically chucked a brass yo-yo at his shin at 1000 mph. lol


He's lucky he hasn't dotted his eye with a yo-yo yet. But hitting yourself in the leg could hurt pretty bad too, I would imagine. One thing is for sure though. Once you do get hit with a yo-yo, you quickly learn the importance of having a quick reaction time and an ability to dodge. =P

I bet this kid quickly learned the value of dodging. :P
JuanHubero said:
One of my newer tricks that I filmed over the weekend. Now that I have my camera rig all dialed in, it is time to start filming new videos and yo-yo tutorials. :cool:
that was super sick. 
ETA - never mind, ya already answered. :rofl:
At the market on Sat Guy tried to do that trick you called out on FB - and he NAILED it the 1st try. Then I wanted to film/post it & he could not do it to save his life. 9 takes later he gave up, pissed. hahaha
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
At the market on Sat Guy tried to do that trick you called out on FB - and he NAILED it the 1st try. Then I wanted to film/post it & he could not do it to save his life. 9 takes later he gave up, pissed. hahaha
That's how it works.  You can land a trick 20x in a row without a camera on, but then fail every time when you actually try to record it.

The same thing also happens to me whenever I come up with something new, and then try to show it to the wife.  I can hit it a bunch of times in a row, but then not land it once once Julia is watching.