Product Testers FOUND for new product

For release of the product, I was thinking of a dropper bottle in an aluminum tin with black electrical tape around the tin. With the dropper bottel, wax won't work, so I thought to put the bottle in an aluminum tin (like a tea tin) and wrap with electrical tape, since there are a couple electricians around here~ Thanks, 1F1

If you're going that about "Old Sparky: Put some juice back in your life." That couldn't possibly more offensive, right? :D

Maybe you can call it "The Last Drop" and underneath it put "pure Evil" Let them know this is the last drop you will need for just the right spice without all the Quote "yuck" end Quote....hehe Either way I think your reputation will sell it alone around here. You could just put "buy this" on it and I'd try some

I like this one too!
Damn I picked the wrong night to go out I guess. I would have liked one. I guess I will have to wait until the next batch. I like the name Pure Evil btw.
I have not a clue where I may or may not have tried some in a hand labeled bottle. Toothpick dip and in the mouth....all I will say is SL you hit it spot on with heat and no nasty flavor. Glad I didn't drip a drop in my mouth because without a dropper I would have got tooooo much on my tongue.
SD I am fine. The Squatchman hooked me up from a leak that flowed his way.

Thanks for the thought.

The one 'squatch ended up with might have been from the first batch, I can't remember. I'm always using Scovie and Juju as victims VOLUNTEERS for tasting things...I can't keep track of what goes where. :lol:

This one is Batch #2.2, 5x hotter.
Happy Thanksgiving Guys and Gals. How hot is this additive SL?? around 1M 2M........5M?? Or is this why you want us to TEST it out hehehe
[voice="curious brit"] oh really?? [/voice]
HHhmmmmm got your interest eh? :lol:

Actually, this might be a good thing as you guys can do a side-by-side and see if you can tell a difference. We've discovered a great way to do a side-by-side is to dip one toothpick in each sauce and then lay or roll both toothpicks on your tongue at the same time, one on each side of your tongue. You can then taste both at the same time, see which one is hotter, etc.

Happy Thanksgiving Guys and Gals. How hot is this additive SL?? around 1M 2M........5M?? Or is this why you want us to TEST it out hehehe

Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

(I knew someone would end up asking that question....:D ) I haven't figured out the heat level yet, I didn't take the right measurements of quantity/volume when I was making the sauce. I will on the next batch though.

I think it pretty stoopid hot. But as you said, that's why I want others to try it. I'm also thinking about doubling the heat, which is one of the questions I'll ask on the little questionaire going out with the bottles.
4 bottles spoken for-

nmorris, I like the name, but I know sometimes names involving Satan and such can turn some people off. Knowing the clientele will be extreme chileheads, maybe the name is OK. I'd like to hear more discussion. What do y'all think?

I for one will not buy or support products that have "satan" or "evil" in a title. I know a lot of folks think naming things like this is witty(and it may be, especially for hot stuff), but I can assure you that you lose a lot of potential customers using names like that. Marketing studies over and over have shown that offensive named items do not sell as other named products. Whether it is EXACTLY the same product or not. Even folks that are on the margin or undecided about a product will opt for another if they think that family members or friends would have an issue.

Many folks/customers will never outright tell you this is the reason why, but nonetheless, dollars that can go into your pocket will not if the name comes off offensive. Even if it only offends 10% of potential customers, wouldn't it be better to have 10% more profit in pocket?

I think there can be a real market for this type of product, and the product itself sounds awesome!
Tell that to Drake's.


I never knew anyone considered names like this offensive. Really, I never knew. How is this offensive?
Tell that to Drake's.


I never knew anyone considered names like this offensive. Really, I never knew. How is this offensive?

I am not radical, and over the years eaten a fair share of those actual snacks. Just being straight. Think of it this way.. many folks will accept a conversation about God, but when you start personalizing it with Jesus.. it is a no go. Satan is offensive to a large portion of the christian political right, which is a very large purchasing group, especially here in Texas. You do not have to agree with their views, but you can not deny they are a large voting and purchasing block.

In marketing, if dollars are to be capitalized, it is best to name a new introductory product with a name that describes what it does, Marketing 101. "Pure Evil" does not really describe what it does. Some of the other names in the thread do describe it more apropos.

Again, I think the product sounds GREAT and has a marketable agenda. Just stating from someone who has 20 plus years in a sales and marketing background that naming products that can be questionable to some definitely leaves revenue dollars on the table. In our troubled economic times, every dollar counts.
You have to have very serious and strict beliefs to let the name of a snack cake or hot sauce offend you. I mean if you see the name Devil Dog, does that make you think that the manufacturer supports Satanism? C'mon.
If a hot sauce is so hot it's evil, and your story is it comes from the deepest pits of hell... it should not be offensive to anyone. It's the marketing story of the sauce. Hell = hot, according to legend. Right? If a place is hot why can't a hot sauce come from there? That is not offensive.

PC gone wild?
I think you have to be really sensitive and over the top religious to allow these names to offend you, but that's just my opinion. Some people might see me avoiding sauces with crude names like a$$blaster and the like as being too easily offended. The truth is you cannot please everyone. I personally think that for a product like this one the name will draw more people in then it will repel. It is intriguing, witty and instills just enough fear to be fun.