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Random facts

Big Lebowski fact: Allen Klein, who composed and owned the copyright to the song that played at the end credits, initially wanted $150,000 for them to use the song. Upon seeing a rough cut of the movie, he immediately changed his mind when he got to the Taxi-cab scene, when the Dude uttered "I hate the f*(&ing Eagles, maaaaaaan!", at which point, Klein stated they could have the song for free, since he too despised the Eagles.
Medical fact: The speed at which fingernails and toenails grow is directly correlated to the length of each individual digit. The longer the finger/toe, the faster the nail will grow, but the difference is barely perceptible day to day. This is why toenails grow slower than fingernails, and need to be trimmed/clipped less often.

Historical medical fact: If a patient died during surgery in ancient Egypt, the surgeons hands were cut off as punishment.
Pepper fact: CARDI is known as the only producer of purified and genuine Scorpion hot pepper seeds from the country from which Scorpion hot pepper seeds originated in Trinidad and Tobago. Many seed companies have been selling “Moruga scorpion” which does not exist. 

Or so Cardi says anyway lol
Geography fact: Due to snowfall, K2 is briefly taller than Mount Everest for a few weeks a year, and because of plate tectonics, both are growing by several inches a year faster than erosion's ability to break them down
Culinary fact: Of the over 450 officially recognized varieties of cheese, more than 240 come from France.
Japanese fact: The number 4 in Japan is considered especially unlucky, because the word for "four" has the same sound as the word for "death". Also, putting ones chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice during a meal is considered an omen of death because rice is offered with vertically-placed chopsticks in the Shinto funeral rites.
Scottish fact: Under Scottish Law, in order for an island in the Scottish Hebrides to legally be considered an island, it must be able to sustain at least 1 sheep.
Literary fact: In the Arabian Nights, the very first line of the text explicitly states that Aladdin was from China.
Biological fact: Even though King Cobra venom isn't even in the top 10 list of most toxic snake venoms, it is still 40 times more potent then cyanide
Sports fact: According to Olympic regulations, the metal in an Olympic Gold Medal is in fact, 92.5 percent silver
Game show fact: The highest amount of money capable of being won on a single episode Jeopardy is $283,200
Canine fact: Of all the registered breeds of dogs in the world, only Chinese Crested dogs are capable of developing acne.
City fact: Housing is so expensive in Aspen, CO, that someone can earn a salary of $104,000 and still qualify for government subsidized housing.
SadisticPeppers said:
Geography fact: Due to snowfall, K2 is briefly taller than Mount Everest for a few weeks a year, and because of plate tectonics, both are growing by several inches a year faster than erosion's ability to break them down
Scottish fact: Under Scottish Law, in order for an island in the Scottish Hebrides to legally be considered an island, it must be able to sustain at least 1 sheep.
And therefore, one horny Scotsman, right?
Biological fact: Most carnivorous animals in nature will refuse to eat a dead animal that has been struck by lightning, and there is yet to be any explanation for this phenomenon.

Gaming fact: Opposing sides of the 20-sided die used most commonly in tabletop games as Dungeons & Dragons always add up to 21.

Primate fact: Male pattern-baldness is a trait shared among many male primates
Historical fact: In 1916, it was made illegal to mail a building using the Post office because a man was able to successfully send, brick by brick, a whole building via the US Postal service. His reason? Postal rates at the time were cheaper than bulk freight rates.

Two states, Connecticut and Rhode Island have yet to ratify the 18th Amendment, which began Prohibition in the US.

Literary fact: The name "Wendy" didn't exist until it was invented by author J. M. Barrie for the novel "Peter Pan"
Musician fact: As a cryptographer in the Army, Johnny Cash was so good at his job of breaking Soviet Codes, he was the first American to find out about Joseph Stalin's death.
Historical/Geological fact: The eruption and subsequent explosion/destruction of Krakatoa was the loudest sound in recorded history. The explosion of the caldera was so loud that in comparative terms, if it were to have occurred in Utah, everyone in New York City would have clearly heard the explosion.
Television fact: When Jack Webb passed away in 1982, he was still so well known for his portrayal of Joe Friday on Dragnet that the LAPD retired his badge number on the series (Badge Number 714) in his honor.
Presidential fact: Congress at the time so distrusted President James Buchanen, that when he asked Congress for the money to pay for purchasing Cuba from the Spanish, they refused for fear that he would take the money and leave the country with it
Comic Book fact: One of the only major differences in superheroes between Marvel and DC comics is that Marvel comics, by and large, are set in real cities, whereas DC comics are largely set in fictional cities.
Medical fact: While women are carriers of the hemophilia gene, almost all cases of hemophilia manifest in men because it is carried on the X chromosome, and men have no corresponding chromosome space on their Y chromosome to counteract the gene's expression. In order for a woman to present with symptoms of hemophilia, she had to get copies of the gene from both parents, as it is recessive.
NFL Fact: The Kansas City Chiefs' name has nothing to do with Native Americans. They were instead named for the mayor of Kansas City at the time they moved, Roe Bartle. His nickname was "Chief", and he was instrumental in getting the team owner, Lamar Hunt, to move the team from Dallas (where they were called the "Texans") to Kansas City.
Business fact: Henry Ford was an early proponent of hiring people with disabilities and treating them equally. In 1919, fully 20% of his workforce had some form of physical of mental disability, and they received the same pay and benefits as anyone else.
Business fact #2: Reed Hastings, the founder of Netflix, was inspired to create the company when he was forced to pay a $40 late fee for a VHS copy of the movie "Apollo 13".
Historical fact: King Louis XIV had a phobia of sharp or pointed weapons, to such an extent, he banned knives from his presence at the dinner table.
Language fact: Germans have a word for the weight gained from emotionally overeating, kummerspeck. It literally translates as "grief bacon".
Australian fact: When Burger King decided to expand to Australia, they were surprised to discover that there was already a chain called "Burger King" in the country. So now, if you want to get a Whopper in Australia, you have to go to "Hungry Jack's".
Animal fact: Between their thick blubber, translucent hair and black skin, polar bears are nearly invisible in infrared wavelengths.
Medical fact: Colorblindness is far more common in men than women. It is present in some form in 7% of men, but only 0.1% of women
Animal fact: A study was conducted as to what effect music had on termites. Researchers discovered that termites eat twice as fast when heavy metal music is playing, and still have yet to figure out why.
Animal fact 2: Owls are the only bird capable of seeing the color blue
Anatomy fact: Knee caps don't begin forming until a toddler is 2, and don't usually finish until the child is 6 years old.
Las Vegas fact: A number of hospital workers were suspended in 1980 when it was discovered they formed a gambling ring, and were betting on when patients at their hospitals would die.
Statistical fact: Donkeys kill more people per year than plane crashes
Legal fact: In Bangladesh, children as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on tests in school
Culinary fact: Due to its antibacterial and bacteriostatic properties, honey doesn't spoil. Ironically, it can contain botulism spores, which is why it is not advised to be given to infants, as their immune systems haven't fully developed yet.
Funeral fact: In Ancient Egypt, a person with shaved eyebrows was often in mourning for their cat.
Animal fact #3: Fur seals get horribly seasick if travelling on boats.
Word fact: Courderoy is the anglicised version of the French phrase "cour de roi" or "cloth of the king"
Medical fact: Colorblindness is far more common in men than women. It is present in some form in 7% of men, but only 0.1% of women
I object! A very very small amount of women have an extra type of cone in their eyes that let them see way more colors than 99% of people. Does that mean 99% of people are colorblind?! Yes! Now if you want to talk about specific types of colorblindness..
Heres the wiki about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrachromacy