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Reaper trashing...

Inedible said:
All I know about Carolina Reapers is that I want some.
At the risk of advertising in the wrong place, check the url in my signature.  It is the only pepper I have left from 2015 season because is in our new high tunnel.
Hotpepper, funny.  The whole thing has me very disjointed.  True or not, the teeth and claws on some of the folk I have respected for years have come out.  It is like a frigging feeding frenzy only the folk circling like sharks have very little to gain.  I have not idea what their motives are. 
ajdrew said:
At the risk of advertising in the wrong place, check the url in my signature.  It is the only pepper I have left from 2015 season because is in our new high tunnel.
You just got an order from Iowa City.
Thanks. I appreciate it. Of course, this is my first time buying peppers online. All I have to compare with are the in store prices at my local grocery. A 1.75 ounce box of ghost peppers might run from $6 to $10. When they can get scorpions, it generally goes from $10 to $12 for the same size. They can't even order Carolina Reapers. A local gardening center gets seeds for superhots every December and I thought I was going to have to get seeds from them. It didn't really occur to me that the price for some Carolina Reapers might be higher than usual, especially with shipping thrown in.
Inedible, our online prices are much better in the summer.  But even then, it is MUCH better to find someone locally.  You should look into your local farmers markets.  Probably much better pricing.

Even better, grow your own.  Even without so much as a back yard, it is amazing what you can do with a window and a few lights.
My neighbors kill my plants when I put them outside and the windows belong to the cat. I have my first ghost pepper growing under lights in the kitchen. My cilantro isn't going well. The roma tomatoes aren't sprouting yet, but I hope to add them to my collection. The two things I'm really hoping for are to get some pods from the ghost peppers and to grow some Carolina Reapers. The packages of ghost peppers from the grocery store say they are a product of The Netherlands. When the seeds from those sprouted, I gave away all but two of them. The neighbors killed two of the ones I gave away - same apartment complex. As far as I know, there were two other survivors in addition to the one in my kitchen. Carolina Reapers. I can just imagine what those are going to taste like. I have added in ghost peppers to sauces with jalapeños and my sauces ended up being weaker than I was hoping for.
Grocery stores in Iowa City get ghost peppers from the Netherlands?  Wow, that is just not right.  Ghost is grown all over the US these days.  Your neighbors suck.
They say they can only get what the warehouse keeps in stock. So no scorpions most of the time, and ghost peppers are a lot less common than they used to be. They never have reapers. It is better to grow my own.
You just need better connections,message sent
Just an FYI,your getting hosed on 10 pods for $20USD
2lbs shipped for $45 is much better,youll see
My online order was for 5 pods at $10. The price ranges I listed before were for buying boxes in person at the grocery. It was all I had for the purpose of comparison.
I can only imagine how nice it would be to have 2 pounds of superhots.
Shit bro. 2$ a pod!?!?!?! You gotta be effing me!!!!

Check out the vendor section for real. Plenty got pods. Actually with the frost around ...maybe they don't have a lot.

Check with Wicked Mike. I know for sure he's got crazy amounts of pods on plant still. That crazy Miami heat!
TNKS - 2015 season, we sold 3 1/2 pound boxes for $42.00 shipping included.  Your $45.00 for two pounds seems like rape to me.  Our of curiosity, does that include shipping?  Our price did.  So we put it at your doorstep for about $12.00 a pound.  in fact, the price is by volume and some peppers come in much heavier, thus cheaper per pound.  Have a couple patrons who get an even better price for larger volumes but we just scratched wholesale this past year.


Punch line, this is not on season.  Frost has come and taken all but what is in the green house.  Green house not large enough to offer such volume.
Sirex, first gotta say EXCELLENT topic.  Please visit the business in a bit.  Going to post on the broader topic and hope for your input.

Yes, $2.00 a pod is frigging insane.  I suspect offering fresh produce from a heated conventional green house in my climate is not economically feasible because i do not see anyone doing it.  But no way to know until i try.  I suspect the electric bill will be huge so instead of using my labor based method of figuring prices in the summer time I am going with what the market will bare.  i adjust prices based on the volume of red in the green house and the rate of orders, pure supply and demand.  By next winter, after i get the electric bill and compare it to sales, i will have a much better idea of what i need to charge.  Thinking it will be more along the lines of a different price for each month.  Gotta get the electric bill for each winter month to figure it out.

However, i do want to point out that our full SFRB (25 - 30 peppers) are currently set at $25.00 including shipping.  Also, if you look above i think i told the guy my winter pricing is high, either here or in another section i have been recommending other growers cause my winter prices are high, every page on my site that offers fresh peppers this time of year says my prices are high because it is winter, and i think i filled his box. 

Remember, i am the guy who ships SFRB (30 ish peppers) for $10.00 most summer and fall.  Just cant do it in the winter.  Not yet, but working on an underground green house that might not need electric heating.  We will see.

So please dont ride me hard, trying to figure out fresh pods from KY in the winter.  Now off to the business section for the bigger picture and hope you will join me.
WTFE! you just hosed the guy for 5 pods @$10 which is exactly why your loosing traction on the FB pages
Judy will be back in 2016 and ya'll can all have a seat and watch the magic happen " A G A I N " !
ajdrew said:
So please dont ride me hard, trying to figure out fresh pods from KY in the winter.  Now off to the business section for the bigger picture and hope you will join me.
Keep going and being forthright with your business AJ.  You'll be fine. 
TNKS said:
WTFE! you just hosed the guy for 5 pods @$10 which is exactly why your loosing traction on the FB pages
Judy will be back in 2016 and ya'll can all have a seat and watch the magic happen " A G A I N " !
TNKS - This reply is going to be long winded, consuming much time, because you are a contributing member of THP.  While you might think i am trying to do you some sort of imagined slight, this is actually an effort to improve your sense of self.  It wont seem like that until you get to the bottom, but do not skip ahead because the foundation of the point will be missed.

You do not argue well.  You said $22.50 a pound was a good price.  I replied by saying i sell for $12.00 a pound.  Even provided a link as proof.  You said i hosed the guy.  I explained that i warned him my winter prices suck, he ordered anyway, and i think i doubled his order.  Right now, there is a grower in Florida that has SFRB of Carolina Reaper at $35.00 a box with a long wait.  i am shipping next weekday at $25.00 a box.  You conclude I am 'loosing traction' because i am screwing people?  That just seems odd.

Your 'loosing traction' comment with respect to facebook gave me a clue to your poor logic.  I now understand where you are coming from.  You are one of the little click boys, people who find an icon and then worship that person.  Have seen it in other niche groups and now in the pepper community.  Don't feel bad, the compulsion to form tribes is an evolutionary programming.  Forming tribes once helped humanity to defeat the common enemy of starvation by allowing us to take down a buffalo.  Today, that threat is not so apparent.  As a result, humans create an imaginary enemy for a tribe to rally behind.  Thing is, trying to create some sort of imagined war between Judy and myself won't work.  Not only do I respect her much, I am one of her customers.  While I won't go so far as to say we are members of some formal tribe, let me share with you how things really work in the pepper business.

There's certainly a handful of people who are fueling the icon worship and imagined enemy thing, but for the most part people in the pepper business are like anyone else.  The smart ones have figured out symbiotic relationships benefit all.  Essentially, people in the pepper business figured out the same thing the outlaw motorcycle clubs did some time ago.  Sons of Anarchy type stuff benefits nobody.


A Canadian seed company asked if i would ship seed to Canada.  i said sure, but why don't we trade.  He made a list, i made a list of equal value, i sent him seeds, his seeds are on their way to me.  A US seed company asked me if I could help with his short fall this year, i explained i can not process enough peppers to fill his order, so he bought boxes of fresh pods.  Another US seed company bought boxes of pods that i am fairly sure were processed for seeds.  Mr. Duffy mentioned buying seed stock from Bakers Peppers when he was low.  When I ordered from Judy, I used the business address which starts off Peppers by Mail.  If she ever needs something from me i will be flattered.  With Mr. Phillips facing some serious medical bills, i offered to use my website to promote his seed sales.  I also offered to set up a web site for someone with a well known name to operate a fund raiser.  Yep, a few people are trashing the shit out of a few others.  But for the most part, the growers, seed folk, sauce makers, we all depend on each other for our prosperity.  Sorry we do not trash on each other the way you think we should.  So lets talk about that trashing.

Do YOU think StandandFire and Ed Curry ripped off the Wounded Warrior foundation with Chocolate Plague hot sauce?  After all, that is really what your little attack here is really about now isn't it.  It certainly is not about price because i have clearly shown you to be incorrect in that respect.

If you do not think StandandFire and Ed Curry ripped off the Wounded Warrior Foundation, why did you not say something?  I believe the answer is the moderator was the one spreading the rumor.  Please do not feel bad about being a coward.  I understand.  Not wanting to be rebuked by a group (that page) is a survival instinct.  Deep in your evolved psyche, you feel you need that group or you will go hungry for not being able to hunt that buffalo alone.  I get it, i really do and i really do with you well.  However, you should know that such conduct is not always beneficial.  i will explain.

When pressed for proof to back up the rumor he started, the moderator replied thus:

"I know more than you could handle, I want people to figure it out for themselves. If I said all that I know or heard it would be too overwhelming for most." - The Pod Father

Because we were talking about peppers, i think a rational person would think that statement was rather over the top.  Lets face it, that smacks of Skully and Mulder and UFO conspiracy theory complete with anal probes.  I pressed him to provide proof or declare that he did not mean to imply StandandFire and Mr. Curry had ripped off Wounded Warrior.  He responded by taking a forum vote to boot me.  Until I got booted, I noted not a single yes vote.  Once i tired of his games, i attacked his penis.  I think the term i used was 'limp dick little mama's boy'.  In so doing, I caused him to show the group that he had lied about not booting people, that the rules of the page about open attacks being welcome did not apply to him.  It was all planned very well and served its purpose.

Now i am not all that focused on building my own little online cult, but this is the lesson i want you to learn.  Because i stood up to the guy, because i insisted on proof or retraction, I attracted a great many facebook friends who also recognize the Pod Father's conspiracy theories for what they are.  Good people who think for themselves.

In not standing up to the guy, what you have done is further secure your standing with folk who think they are the Pod Father of the secret pepper conspiracy.  So this is what i want you to understand, the alchemical truth that i mentioned before this long winded explanation.

I know it is scary without a tribe of people to hunt that there buffalo.  But if you speak the truth and show that you are worthy, you do not need to join a tribe.  Instead, the tribe will find you and because they do so based on the value of your soul rather than your willingness to goose step you will be ever so much better for it.

i sincerely wish you all the luck in the world.
Nope aint reading your Greatful Dead logical view of reality
$45 for 2lb SHIPPED of great/fresh late season pods is a good deal.
In summery you get the win you live for
I move on to better days free of whining about all my lifes issues in every discussion.
Your a delustional mental case
Your intellengence is your downfall.
Get on with your dirt farming dynasty already