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Recipes for making sauce from yellow 7 pot pods

Hello all , i have quite a few yellow 7 pot pods almost fully ripe , i have never made sauce before and im wondering if any of you pro sauce makers out there could share some of your recipes.
Also im wondering can i freeze the spare pods straight from picking of the plant to use in the next batch or do i need to dehydrate them first before freezing?
Freezing them works well althought the texture will not be as solid for poppers etc. I like the flavor of the y7s as is so I usually don't add a lot more to my sauces except lemon/lime and/or vinegar to acidify
Hi fellow Aussie...
Man you can just google sauce recipe and add your heat or go through the forums on here for great recipes.... i have just made a orange hab sauce if you look right next to you on your post in the main sauce menu but just go with your gut!!!
If you have never made sauce ask relo's or do what i did first time... got a really nice steak sauce and poured it in a saucepan and just added some stuff and my heat till i liked it.
Freezing them works well althought the texture will not be as solid for poppers etc. I like the flavor of the y7s as is so I usually don't add a lot more to my sauces except lemon/lime and/or vinegar to acidify

I like the flavour of the yellow 7 pot too so wouldn't be adding much else to it apart from similar flavours such as pineapple.
When I freeze my pods I usually chop them up first into portions that can be taken out and used whenever needed! Then you don't notice the loss of texture so much either.
With regards to sauce making, freezing the pods isn't goping to affect you much. As was mentioned above it will soften the pods and make them breakdown easier so cooking them down is easier.
Another choice would be to make a mash of the peppers and then just pull from your mash as needed. This will preserve your peppers and not cause the softening as freezing does.

With regards to other ingredients for a sauce, there are common ingredients to all sauces such as onion, carrots, other peppers beyond which you only need to know whether you want to make a sweet or a savory sauce. To just add a bit of sweetness try adding some Honey or Agave nectar. Most any fruit will work also. I have used Mango, Pineapple, Golden Raisins, Tamaring, Plums, raspberries and am planning on using other fruits in the future. Basically you need to figure out what your flavor profile is going to be and then add ingredients to get there or as Mr Comfy said, "just go with your gut."

Yellow 7's work well with pineapple and mango.Garlic and fresh Ginger.I puree with just enough squeezed lemon or OJ to allow for a good paste and set aside.Decide on a flavor mix using fresh ingreds...get the flavor where I want, then add the puree.Usually I end up adding a bit of salt to savorize the sweet
a bit.Bring to boil slowly.....cool , and SCARF! Really hot...3 parts pepper puree, 1 part flavor mixture, and so on. I would suggest no mash until you get a feel for ingredients- unless you are familiar with the process and want to wait for fermentation. Freezing is easiest for storage, drying them for powder can always be done later if you don't have a dehydrator now.......good luck

Heating is not REQUIRED,it does help marry the flavors and kill any critter germs. You can heat to boiling in a microwave and canning jars, or go for the stove top.Monitor VERY closely on stove top as thick liquids burn easily.......
there's some good recipes at pepperfool.com Any recipe with a habanero-type or other orange/yellow chile can substitute your yellow 7's. Just read through a bunch, find one that looks good and go for it! I'd suggest making a smaller batch, or several smaller batches if you want to try out different recipes. When you find one you like, then go for the big batch.

Have Fun! Post pics~~~ :cool:
Yellow 7's work well with pineapple and mango.Garlic and fresh Ginger.I puree with just enough squeezed lemon or OJ to allow for a good paste and set aside.Decide on a flavor mix using fresh ingreds...get the flavor where I want, then add the puree.Usually I end up adding a bit of salt to savorize the sweet
a bit.Bring to boil slowly.....cool , and SCARF! Really hot...3 parts pepper puree, 1 part flavor mixture, and so on. I would suggest no mash until you get a feel for ingredients- unless you are familiar with the process and want to wait for fermentation. Freezing is easiest for storage, drying them for powder can always be done later if you don't have a dehydrator now.......good luck

Heating is not REQUIRED,it does help marry the flavors and kill any critter germs. You can heat to boiling in a microwave and canning jars, or go for the stove top.Monitor VERY closely on stove top as thick liquids burn easily.......
Thanks for the great advice mate, im only a newbe to making sauce so ill try the mash some other time, ill go watch some vids on youtube then have a go , thanks again.


Thanks for the advice guys , cheers.

there's some good recipes at pepperfool.com Any recipe with a habanero-type or other orange/yellow chile can substitute your yellow 7's. Just read through a bunch, find one that looks good and go for it! I'd suggest making a smaller batch, or several smaller batches if you want to try out different recipes. When you find one you like, then go for the big batch.

Have Fun! Post pics~~~ :cool:
Hi Salsalady, thanks for the link i will be checking it out And yeh smaller batches are the way to go for newbes.cheers.
Heating is not REQUIRED,it does help marry the flavors and kill any critter germs. You can heat to boiling in a microwave and canning jars, or go for the stove top.Monitor VERY closely on stove top as thick liquids burn easily.......

+1 This thread answered my question because I have a 7-Pot plant that is ripe w/ 6 peppers on it. I think I'll simmer it a bit w/ pineapple and a few other veggies & spices?
+1 This thread answered my question because I have a 7-Pot plant that is ripe w/ 6 peppers on it. I think I'll simmer it a bit w/ pineapple and a few other veggies & spices?
6 peppers won't get you very far, so you will need to add stuff to it. I like adding some canned chipoltlies...they add a great flavor