rock wool

Not having the kind of success I had anticipated with rock wool. Minimal and late germs at best and a significant amount of of hooks wither at the surface. still waiting for some seed to germ at all. Downside is I was arrogant and committed key seed to this start. I am usually very cautious and always anticipate the possibility of failure and allow for it with reserves. Lesson one, careful when you step out of your comfort zone. Will still hold out hope for better late than never germs from the flats as I have seen that happen in the past.
Preparing for 3rd start and reevaluation of grow list. :banghead:
I started using rock wool last September when I decided to grow indoors. I had issues germinating in 1.5" cubes. After many, many google searches, I bought a rock wool tray for my dome and came up with this system.
I used 5.5 ph water to soak the wool before putting the seeds in, as rock wool is alkaline. at first sign of germination, I would use 6.0-6.5 ph water with a week dyno-grow mixture 100 ppm or under. I used these seedlings for indoor hydroponics, so I really have any data on transplanting into soil. but I have had good luck with germination in doing this. I hope this helps.
i always pop seeds in water or paper towels prior to the rockwool mini cubes... like i said earlier i was never confident with their moisture content at all times like i am with peat sponges.
you can just glance at a peat sponge and tell it needs a spritz of water.
I have had concerns that it may be a moisture content issue. Tough to tell most times. I dont want things super saturated but I dont want them drying out either.
yea i used to water them then squeeze them gently to remove the excess.  that was my standard.
ive also seen folks use capilary mats made from some special material or even coco coir fibers. you would just pour water over this mat and the cubes, sitting on this mat wick up the moisture.
Its a bust.       Again
It's going to be a late start this year.  (VENTING)
Just wasted a whole F****** month and some virtually irreplaceable seed.   (VENTING)
&%*&#$&^_#^%*&Q_#*^%*#^( REALLY VENTING NOW)
I got maybe 10% germination on  2- 98 cell flats and 50% survival from germ on. The only variable from years past is the rock wool.
I haven't had much luck with Rockwool either. Though I haven't really put the time into learning its intricacies. Peat pellets seem to work better for me.

I'd like to chime in in favour of the RW cubes.
I've been using them for three seasons now and I am nothing but satisfied. 
They are cheap, pest free and super easy to use.
This years seeds, started saturday 23 january (late I know...)

First hook, Paper lantern, after two days (monday 25jan)

Pic below is from yesterday (monday 1 feb), small hooks on the Rocoto, CGN21500 and Mulato.
10 days in it's only the C.Galapagoense that still hasn't shown any signs of germination.


@queequeg152 Thats right the seeds are from Fatalii,
didn't get the stickers this year but I got them last year,
this year instead I got some nice freebies!