• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Rory 2015

So I kicked my season off NYE by soaking all my seeds in a light regular tea solution for 24hrs.

New Years day I placed all the seeds in individual plastic containers with scottex kitchen paper and sprayed them with water.

Afterwards they went straight onto my "heat mat" (hot water tank). Where they stayed until they germinated.

Also I had 3 plants over-wintering from last year.

The numbers: From 92 seeds, 68 germinated. 65 have survived .


Seeds I saved from last years harvest, chilli s I bought from markets, European Seed Train, THP members, Jamison, IkeepFish, BeerBreath.
Thank you all for trading with me!

Here is my list:


Bishops Hat
Aji Brazilian Pumpkin
Aji Amarillo
Aji Limon


Carolina Reaper
Bahamian Goat
Aji Charapita
Chocolate Big Bang Naga
Habanero Chocolate
Habanero Orange
Hot Paper Lantern
Jay's Peach Jolokia
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Naga Morich
7 Pot Jonah
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum (yet to germinate)
Datil (yet to germinate)
Yellow Devils Tongue
Arivivi Gusano (yet to germinate)


Numex Sunrise
Goats Weed
Paprika (yet to germinate)
Bangaldesh Torpedo




Charapita- possibly dead
Brazilian Pumpkin- started sprouting
Bangladesh Torpedo- possibly dead

And thats my grow lust 2015.
Last year I began germinating mid February and it worked out ok. However this year I have included a few superhots, so I wanted to give myself more time. Also last year I planted directly in the soil without doing the paper towel and pre soaking method and my germination rate was both lower and slower, averaging 3 weeks. This year took me by surprise, after a couple of days most had germinated. I had no soil ready, no lights ready and no light box set up resulting in very leggy seedlings. More on this later...
I plan to plant out mid April, early May.

I hope I havent started too early!!!

Thanks if you have got this far...and hopefully you can continue on this journey with me . In March I am hoping to become a father, so it promises to be a fun filled season with plenty of surprises I am sure. I will try to keep it updated as best I can.

**Photo s will be taken from my tablet computer and may not be the best quality, but hey? Its a Glog not a Plog? :)
Over Wintered Brazilian Pumpkin with some possible problems??

Gave it a really really light Ox blood nitrogen fert about a week ago

Is it a result of that do u think? Its my first time OWing so I really have no idea what I m doing lol
Hey just a little update, unfortunately the Paprika from the European Seed Train did not germinate, however I have 2 healthy Arivivi Gusano seedlings and one 7 Pot Bubblegum who decided to join the party a little later.
Today I installed a new light CFO 3400lm cool white, and topped all my large plants. Its my first time doing this at such an early stage so we will have to wait and see the results.
I also did a light watering with a slight OxBlood nitrogen mix added. I am all out of soil so there will be no potting up for the moment:)
Thank goodness the OW Brazilian Pumpkin has decided to kick into life with plenty of new growth, just receiving natural light from south facing window.

Thats all folks, thanks for reading

Also got a few tomatoes to germinate, Yellow Plum, Black Krim, and Zinfandel I think its called!!
Looking good way ahead of me .
I waiting a little longer got seeds on there way and it just snowed but a warm up is on its  way.
A very happy Brazilian Pumpkin

Have a nice wknd folks!!
Nice work over there Rory, everything is getting big real quick. Not sure whats up with the OW but hopefully it'll come around too good of a plant plant to lose.

Its comin good;)
Didnt bother watering my plants for 6 days and needless to say today I found them in a state of lifelessness. Just gave them a good watering and crossing my fingers they ll come good.
In my experience tho it is easier to kill them by over watering than it is to under watering!