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Routebounds 2011 year

They look healthy.

Are you planning on growing them inside or outside?
For outside growing you are a little late but you might still make with the fastest growing ones.

I will add pics later. I also have Serrano and bell both in a 5 gal pots that i overwintered from last season. Tell you what My serrano bush produces some hot asH serrano's. Brought a couple to my neighbors and had them all panting and eyes watering just nibbling on them.
I'm in florida so we only freeze a couple times a year so they will go outside in bigger pots.
I will keep my favorite's as clone moms inside.
I have a 1000k HPS and 4x4 flood table i have been debating on breaking out when it gets cooler outside.
Does anyone else keep clone moms of there pepper plants?
Next season I will have a grande harvest.
Time for an update. Hope all is well with everyone out there.

First up is my tray inside. Hot wax in front,Bhuts,Jamaican reds

Photo-0110 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Hot wax, Bhuts, Jamaican Reds

Photo-0111 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Next are Long Slim Cayenne hardening off on the north side of my house.
I put them under a wicker chair for dappled light.

Photo-0114 by RouteBound, on Flickr


Photo-0115 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Nice size bell pepper. The serrano and bell peppers were overwintered from last season.
I really need to upgrade to 7gal pots or root prune them both

Photo-0116 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Ok from left to right Basil, Serrano, Bell

Photo-0117 by RouteBound, on Flickr

My new pup Hammy...Gonna be my catch dog hes got lots of prey drive so he should take to hogs as well.
You can see my okra in the backround.

Photo-0118 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Last but not least my Homemade Self watering pot.
Fill through white tube you can see in the dirt.
I have planted inside Marigolds, Lettuce, Cilantro, and okra.

Photo-0119 by RouteBound, on Flickr
Update pics taken today.
2 of my bhuts are getting purple leaves.
1 of them started from a seedling almost all white/pale green.
This one was started like all the others just an oddity i guess.

Bhuts are the three on the left. Smaller one was the white one.

Photo-0177 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Photo-0181 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Not advertising its just the case i use to germinate my seeds

Photo-0183 by RouteBound, on Flickr

the paper towel on top has bhuts. ones on bottom are joe e parker and 2 on bottom sprouted within 36 hrs.

Photo-0184 by RouteBound, on Flickr

My jamaican reds

Photo-0182 by RouteBound, on Flickr

And last is anthor one of my getting purple bhuts. This guy sprouted out white for the first couple weeks.

Photo-0180 by RouteBound, on Flickr
Your plants are looking nice Route!
When I start mine under lights, sometimes I see the purplish leaves, I think it is too many hours of light. JMO,,but it always clears right up when I stick em outside!

hmm I have a timer set for around 12 hours.
Im gonna flush them out tomorrow. Rewater with ph'd water with seaweed extract added.
Next week im gonna plant up to 2 gal grow bags
Well its been awhile since I have posted a update.
We dodged Irene but that hasnt stoped the rain.
Daily showers have my container plants to moist so some of my leaves are getting yellow.
Moving them into the garage for 2 days to let them dry out a little.
Without further ado i present to you.....

This Wasp follows this plant anywhere i take it to. Caterpillar guard

IMG_2514 by RouteBound, on Flickr

early jalapeno on left 2 Bhuts on right

IMG_2515 by RouteBound, on Flickr

2 Jamaican reds left and same as above jalapeno

IMG_2516 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Left to right Aji Lemon,Douglah,Brain Strain. The brain strain is recovering from being beat with water running off my roof.

IMG_2518 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Huge leaves on the Douglah.

IMG_2519 by RouteBound, on Flickr

My dog Hammy and LS Cayenne

IMG_2520 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Ripening Cayenne Peppers would prob be bigger but its only in a 2 gal grow bag.

IMG_2521 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Long Slim cayenne in the ground. Its loaded with pods and it might be only 2 foot. Guinea pig bedding get washed near it and it always loves it greens up alot.

IMG_2523 by RouteBound, on Flickr
Your plants are looking great Stephen!! :dance:
And the leaves on your Douglah are huge man,Hammy looks like he wants a pepper to chew on!!

haha as soon as he smells them he hops back and shakes is head.
would be sweet he snacked on them too though.
Thanks Kevin!
Stephen. Everything is looking good. :woohoo:
A few more weeks and are peppers will really start to take off. :onfire:
Once the heat and rain subsides! :dance:
That Douglah is growing like a weed :lol:
Alright time for an update.
Havin hard time typing two swollen fingers on my right hand.
3 stings on my pointer 1 on my pinky 1 on 1 on my forearm.
That will learn me haha.

Group shot Left to right
Douglah, Aji Lemon, Jamaican red hab, Bhut Jolokia , Jamaican red

IMG_2712 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Bhut Jolokia

IMG_2713 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Jamaican Red

IMG_2714 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Aji Lemon Starting to flower! I got the seeds From Wayright. plant out around 7-21-11

IMG_2715 by RouteBound, on Flickr
Douglah starting to flower. Seeds from Wayright same plant out as Aji.

IMG_2716 by RouteBound, on Flickr

Tha...tha.tha....tha...thats all for now folks!