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Sandwich of the Month

Hey y'all. A recent discussion with THP about Cuban sandwich's in another thread has inspired me to begin this thread.

What is a sandwich? According to wiki...


I myself shall endeavor to post a Sandwich of the Month for every month. This month I tip my hat to one of my favorite sandwiches, The Cuban.

While I encourage y'all to post up your Cuban for SOTM, for the sake of popularizing the thread, feel free to post your sandwich. Be it BLT, turkey sub, gyro, po'boy, etc.

Some rules.

1 ~ Meet the criteria as linked above according to wiki.

2 ~ True, burgers are sandwiches but as we have other threads devoted to them, we will not include them here in this thread. No burgers.

3 ~ List ingredients and methods of how the sandwich was put together.

4 ~ No matter if it is a classic reuben or tuna salad, include a heat ingredient.

5 ~ Pics are mandatory. Talk is cheap. Show us the money!

6 ~ No tortillas. We have taco threads already, and that also means no stinkin' "wraps".

7 ~ Have fun.

I'll post up my sandwich shortly.

Bon appetit!
Nice BLT there, TB! And that place you're working sounds like one of my favorite "food sin" places to go - so good!

I bought bacon. Really I did.
And I was going to make a BLT with it. Really, I was.

But now my son's in the kitchen, wrapping nekked chicken thighs with a coating of bbq sauce with the bacon.

Guess that means I gotta go to the stoh again!
Oooh girl!

Take a pic of them bacon wrapped chix thighs when they're done!

Shanks for the BLT kudos.

I wish I could eat more baconz but ya' know...

I've gone over to the hippy dark side and with the exception of fish and shrimp, I'm mostly vegetarian.

Mostly I sez.

2 more weeks and I can have a cheeseburger!
Kewel! Enjoy that cheezeboiger when you have it - Mrs. Blues should take a pic of you slamming that in yo face for us! LOL
Bacon-wrapped chix thighs. They're mighty good. Mighty good! So good, I usually only eat one chix thigh, but tonight I had two. Pics? Uh. Um. Like I thought of that before I dug in and before they disappeared??? LOL - Maybe next time!
This is fine... just perfect as is.

I could eat that in...... 4 bites!

You can't handle raw red onion?


Thin, marinated slices yes. Hunks of raw onion looking like donuts, no. And I've heard your story of how you bite into onions like apples. You disgust me! :lol:
I must admit that on that sammwich I like the onion.
typically, no.

Something about the combo of flavors/textures there just work for me.
If (when) I were to try and recreate that beautimousness.....

I admit, I'd have to sliver that purple rose. But that's just how I roll.

I also had a red onion make my eyes water this Summer..so I'm a little skitchy right now....

BUT! If TB made it for me....I'd mao it down and love every bite of it, I know this.....
Back from the store to make a BLT and prevent TB from making some SoyBacon BLT sheeit...


Chili garlic mayo to spread on the bread.


Bacon in the CI.


Bread mayo side down getting browned in the bacon grease.


Assembled BLT with Sargento three pepper cheese on top n bottom.


Can we now stop these crazy SoyBacon threats??
You see there mein froinds?

The mere mention of the word SoyBacon can motivate anyone.

ZD I am soooooo McLovin' that sammich.

Except for the crispy sharp edges that always cut my mouf'.

Is that like a colby/jack cheese with chile's?

And kudo's especialle' for the Viet Chile Garlic Mayo.

I'm not a big mayo fan but mixed with stuff like that or Sriracha, I can dig on it all day long.

I salute you sir!
Except for the crispy sharp edges that always cut my mouf'.

Is that like a colby/jack cheese with chile's?

Thanks TB, the SoyBacon threat really got my motivation going. The crispy sharp edges are a little deceiving as the mayo softened them out a little and prevented the usual chaffed roof of the mouth.

The cheese was a Sargento deli slice with jalapeño and habanero, blended with co-jack.

No mo' threats or next time I'm putting a runny egg on my BLT.