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Queso means cheese! If you're taking about queso dip say queso dip, just saying queso is giving the word a new meaning. Like salsa! Salsa means sauce but we changed it into an actual type of sauce to eat with chips. SAVE QUESO!
A friend made this chilli queso for our pizza night. Not bad at all
I'd hit that sheeit like Pepe LePew hittin' Skunkville on Saturday night.
Tell your friend that he's SAVING QUESO.
And you Booma, sir, as assistant QUESO SAVER with the man ring thumb chingadera...
Wait. What kinda chip is that? Some rice or lentil thing?
Pita bread, that she sliced up. Seasoned with olive oil and spices then cooked in the oven till golden brown
Dammit that was my first guess but they looked too thin.
Nice. Pita chips and queso. 
Its that time once again.  Queso needs savin'.  I gots the goods, chorizo chopped and rendered, onions and jalapenos diced and sweated, wine, roux, sheeze, Velveeta, spices (nutmeg, ground red pepper, paprika, chile powder, cumin, garlic).  Enjoy.
Sorry, the rendering chorizo pic didn't turn out.





You haven't lived until you've had chorizo con queso.
Make this sheeit and its instant "date night" with the missus.
JayWow knows how we do it downtown!
True story.
JayT said:
I learned from the master.
Wish I could say that was me.
This guy is the master.
And he is Saving Queso at 2:10.
Prior to that he's saving guac.
Pretty badass if you've got a 100w Marshall Plexi in your kitchen.
That is the most un-hygenic looking cook I've ever seen!  ffs, he's got a beard you could hide a moose in
But ya know, now I've gots a craving for guac, queso and strangely a moose steak
Moose steak.
That is one piece of meat I would never throw on the ground.
Some of the bestest healthiest meat on the planet!
Now gimme' some of that quac n' queso pronto!