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Queso means cheese! If you're taking about queso dip say queso dip, just saying queso is giving the word a new meaning. Like salsa! Salsa means sauce but we changed it into an actual type of sauce to eat with chips. SAVE QUESO!
TB is talking shit about the Save Queso campaign. He's on some Save Quinoa kick. WRONG SQ TB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who's got some queso to put in his dog bowl?? SAVE QUESO!
Whoa whoa whoa...  Save Quinoa?  TB said this?  I need a link pronto.  I just ate some queso yesterday, but didn't take any pics as it wasn't anything exciting.  Now I wish I had.  Bad TB, BAD!
Here I am saving queso last night.
Butter, onions, fresno chile, and chipotle adobo.

Added cream and reduced it by half and then fistfulls of shredded sharp cheddar.

Schmokey, schpicey, and scheezeee.
I was going to do up some flat top potato's and splooge the queso over that but it got too late.
I've done the reduction method several times now and much prefer it to a roux/bechamel base.
So there.
Boom goes the dynamite and I just saved queso.
You maniac! That looks killer! You reduced the initial cook before adding the cheese, how far down? Until it was like a mash? Or still liquidy?
Looks like queso!!! I've seen queso that looks like oil, or milk, or curdled. This look appealing! The way it should. Like movie theater cheese but with good ingredients
Whers the monee shot? hahahahahaa
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You R welcome!!!!!!
The Hot Pepper said:
You maniac! That looks killer! You reduced the initial cook before adding the cheese, how far down? Until it was like a mash? Or still liquidy?
Looks like queso!!! I've seen queso that looks like oil, or milk, or curdled. This look appealing! The way it should. Like movie theater cheese but with good ingredients
Much obliged THP.
I sauteed the onion and fresno in about a 1/3 stick of butter, then added a couple spoonfuls of some chipotle adobo from the 
can and let that simmer.
Most of the water from the veg was cooked out but the liquid from the adobo and butter remained.
Then yeah, added cream and simmered and reduced that by half before turning down to low and stirring in the cheese.
Super creamy, rich, and decadent and far superior to that found in Tex-Mex joints as most if not all, use milk rather than cream.
This method also has the advantage of being roux less which if you save some for later and reheat, it won't break.
Seems like he used to make it with flour (roux) and sounds like he's been tinkering, probably better since you've had it. 
Yeah yeah yeah... talk amongst yourselveves. funniyest shit on here this stastion tonight! BEAST POST! 
:Boom: ;bOLD:
Scoville DeVille said:
Whers the monee shot? hahahahahaa

You R welcome!!!!!!
So glad to see you come around to a rouxless queso TB! I wondered about the flour before, but you know, to each his own. I've kind of been on a big cream kick for about a month now - been trying it in all sorts of things that I haven't added it to in the past. That and dark chocolate. Ok, yes, now I just may have to try dark chocolate in a queso experiment….. oh lawdy!  :lol:
texas blues said:
I was going to do up some flat top potato's and splooge the queso over that but it got too late.
Papas a la Huancaina! A classic Peruvian dish, basically queso with potatoes. Do it up!
And make some ceviche, and I'll be right over! :D