smoking Scotch Eggs

First attempt at some scotch eggs on the WSM.


Unfertilized chicken fetus in a dead bovine carcass.
Looks great!
But you don't wanna' get your face too close to those things.
The meat might peel back like a flower opening and then the egg jumps out and attaches to your face.
Then it shoves its dirty yolk tentacle down your throat.
Next 'thang you know and you're waking up with a full grown live rooster bursting out of your chest.
Good times.
The Hot Pepper said:
Well duh, they don't fall out of hens.
Captains Log.
Stardate 2017.
Drunk posting detected.
Thats you.
Of course.
Not me.
I have never been drunk while posting on THP.
Except for maybe that one time.
I 'member that time.
I was taking my pants off over my head.
Because JayT was posting some BS about oven ribs.
But it was some pretty dang good BS!
Kirk out!
Scotch eggs have breadcrumbs and are fried, I'd venture to call these Texas Eggs, or Murican Eggs lol. Might need some bacon for the latter.