• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS 2019 Container and Kratky GLOG

I am starting an indoor grow experiment so I might as well start the new years glog at the same time. Today I threw 3 seeds in the dirt(hoping for 66% germination). I will keep 1 in dirt and 1 in Kratky. These will stay in my grow room under my 8000K T8 shoplights from the beginning through fruit.

Devv said:
Very nice, dirt day in October ;)
As freaky as the weather has been as of late; if you have a chance of frost just let the sprinkler run on them. It's saved me a few times in the past.
I've heard of this before. I was tempted to try it tonight, but tomorrow is going to be colder. I may just be done for the season
Devv said:
Very nice, dirt day in October ;)
As freaky as the weather has been as of late; if you have a chance of frost just let the sprinkler run on them. It's saved me a few times in the past.
I did that sprinkler thing in Minn once, it got colder than they predicted and in the morning I had over 100 plants with 1/4 inch of ice on them. It looked like I was having an ice sculpture contest![emoji3063]
skullbiker, i also use MG potting mix. you doctor yours up more than i do. i add about 10% black kow or mushroom compost to mine. the stuff works. 
my bro lived in key largo and then miami for 20+ years and the grow season is exactly opposite from me here in new england. i`m pulling my last plants out and you are just planting now. enjoy the long growing season! :cheers:
skullbiker said:
I did that sprinkler thing in Minn once, it got colder than they predicted and in the morning I had over 100 plants with 1/4 inch of ice on them. It looked like I was having an ice sculpture contest![emoji3063]
The last time I did that I had 48 peppers and 48 maters in the dirt. They all turned to ice and I let the sprinkler run until it melted (around 9AM). I lost just 1 pepper. I'm sure in Minn it just stayed cold that day...
skullbiker said:
Good ol Monty Montufar is still fighting the long battle on the road to become a big Rocoto producer. I saved him from being gnawed to hell by a relatively small worm/catapillar bug.
Is that an ant there in the second photo?  What's he want?
Just a few pics as some of the plants start forming some pods.
Tequila Sunrise

Biker Billy

Cherry Bombs

Jimmy Nardellos

Mutant Cherry Bombs.............Note, this is my own open pollinated seed and shit happens. Will have to see how this one plays out! I am reasonably sure no tags or seed were mixed up.