• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248's 2014 small wild grow

Well...after much debate between mama and I, WE (she) have come to the conclusion that I may have grown a few too many plants the past few seasons??? :whistle:  :crazy:
2012 I grew out about 70 plants not including the huge number of ornamental peppers which about doubled that number. I didn't regularly harvest the ornamental plants so I ain't counting those...and in spite of some virus issues I was able to put together an epic season. So epic in fact that I had to purchase a chest freezer to store all the excess pods for future processing. 

Here is one 2012 pull...I had numbers like this EVERY weekend! My season started (too) early and lasted until Christmas that year. I finally finished processing them just before I started pulling pods from my 2013 plants...
2013 was a "smaller" grow and in spite of my best efforts to keep the target of 20 keepers I promised the wife...I still ended up with over 50 plants. The "problem" in 2013 was...I really had no problems. My plants stayed healthy which meant...even more and bigger pulls...

A 2013 pull...

and another...
The hits once again kept on coming. Every weekend...thousands of pods. Which is a great freaking problem to have, but not according to mama. :stop:
So this year is gonna be a real deal small grow. I have talked her into letting me grow out 5 plants all of which are awesome wilds that I am super excited about. All 5 varieties are from John (Pr0digal_son) I have so many cool varieties left in the seed bank, but they'll have to wait until I have more time to dedicate to my garden and family. 
For the past two years I have been a "geobachelor" which is a military term for folks that are stationed away from their families. I am only home on weekends...so dedicating so much of my few days home for the past two years to my grow has really been kinda selfish. 
All that being said, I am still a grow addict...so I have talked her into allowing a few more "must have" varieties. So to my 5 wilds I will be adding a couple staple varieties...oh and wait, I am overwintering 7 plants...well really 11 but 4 are just ornamentals for Bonchi plants. :rofl:
One overwinter is my growdown winner Birgit's Locoto...

Official measurement for the contest was just over 11' tall. Seeds started on Valentines Day and final measurement on Halloween...fun contest. Haven't seen a growdown posted for this season??? Keep your eyes peeled folks, tons of fun!!!
Here is the list for 2014...

Well not really a list as much as a photo...started 4 seeds each.

Soaked overnight...

Into peat pellets...

and set in the magic temp zone on the heat mat...

I verify temps using a meat thermometer and will monitor until It stays in the right temp area. 

Temps slowly climbing for now...and there won't be much to report on for a while. These varieties are notorious for slow germination.
C. Tovarii 0/4
C. Exile Chacoense 0/4
C. Eximium 0/4
C. Galapagoense 0/4
Huge Rocopica 0/4
To those awesome varieties add the overwinters:
Birgits Locoto (3)
Romy Mystery Plant (2)
Pequin (1)
Goat's Weed (1)
Manzano (2) (still alive, but not attempting to overwinter...not gonna kill them on purpose though!!!)
I will also be sarting some Jals (Mucho Nacho) and Numex Big Jim's a bit later.
Here are links to my past two season's glogs...in case you're bored and have about a week to try to get through them both.
2012: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27268-stc3248-just-another-grow-log-holiday-harvest/?hl=%20stc3248%20%202012
2013: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/36599-stc3248-2013-grow-log-seasons-greetings-and-seasons-end/
It for now folks...welcome to 2014!!! I will update when I can and show my growroom and the progress of the rest of the overwinter plants...Thanks for looking in, there are a ton of glogs this year! 
stickman said:
Excellent work Chief! Errybody looks happy! Can you tell yet if the companion plantings are working for you?
Things are still pretty cold here at night, but I'm starting to get pods on my NuMex and Hungarian varieties, and Lourens' Piri Piri plant. Your Texas Pequins are about 8 inches tall and looking very green and happy while they wait for warmer weather to kick into higher gear. I managed to successfully OW the Manzano you sent last year, and it's leafed out very well. I think I see the beginnings of flower buds at the nodes, so it should be a great producer this year as well. Cheers!
Glad to hear those Tx Pequins aren't balking at being so far north! I need to get over to your glog and check out how that Manzano and Pequin are doing!
Devv said:
Nice update Shane!
Glad everything is moving along nicely for you. I see poppers soon!
Thanks Scott...poppers are getting pretty close for sure! I am pretty stoked...but my son is freaking ecstatic!
Pulpiteer said:
That hummingbird shot is awesome! You've just reminded me that I don't have any Nasturtiums going yet this year.  I need to get on that...
Thanks Andy! The hummingbirds are quite a trip out here...back east you get ruby throated or ruby throated. Out here there are 5 common species and many more that arrive as vagrants. Very cool...as for the nasturtiums I have only grown them a few years but they're really easy out here. I just tossed some seed pods around the garden after tilling. They did the rest.
maximumcapsicum said:
Love the jalafeugos! Very long pods, I imagine good for slicing into coins and preserving/eating fresh. Maters are looking good too! Any movement on the bonchi front?
The Jalafuegos are really impressive thus far...only thing left is the taste test to confirm they're a keeper. I still really like the Mucho Nachos too...they have great heat and flavor, and produce huge numbers of tasty hot pods. Their pods also blacken when in direct sun making them very cool looking to boot! I am about to post some photos...can't remember if I snapped any showing the blackened pods??? Stay tuned and if not I will try to show them this weekend.
romy6 said:
Looking mighty fine mi amigo  :fireball:
Hola amigo! Como estas??? Stay thirsty my friend!
So here is a little update...pics taken over the weekend.

Sure enough...here is a pic of the Mucho Naco with the blackened pods. Not the best pic, I will try to get a better one next weekend.

Another so-so pic...Cap 1530 (Pr0digal_son) budding out and should have some open flowers when I get home this weekend!

Chacoense Var. Exile (Pr0digal_son) I kept two plants and they're both stunners and growers!!!

Here is what they look like up close...they're really gonna keep me busy picking! :party:

CGN 19198 (Pr0digal_son) this one is very vine-like. Sprawling out and emerging from the undergrowth in odd places. I keep trying to wrangle all the shoots up and get them back in order...but I think it's a lost cause. The tallest plant in the garden if I hold her upright. :rofl:

The Jalafuegos are going to be heavy producers too...sure hope they taste good. The plants are vigorous growers and seem to be very resilient. Once the summer heat really kicks in we'll see how they do.

The Numex types are both doing well also. They're really starting to put on some great growth. Most of these up over 2' and climbing...but the real story in underneath...

The Joe E. Parker...

and the Big Jim.

Some critter damage...Looks to be some sort of small mammal. Good thing is once they got to the juicy middle part of the pods it seems they figured out they didn't want any more. They hit a handful of Jals and Numex chiles...but haven't been back for more yet. We'll see if I have to take action, but I doubt it. I am still going to have more than I need.
I think that's 10...will follow up with some foodie shots and a step by step on the roasting and peeling of the Numex types later tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for looking in!
Hey Shane... pics show you're just nailin' it with the Annuums! I get Jalapenos with that purple cast quite a bit when the green pods are exposed to the sun... no problemo... Your Anaheims are also kickin'... looks like rajas in your future as well as poppers. :drooling:
stickman said:
Hey Shane... pics show you're just nailin' it with the Annuums! I get Jalapenos with that purple cast quite a bit when the green pods are exposed to the sun... no problemo... Your Anaheims are also kickin'... looks like rajas in your future as well as poppers. :drooling:
Haha...Thanks Rick! Don't get me wrong...I ain't sweating the blackening pods, just think its a really cool trait. I got over and checked out your glog...you're killing it this season! Figuratively of course... :rofl:
Pr0digal_son said:
Awesome Shane. Big Jims are great. I am doing Numex Isleta and Barkers this season. Mucho Nacho is my fav jalapeno also. I have had a couple of those slap me pretty hard. Have a good week.
Johnny boy! Sad to hear you're pulling out of the growdown...sure hope you reconsider, I am certain once you figure out that Chuncho's Rubic's Cube you'll put on a show with that bad boy! Much of my grow this season is all due to you and the amazing prize package you put together. Thanks again brother!
Ok...so the computer is acting a little funky, but I will try to get through the chile roasting pics.

I like to start with them chilled either in the fridge or a sink full of ice water while the grill pre-heats. Keep the burners on full bore and the tongs ready.

Roast them until all sides are evenly blistered. You can get away with charring the ends a little...but too much and you'll burn through to the good stuff. As they finish I move them to indirect heat on the other side of the grill. Be careful during this part of the process. Many of the pods will balloon up and burst with the heat. Some of the hotter ones like Big Jims can be a bit painful if when it pops in your eyes...two options there, puncture them when they start to expand before much pressure can build up, or wear cool sunglasses. :cool:

This is what a perfectly roasted chile looks like IMHO. Just enough to get the tough skin to release from the inner deliciousness...

Once done I put mine in one of these amazingly awesome steam chambers while still piping hot and leave them in there until cool enough to handle without burning your fingers...

Seems as though I was  :drunk: a bit too much and forgot to capture the peeling process. Not rocket-surgery though. Just remove the outer skin and split down one edge, remove the stems and seeds. I gently rinse the seeds away trying to leave as much placenta as I can attached, but its easier to just split and scrape the inside clean. up to you. Once that is done you're left with little green chile slabs of goodness to be sliced, diced and added to your favorite dish. Burgers, eggs, chile con queso...or in this case...

A big batch of pinto beans...to be enjoyed with your favorite _______. Fill in that blank how ever you like. I went with some...

Pork shoulder! Hit it with about 4 hours low heat smoke (200ish degrees) using apple wood.

Just as the edges start to brown up its time to wrap them up to prevent making pork jerky...then a couple more hours.

They're done when the meat starts to sag away from the bone...this time hunger pains family wide prevented the shot of the final plate up of pulled pork sammies. We went full on Carolina style with a spicy vinegar concoction added in along with some more of that wonderful diced up green chile.
Last but not least, a friend of mine retired last week after 20 years of service. She had asked me a couple years ago to build her shadow box...and although I haven't dusted off the tools in a while, and prefer not to build them anymore, I couldn't say no.

Here is the finished product. White cedar panels with aromatic cedar trim. None of her medals or awards are in there yet, as she chose to do that herself once she got it moved back home to Tx. 
All for now...I think that's 10 again. Will try to snap some phone pics of the Barracks grow tomorrow. Thinks are looking Bhut-iful out there!
Very nice foodie shots Chief... you got my juices flowin' f'shure! Have you ever made Migas with roasted green chiles instead of Serranos? I often do when making them for family that like things a lot less spicy than I do without sacrificing that picante flavor.
Shane's back in full swing! Pod shots, food shots............pretty soon harvest shots !

I like that photo of the "Parker" cluster. I appreciate putting any Anaheim/Hatch style pepper on the grill

Hope you have a great weekend...it's almost here
Aight...I am on leave for a couple weeks!!! I am going to cop out and just answer the one question from Rick...I've never made migas! As for the rest thanks for following and all the kind comments! I have more than 10 so will drop by and post whenever I need to come in and cool down...a TON of yard work to be done over the next couple days before the relatives start rolling in for my Daughter's graduation!
I will start with a Barracks update. Pics taken Thursday more for evidence of how they looked when I left them. Fingers crossed that the caretaker doesn't turn into an undertaker...

A group shot...

The "M7" from PepperProblem...

Wondering now if "M7" stands for Miniature??? It set some last year and has ripened a few dozen this year all this size...and all VERY hot. Definitely a super, but I am stumped and wish I knew more about his grow??? Rest in Peach brotha...

Mucho Nacho 


Bubblegum 7 finally hitting it's stride. Really starting to take off...

A bit blurry, but the Calyx are big...good to see, because these seeds were just a viability test at the end of last season and not isolated...looking good so far.

Fatalii looking stunning...going to be a nice little shrub!

No pods yet, but she's doing a whole lotta blooming, so won't be long.

Finally the wind battered Bhut...she's set a couple pods, but thus far they're the early wonky pods...a ton of flowers open though so I am hopeful I come back to some real poddage in a couple weeks.
Many more to post, but a little yard work first!!!
Thanks Rick!!!
Been a long weekend of getting ready for all the company...I have been trimming and bundling cuttings by the truck/trailer full and still tons more to do. I got around yesterday and found some stuff worth clicking at yesterday.

I finally got around to putting the last of the hold-outs in the ground. The two here are a Galapagoense (Pr0digal_son) lft and an Eximium (Pr0digal_son)rt. 

Here is another Eximium (Pr0digal_son) I put in my back corner garden.

It's on the left in the center of this little garden. I had planned on putting a lot more in this little space, but with the sprawling nature I am already seeing I decided to put a few in another spot. There are 6 pepper plants in there. One at each corner, the Eximium (Pr0digal_son) and one in the center is a Chacoense Var. Exile (Pr0digal_son).

Cap. 1530 (Pr0digal_son) setting some pods!!!

CGN 19198 (Pr0digal_son) putting on some buds...

Chacoense Var. Exile (Pr0digal_son) podding up nicely.

Mucho Nacho with a nice tan...

Not to be outdone the Jalafuegos are getting huge! I am really digging these...I don't know how much bigger they'll get, but they are already big enough, sure hope the flavor is on par with their appearance!

The one labeled "Chilitepin" at Wally World is no such thing....Pequins are my favorite though, so I ain't gonna complain one bit!

Finally...the volunteer on crack is setting pods!!! Haha...Don't mind my mess in the background, that is what I have been working on for the past few days. I have a few more, but not sure I can pull out another 10...will be back in a bit.
Thanks again Rick!!!
Not too many more pics today...just a few odds and ends.

The Tomatillo plant is nuts...already topping the 6' fence with no sign of slowing down. It is in with a bunch of Cosmos and Sunflower volunteers.

Here are the crackbabies big brothers and sisters...another set of volunteers. The only water the crack pepper gets is the runoff from when I water this one.

Here are a couple more volunteers...have no idea what these are??? 

Another 1530 flower set to open.

A different shot of the Pequin...

One of the growdown plants (Aji Chuncho) if I stretch her she comes in at just about 29" the stem is nice and thick...she's gonna be a good one.

The barracks grow tomato plant...

Another barracks grow plant...one of the Green Chiles. Hard to tell from the pic how many pods are on it...but its a bunch.
Finally, last weekend we went to a local burger joint called the Hamburger Factory last weekend with the inlaws...low and behold what the special was!!!

The server asked me at least 5 times if I was sure I wanted it...lol. She said "It's real...REAL hot!" The manager then delivered the masterpiece himself with another question or two and another warning. Man was this burger the BOMB!!! It did bring a little sweat to the brow, but wasn't over the top. Definitely the hottest restaurant dish I have eaten stateside though. To top it off...

A man-sized 32oz's of Fat Tire...next to my Father in law's 16oz water coors light for scale.
That is it!!! I will be back on later to see what's happening in y'all's glogs!
Heh, heh... most of the folks here could walk into your average Indian or Mexican place and eat hotter food than the staff... lol! Looks like your flat tire was less than half flat after putting out the fire from the burger. ;)
Thanks for the Pequin pics... I haven't grown them before, and it's nice to know what they look like when they're growing out and just beginning to set pods. Enjoy your leave!