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I know y'all cook up some great steaks so post them up in here....

I'll start us off…


Getting up to room temp

Throw it on the grill...


Steak, mashed taters with Five counties cheese waiting to melt on top, and some peez


Juices flowing…


Yum! What u got?
My local Try-N-Save aka Kroger, no longer cuts or sells porterhouse or t-bone steaks.
The reason?
Number one in shrinkage.
Or in more practical terms....
The number one most shoplifted item.
I sheeit you not.
I love a good Asian marinade.  You must be a magician to cook that on the grill without burning it at all.  Mine always want to flare up from all the sugars.

Oh wait, I am talking about Paulky.  Yep.  Magician.  Were you wearing the apron with the boobs?
Oh dang Pauly!
Asian style skirt.
Whack and hack that 'thang and slap it on a tore tillah' with some jacked up cole slaw pronto.
Although I must admit.
Bestest skirt steaks I've ever eaten, all of 'em got eaten right off the cuttin' board and never made it to a plate let alone a tortilla.
Pauly yours looks stunningly goodern' hell.
Got dang!
You sure that's not a hanger steak? Looks goodernhell tho!