• Start a personal food blog, or, start a community food thread for all.


I know y'all cook up some great steaks so post them up in here....

I'll start us off…


Getting up to room temp

Throw it on the grill...


Steak, mashed taters with Five counties cheese waiting to melt on top, and some peez


Juices flowing…


Yum! What u got?
Nothing special, 16oz Costco ribeye with basic sea salt and cracked pepper, baby bellas and a baked potato.
  1. Pre slice
  2. deceiving after slice, looks more done than it is...
  3. defeated, can't eat any more
Nice steak Joyner.

Scovie, DFH 120 is a DogfishHead 120minute IPA. They make it at that brewery in DE that I called you from when we were down there for PATB.
Nice steak Joyner.

Scovie, DFH 120 is a DogfishHead 120minute IPA. They make it at that brewery in DE that I called you from when we were down there for PATB.

IMHO DFH 120 is a gimmick! I've had many different bottles from many different years and even tho the IBU's are way up there it's still a malty sticky mess! Now a FRESH 90 minute is a good brew!
IMHO DFH 120 is a gimmick! I've had many different bottles from many different years and even tho the IBU's are way up there it's still a malty sticky mess! Now a FRESH 90 minute is a good brew!
I disagree but to each their own, 75 minute is also very nice but 90 min is usually my go to. I have at least 10 types aging at all times, including some not in production in 2013.
Hopslam has gone the same route, it;s a gimmick! An IPA and a DIPA for that matter should be bright, crisp, sharp etc. Never cloyingly sweet, and syrupy! Save that crap for the noobz, and beer hoarders that are poised to fight over the Westy 12 !

DFH 120 is now classified as a strong ale by many.

My last posts sounded pretty snotty, I'm sorry.
I am glad everyone has different tastes so we don't all fight over the same beer! :)


I love 90min too, but there is something about a beer when you can literally feel yourself getting drunk with each sip.

That's what TEQUILA and bourbon are for my friend! :) :drunk:
I have a love/hate relationship with this thread right now. It's been way too long since I've had a good steak. Blue cheese crumbles on top? Eff yeah!