• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stefan_W's Great Big Beefy Pepper Adventure: Grow List

We all love our peppers, but today is one of the days during the gardening season where peppers take a back seat. I picked my first batch of beefsteak tomatoes of the season!


When the beefsteaks are ready that can only mean one thing: BLTs!!! This is one medium beefsteak and one small to top it up.


Mayo on the lettuce side. The fresh cracked pepper and salt are supposed to be betweem the lettuce and tomato, but it wouldn't show up in the picture that way so I did it wrong in order to take this picture. Yes, there is a science behind the best tasting BLTs possible.

I wish there was some way of getting across just how amazing this tasted, but words can't do it.
I made some salsa this morning to use up a few of the tomatoes and peppers that have been sitting on the counter for a couple of days. I put in 4 purple brandywine tomatoes, a head garlic, a handful of cilantro, 6 firecracker chilis, 2 large cayennes, 1 paprika, and 5 red jalapenos that were just bursting with juice. The only thing added that was not from my garden was a lemon that I squeezed in to help preserve it and a half a white onion. It is beyond tasy and addictive.

My plan is to make more kung pao chicken tonight, but I wont be posting pics of that because I already have kung pao chicken photos in this glog. The big change will be double the chilis, double the peanuts, and half of the corn starch compared to last time.
Pod porn update from the garden:

The first of the bhuts is starting to ripen! I was worried that our growing season in Ottawa was not enough to bring these bad boys to the ripe stage, so this is huge news for me.

The first of the tabasco peppers is also starting to ripen. Same note about concerns with shorter growing season.

I used up my yellow wax peppers two weeks ago making banana peppers. Since that time the plants have reloaded nicely.
First tabasco pepper of the season was ready for pickin when I got home from work today.

So, of course, I decided to give it a try.

Yummy! Hotter than I expected (note the look of shock on my face), but still yummy.
All right, Stefan; you canadians always get your pods :P
Glad to see your season isn't going to disappoint! Great
looking salsa, blt's and harvest1

Oh yeah, awesome 'too as well! How many sittings did it
take to complete that?
Stefan.............those Tabasco peppers do have a bite. I'm growing the yellow and I tryed one off the plants yesterday, suprisingly hotter than the Piri-Piri which I always snack on in the garden. That pot of salsa looks dam good! Have fun with those Bhuts...................cough, cough....................lol They do pack some creeper heat...

All right, Stefan; you canadians always get your pods :P
Glad to see your season isn't going to disappoint! Great
looking salsa, blt's and harvest1

Oh yeah, awesome 'too as well! How many sittings did it
take to complete that?

The picture shows only the top half, it actually ends behind my knee. It was 10 sittings and a total of about 50 hours needle to skin time (i.e. not counting breaks) over the course of 18 months. The tattoo artist actually made a new magnum for the shading because it is such a large piece that is just a shade over 48 inches long from tip to tail. Instead of the usual 5 needle it had either 43 or 47 needles, can't remember which. So it could have been worse. Do you have any ink done?

Stefan.............those Tabasco peppers do have a bite. I'm growing the yellow and I tryed one off the plants yesterday, suprisingly hotter than the Piri-Piri which I always snack on in the garden. That pot of salsa looks dam good! Have fun with those Bhuts...................cough, cough....................lol They do pack some creeper heat...


Thanks Greg! I'm still not 100% sure what I'm going to do with all of the bhuts I'll have by the end of the year. I was expecting to have maybe a handful ripen, if I was lucky, and now it looks like it will be in the dozens. I'll probably dry some, make some sauce, and freeze a bunch for when I need to be warmed up this winter!

very nice. great looking pods. good luck on the rest of the season.

Thank you very much, thanks for stopping in!
No ink, here. I've toyed with the idea, but my wife would divorce me :rofl: She hates tatoos!
I make kung pao beef for dinner, which was amazing. To do it up right I picked off all of the kung pao peppers that had red on them at about noon today. Seven hours later when I was watering my garden I found these guys on the kung pao plant. Not bad production when you have five peppers ripen off of one plant in seven hours!

That is pretty cool. Now how do we get all the plants to do that?
I make kung pao beef for dinner, which was amazing. To do it up right I picked off all of the kung pao peppers that had red on them at about noon today. Seven hours later when I was watering my garden I found these guys on the kung pao plant. Not bad production when you have five peppers ripen off of one plant in seven hours!


dude.. nice kung PAAAOOOO.... thats one long as 4" ghost... id hate to have to eat whole pod and it be that long.. especially since it is in the top 5 of SUPERs.. keep up the grow

That is pretty cool. Now how do we get all the plants to do that?

I cheat and load up on annuums. It is normal for me to come in a handfuls in the morning and then have a couple of handfuls more as I take a last look at the end of the night.

Now you need to make some salsa, BLT's, and various sundried items with those great bhuts o' fire!

Yesterday was kung pao, today is sauce and tomorrow is salsa. I'm going to make some salsa with a yellow brandywine I just pulled, which should look great, and I'll post some pics when its done! The first bhuts will probably be for sauce.

dude.. nice kung PAAAOOOO.... thats one long as 4" ghost... id hate to have to eat whole pod and it be that long.. especially since it is in the top 5 of SUPERs.. keep up the grow


The first time we had kung pao I only had half the amount of kung pao peppers I needed, so it was good but not hot enough. The second time I used the right amount of peppers but they were cayennes, and were not hot enough. This time I had 18 ripe kung pao peppers and they all went in, and man is it hot! Love it! The kung pao beef is actually killing my wife because it is so tasty she can't stop eating it, even though she does not like really hot food.

Following the theme of my last post, I picked all the ripe ones before going to bed last night and this is what I was greated with first thing this morning. There is a mix of hot and cool peppers in the shot. I don't normally pick the bhuts with this much green on them, but the green blended with the leaves when I was scanning the plant and once it was snipped it was too late to go back.

Hey Stefen,
Last year I took all the unripened Naga's and Bhuts and dehydrated them. It made a wonderful "Green Chili" powder and I also had a few jars of shake/flakes. With the green habs I placed them in gallon jars with white vinegar. After two months I had some pretty flavorful vinegar to use with my hot sauce making. Unripened pods are never a waste.