• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Nice to see you're ready to plant out Rick! Considering the size of your growth, you'll be having ripe pods in no time.

Weather over here is already summer like night temps are over 50F, day max around 77 for next to weeks. Hope you get most of the sun :)
How much of it did you use?? and at what stage?

im gonna import loads of ferts etc next year for my early on needs. theyre at the stage now where i think the 5-5-5 fert i used last year is treatin them well +)
Hi G
I started using it right after germination at the lowest recommended dilution... 1 ml to 4 liters. In a cloning or hydroponics setup it can be used more aggressively. Check the General Hydroponics website for usage instructions and the MSDS data sheet. The only thing I would add is to stick with the greatest dilution if used as a root drench for potted plants to avoid salt buildup. I only used it once every other week because on alternating weeks I would use diluted seaweed extract.

Nice to see you're ready to plant out Rick! Considering the size of your growth, you'll be having ripe pods in no time.

Weather over here is already summer like night temps are over 50F, day max around 77 for next to weeks. Hope you get most of the sun :)
Alright Robert! Do you have your plants in the ground yet? I'm sure you'll do very well, and I look forward to reading about your adventures in chile growing this summer. Cheers!

lol Stickman, you going to be sleeping on the cold floor just now... best you get them plants in the soil lol
S'right Lourens! D@%* the Torpedos!

Forecast for Greenfield (01301)

H 61° / L 34°
( Click for Details ) Friday

Chance of Rain
H 57° / L 36°
( Click for Details ) Saturday

Partly Cloudy
H 64° / L 37°
( Click for Details ) Sunday

H 66° / L 43°
( Click for Details ) Monday

Partly Cloudy
H 66° / L 37°
( Click for Details )

The forecast for overnight lows has been bumped up from below freezing tomorrow night, but it's low enough I'll wait until the weekend to plant out.
Thanks for asking Rick. I've planted bigger and older peppers and tomatoes, but a lot of them is still in cups, with only few pairs of true leaves, they didn't grow much until last two weeks, so I gave them more time.

There's a lot of varieties here, some of the super hots are still small (halted by bad weather), and it will be a challenge to grow some ripe pods from them.

I'll probably plant them out next week, and leave 20 plants for textile or plastic pots.
We had a beautiful day today... temps close to 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky! Friday night's forecast is for 30 degrees at its lowest, but warming up at night after that.
Sounding like “Warm Ways” are coming your way, YEAH!
»» Foobar2k ::: Fleetwood Mac - Fleetwood Mac (2004) - 02 - Warm Ways ::: 0:44/3:54 (••••••••••) ::: 473 kbps «« ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

I believe I'm gonna plant out this weekend for sure.
Double YEAH!!! ... don't forget plenty plant out pics, hehe

The other plants can't be wrong can they?
I don’t think so and with your warm mulch blanket you should be ok but you know better than us. Exciting news, can’t wait to see the plant out \o/

Beautiful nons Rick ^_^ have a great day mon!
Thanks guys, and you especially Greg! Anybody sending warmer weather here is OK in my book! :onfire:
Even though I've been hardening off on the sheltered south side of the house, the wind has been strong enough that I had to prop up some of the lankier plants with bamboo skewers.

And a couple of nons. Primrose looking a little washed out... I'm gonna have to fertilize this spring.

And one of my personal favorites... Old Fashioned Pink and White Bleeding Heart just starting to come up!

The Bleeding Heart is important to me also because it was starting to come up when I set up the hoophouse last year, so it's great to get that kind of confirmation this year! Cheers All!
You stole our sun... told you it was on its way, glad it's popped up your side of the globe... but you can only have the sun for a little while now hear?! So you best be doing your chilli thing quickly now... cos we be expecting that sun back in Africa by september! lol Glad to see your summer is finaly coming around!
Good luck on dirt day, may the warm weather be with you!

It's about darned time 'aint it?
Thanks Scott, Yer durned tootin'! I've been champing at the bit for a few weeks now, it'll be good to finally be outside. :dance:

You stole our sun... told you it was on its way, glad it's popped up your side of the globe... but you can only have the sun for a little while now hear?! So you best be doing your chilli thing quickly now... cos we be expecting that sun back in Africa by september! lol Glad to see your summer is finaly coming around!
Hi Lourens, It's just a loan... honest! :D Trust me...

I accidentally left the largest of my Aji Omnicolor plants outside on top of my truck's tool box, and it got down to 28 degrees last night. When I discovered I'd left it out I was concerned, but it took it like a champ. If you look in the top right corner, it has a pod started!

I'm gonna be pretty busy this weekend... I have to work all day on Sunday, so I have to get the nightshades transplanted, stones collected and the hoophouse up by sundown tomorrow. Have a great weekend all!
Yeah...those little Ajis are some tough hombres. Mine would still be kicking it I hadn't finally yanked them around Christmas. The time has come. I have all the ones I am keeping or giving away out of my grow box...all that's left are some stragglers that won't get planted but I don't have the heart to toss. My lights will be off for the season this weekend. Nice to see yours out in the sun!
Hi G
I started using it right after germination at the lowest recommended dilution... 1 ml to 4 liters. In a cloning or hydroponics setup it can be used more aggressively. Check the General Hydroponics website for usage instructions and the MSDS data sheet. The only thing I would add is to stick with the greatest dilution if used as a root drench for potted plants to avoid salt buildup. I only used it once every other week because on alternating weeks I would use diluted seaweed extract.

Alright Robert! Do you have your plants in the ground yet? I'm sure you'll do very well, and I look forward to reading about your adventures in chile growing this summer. Cheers!

S'right Lourens! D@%* the Torpedos!

Forecast for Greenfield (01301)

H 61° / L 34°
( Click for Details ) Saturday

Partly Cloudy
H 64° / L 37°
( Click for Details ) Monday

Partly Cloudy
H 66° / L 37°
( Click for Details )

The forecast for overnight lows has been bumped up from below freezing tomorrow night, but it's low enough I'll wait until the weekend to plant out.

Looks like a cold winter week in my parts. ;) Ricky ticky glad to see the weather is a changin. 28 degrees would have kille any of my peppers :rofl: Dem norhern peppers are tough :dance:
Thanks guys! I surely have been busy this morning. Got 2 loads of compost for an elderly neighbor and got started setting up the outdoor pepper growing area.
Watered first...

The Solar Mulch and sod staples...

Mulch Laid down...

and hoops set up. Time for lunch... I'll transplant out and cover with sheet poly after that...
Everything is looking great! I am excited too, because tomorrow is the day I get to start hardening off my plants. I love the shot of your crowded peppers waiting to go outside! Your plants seem healthier than mine, some of which have started to struggle and developed some brown on the (mostly top) leaves. Freaking late spring.
Looks great, glad to see the weather is cooperating.

This and harvest are the best times...

Everything is looking great! I am excited too, because tomorrow is the day I get to start hardening off my plants. I love the shot of your crowded peppers waiting to go outside! Your plants seem healthier than mine, some of which have started to struggle and developed some brown on the (mostly top) leaves. Freaking late spring.
Most excellent that you're on course to plant out in the next week or so! The sun's been pretty intense the last week or so, so be careful to ease them out into it to avoid giving them sunburn. I didn't so much with mine because they were getting artificial light and sunlight, but some of the leaves on the younger plants still got lightly burned. They'll all pull through though.

Got my peppers and tomatoes planted outside by 4pm today. When my wife gets back from shopping I'll draft her to help me set the poly sheeting up over them... almost done!
Finally finished the hoophouse setup with my wife's help. This year I used flat rocks for weights to hold down the plastic on the sides instead of sandbags. I found out last year that the sandbags disintegrated in sunlight...

I got a few pics of the other veggies I have up in the garden on the "growing other" thread.