• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Swamp Monster's new grow> party cups!!!

I've got some new seeds starting! I already have a bunch of plants going (and fruiting), but I started them well before joining the site, so too late to start a glog. Anyway, just started NuMex Suave Orange, NuMex Twilight, Tabasco, Datil, and Trinidad Scorpion from NMSU, and Moruga Scorpion from Refining Fire Chiles.

My new Moruga scorpions, datils, Trinidad scorpions, tabasco, NuMex Twilight, and NuMex Orange Suave had their first transplants today! V


And here's a blossom to prove my purple jalapeños are pulling through. V

Swamp Monster said:
Some jolokia pods. Most of them are affected by some sort of fungal problem or something, which seems to have been caused by staying wet almost continuously for weeks. Whatever it is, the newer pods don't have that problem so I removed all the affected ones so the plant will have room for more. V

I've had some do that, where plants were planted too thickly.  Yeah, good circulation is our friend.
That hornworm is a beautiful sight.
Maybe I missed it, but are you planning an indoor grow for all those new seedlings?
This particular plant is in a outdoor container by itself....we had some pretty strange weather for a while! I'll probably pick 4 of my inside plants to stay indoors and put the rest outside. And yeah, that hornworm is by far the prettiest thing I've ever caught wrecking my plants.
Purple Flash is getting bigger.... V


I've managed to kill all 3 Moruga scorpions I started last month. The seedling count is now 2x NuMex Twilight, 1 tabasco, 2x datil, 1 Trinidad scorpion, and one NuMex Suave Orange. Here's the best and worst of the survivors....

^ NuMex Twilight, which most of the other seedlings look like. ^
V NuMex Suave Orange, the only seedling that looks this bad. It's the only one out of 6 seeds of its type that emerged with any chance of survival....V
