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Sweet Banana Peppers

do sweet banana peppers have any heat or are they like bell peppers, none :P?
wondering because i bought one plant like that :onfire:
The sweet bananas are only sweet not hot, but you can get hot banana or hungarian wax types which are similar but with heat
The sweet bananas are only sweet not hot, but you can get hot banana or hungarian wax types which are similar but with heat

I find that the Hot Hungarian is excellent in salads and great stuffed.
I'm not growing hot banana's at the moment, but I actually love the taste of them pickled. I love peperocinis for flavor as well. Of course I mix something with more heat with it, but the flavor of them sliced and pickled on a sandwich or pizza is pretty hard to beat.
hiya rabbit keep herein about peperocinis gonna have to grow them next season..is there a particular variety you've grown?:)
talas said:
hiya rabbit keep herein about peperocinis gonna have to grow them next season..is there a particular variety you've grown?:)

I've never grown them yet. When I get more room in the future I'll grow quite a few more things. I just buy them pickled in the grocery store for now.;):)
we good do with better selections in the u.k usally just jalas/manzanos and unnamed chili jars :(
Just tried a Hot banana and was loving the lovely fruit taste but no heat..then wam a short really tight burst of heat.. a nice pepper by far :)