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SY's Four Horseman Burger

Alright well here it is. I made my version of the Four Horseman. I used half a pound of ground chuck. Mixed chopped onion, a little chopped Bhut, Lawry's Season Salt, and some cumin. I let that sit over night. Today I fried her up in "Ole Iron Sides" and it turned out amazing. I had Thai Red Dragon, Bhut's, Thai Sun, Hot Banana, and onions that I fried in the burger and bacon juices. Threw on some lettuce, cheese, mustard, and a very small dab of Blair's Ultra Death Sauce that Hot Pooper let me sample. I didn't use but a drop in the mustard. Assembled and ate. BOOM. Just fricken tasty. Burger was cooked to a perfect medium. Tasted great with the bhut's in the meat and on top. THat flavor is out of this world. Add the bhut taste with the smoky bacon and you have a winning combination. I will for surely do this again with more Bhut and some different habs. Here's the porn:

Fryin' and dyin', baby!

Autoburger transform!!!!!

The mountain of all that is sacred. Booyah!

Well there it is. Hope you liked it and I suggest everyone do their own version. Thanks to Man v. Food and RS67Man who did this to finally get me to pull the trigger.

Yeah some cheese next time. So, your saying sautee the peppers/onions/garlic then put them on the burger after it's cooked?

We just modeled ours after Man vs Food. On the show they sauteed everything and put it on top then added some habanero sauce on top. Obviously making your own version is what this is all about. But yeah, throw some sauteed ones on next time :) Bhuts taste awesome on these.