Very good THP:lol:

I might just make two and give you one moyboy to get everyone off your back. Wait there how are they on your back when you are constantly on your back flat out like a lizard drinking?!!
Hey guys, I have a question. Is the bottom cut out of your drum? Anyone put legs on theirs? I am beginning to think I may have to make one of these...
Nope as far as i am aware the bottom stays on. Why would you want to put legs on it? The height as is is pretty handy.
Thats unless you are 7 feet tall of course!
N_FF said:
perhaps if you dont feel like killing your grass?

Meh grass, if you kill it you dont have to cut it AND you have more room for growing whats important- chillis!

You have a good point though, maybe a few heat bricks that boilermakers use could do the trick.
Hey boss theres a problem with the poll. It says 30 voters but there are 31 votes! Whats the go there then hey?
It say multiple choice, so someone voted on two. Moyboy fail.
LOL I said moyboy fail instead of Nova fail. :lol:
I guess it's just natural.
Well it has been moved a number of times around the BBQ area over the last week and currently has heaps of fire ash in it waiting to go on the garden this weekend....

I can't promise that I will get to it this weekend as I have a few activities of the female variety lined up....:)
LOL... you keep moving it around. I can picture you wondering what you should do for the day, and you decide to move the drum so you can say you worked on it. LOL