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The Fluorescent Grow Challange...

Headin out to the condo for the weekend, So I will take my seeds with me, to get um started. I won't be back on here til probably Sunday when i get back, might be able to get on the mil's computer... Goot luck all, give um hell.
Nope, no seeds yesterday either...I think they took the scenic route. Hopefully they show up today or tomorrow.
Yep to the ends of the earth and back I guess. Our Canadian friend Ta2edfreak got his yesterday and that was going through customs to get there. I did fill out the forms before hand which I was told would make it go easier through them.
Today was not the day either! If I don't get the seeds tomorrow take my name out of the challenge ok. I have no clue where they are.
pepperfreak, Minnesota...isn't that, like, next to Venezuela? :crazy: USPS!

I have one thing to buy in town tomorrow, everything else is from around the house.
Today was not the day either! If I don't get the seeds tomorrow take my name out of the challenge ok. I have no clue where they are.
I hope you do not think you get out of the challenge that easy. If they do not come I am sure it will be okay for you to sub with another type of pepper seed as before Ann got the seeds it was okay'ed for her to do the same.
and, as I've found out (murphy's axiom or one of those thing...) As soon as you ask "when will it get here" it shows up that day.

Perhaps Pepperfreak be included on a [1-2-3-4~~~] day delay if necessary.

and welcome, judohero from Boise! A new member of the North West Pack.
and, as I've found out (murphy's axiom or one of those thing...) As soon as you ask "when will it get here" it shows up that day.

Perhaps Pepperfreak be included on a [1-2-3-4~~~] day delay if necessary.
You do mean Pepperfever and not Pepperfreak right?
Ok if necessary I can find some seeds in my stash..from the sounds of it the seeds themselves are small and I know I have some small ones, several kinds in fact. Also since I've seen the set ups everyone is using I am going bare bones basic..start them in jiffy pellets, no heat mat, when they sprout set them on the shelf under the flourescent, no on/off regulator, do it myself. It's the way I usually grow any way and it shows those who are new that you don't need to spend a lot to raise peppers from seed.
Ok if necessary I can find some seeds in my stash..from the sounds of it the seeds themselves are small and I know I have some small ones, several kinds in fact. Also since I've seen the set ups everyone is using I am going bare bones basic..start them in jiffy pellets, no heat mat, when they sprout set them on the shelf under the flourescent, no on/off regulator, do it myself. It's the way I usually grow any way and it shows those who are new that you don't need to spend a lot to raise peppers from seed.
That is a stellar idea as you are right with the main point in this fun is giving ideas for those new to this on how they can start their own seeds come time. I had not thought about starting the seeds any other way to show others, maybe someone can start them on wet paper towels then transplant to show that method also.
On chatting with you through pm I think if you went with a larger type pepper it may be easier to see changes as the days go bye in this grow and would show that this type of grow setup works with all kinds of peppers or not.
thanks, onefowl1, my bad typo. -fever, not -freak. It was a long week~~~ Sorry, pepperfever, you knew who I was talking to.

I'm using a timer for lights from a previous jury-rigged set up to a further corrupted set up. I'll post more of what I've used in the past, and for this one, I'm definitely raiding the kitchen for supplies.

just to clarify, we're supposed to stick the seeds in the dry soil tomorrow at 9:00am and turn on the flouros then?
Well this is S.S,Tupperware challenge but it seems (and we should have known it would) the bug has bitten many of the members on here and they all want in on this after everything has been set and started in motion. Since the main purpose of this besides something to do while we wait out the winter for our next official grow season is to show those new to this what can be done with using just florescent lighting to start or/and grow peppers. I really have no objection to others outside the ten signed up to joining in with pics of their florescent grows they may have going on during this. SO no need to flood my pm limit with pms about if you can join in. In fact after some things were mentioned by pepperfeaver I think it would be more of a benefit to see all sorts and types of peppers being grown under this type of lighting and not just one type some may do better then others. Grow on my pepper brothers and sisters let the fun begin.
Ok I'm in then!! Strictly will post my grow setup here too...will let u know son what seed I will be growing...onefowl1 said I could grow any pepper seed :) thanks for letting me in on the fun everyone!! :) I just built a fluro light box so this works out for me!! :)
I am sure it will be okay for you to sub with another type of pepper seed
Really? I thought the point was to compare results? Can we just delay the start for those who have yet to receive the Challenge Seeds? I mean...i dont see ANYONE'S post with pics of their starts, and I haven't put mine into the germ tray yet soooo.... Im down for a day or two delay....
Ok I have 45 minutes to start..I will go with larger seeds since I don't have the ones that were sent out..we'll see the differences. Peat pellets are getting soaked, I pour warm water on mine since they will have no heat mat under them. When the pellets swell they are ready to plant. Remember pellets have a solid side and one that looks like it has a hole. The hole is where you put the seed. Many people don't care for jiffy peat pellets but I have never had a problem with them. Grow with whatever works for you. Have to charge camera batteries but I will post the prep pics in a while.
Ok I have 45 minutes to start..I will go with larger seeds since I don't have the ones that were sent out..we'll see the differences. Peat pellets are getting soaked, I pour warm water on mine since they will have no heat mat under them. When the pellets swell they are ready to plant. Remember pellets have a solid side and one that looks like it has a hole. The hole is where you put the seed. Many people don't care for jiffy peat pellets but I have never had a problem with them. Grow with whatever works for you. Have to charge camera batteries but I will post the prep pics in a while.

Again...are we starting or waiting?
Here we go!! Just set my seeds in the jiffy pot so hope to have sprouts in a few days.

Here's the jiffy pot

Here's my germination booth. The contesting seeds went into the white container along with a few chinense varieties.

Here's where I am going to be growing my contesting plant. For reference that thermometer is about 7 inches.

And here's proof that I am using fluorescent lights. I am using 150 actual watts in there.