The Great Kiwi Pepper Thread

Hey guys, has anyone in NZ had to battle a broad mite? Looks like I got rid of the spider mites - but now a few of my capsicum and tomato plants are defintiely down with broad mites. And this is my 2nd go at growing this in winter, I already had to biff some plants before as they got killed by mites, so hoping someone has some suggestions on something superstrong and available here.
I checked Yates but they do "generic" mite control, but looks like you need to be specific with broad mite.
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey guys, has anyone in NZ had to battle a broad mite? Looks like I got rid of the spider mites - but now a few of my capsicum and tomato plants are defintiely down with broad mites. And this is my 2nd go at growing this in winter, I already had to biff some plants before as they got killed by mites, so hoping someone has some suggestions on something superstrong and available here.
I checked Yates but they do "generic" mite control, but looks like you need to be specific with broad mite.
this one says it controls a broad range of mites, maybe give that a try?
Thanks dude yeah I saw that one, will buy it if my regular Mite spray doesnt work. Will give it till Sunday to see if any new growth comes through. I ended up soaking the shit out of the leaves again, but yeah will go for this one if no luck.
Organic or non? Only thing to control them organically is Wettable sulphur ... Didn't think they were an issue in NZ ... I thought I had left those bastards behind ...
Do any of the NZ growers have any lemon drop (or the Aji limon/ pinapple types etc.) seeds that they are willing to trade/sell?
Thought I would ask before trying to do an import. I have many of the seeds for next years grow but something like this would be great.
Hell yeah dude, I have Aji Pineapple, and a whole bunch of other Aji-type seeds. Will edit this post once I get back home with what I have - and you just tell me what you want and I'll mail it to you.
Hey man I have the following that I can send to you (dont worry about $ or trades):
Aji Northern
Aji Verde
Aji Amarillo
Aji Habanero
Aji Pineapple looks like I only have 4 seeds left sorry (although im sure others have spares anyway)
Also have tons of seeds from this season's crops - slight risk of cross-pollination though:
Black Naga
Red Moruga
Choc Fatalii
Yellow Fatalii
Bolivian Rainbow
Naga Morich
Orange Bhut
Beni Highlands
Carolina Reaper
7 pot Douglah
Peter Pepper
Numex Twilight
Dorset Naga
Anyway let me know what you're after and your address and i'll chuck it in the mail in the next couple of days.
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey man I have the following that I can send to you (dont worry about $ or trades):
Aji Northern
Aji Verde
Aji Amarillo
Aji Habanero
Aji Pineapple looks like I only have 4 seeds left sorry (although im sure others have spares anyway)
Also have tons of seeds from this season's crops - slight risk of cross-pollination though:
Black Naga
Red Moruga
Choc Fatalii
Yellow Fatalii
Bolivian Rainbow
Naga Morich
Orange Bhut
Beni Highlands
Carolina Reaper
7 pot Douglah
Peter Pepper
Numex Twilight
Dorset Naga
Anyway let me know what you're after and your address and i'll chuck it in the mail in the next couple of days.
 you keep the pineapple I'm sure there there are others who will share.
I'll PM you about a couple of the others 
I should still have plenty of the Aji Pineapple seeds as i grew them last year and am growing them again this year. Also growing the Lemon Drop again this year and i am sure i have extra seeds there as well.
SentencedToBurn said:
Hey guys, has anyone in NZ had to battle a broad mite? Looks like I got rid of the spider mites - but now a few of my capsicum and tomato plants are defintiely down with broad mites. And this is my 2nd go at growing this in winter, I already had to biff some plants before as they got killed by mites, so hoping someone has some suggestions on something superstrong and available here.
I checked Yates but they do "generic" mite control, but looks like you need to be specific with broad mite.
Between aphids and mites I've been getting smashed recently. Have tried a multitude of sprays, have found the best option for keeping them in check was to gently run the leaves between my fingers, squashing all the bugs on them. Very time consuming though  :eh:
Pretty sure my birds eye crossed with one of my trinidad scorpions when they were still in the same greenhouse, my poor fiancee (who usually loves hot food) ended up almost crying last night after I made what was supposed to be a relatively mild chicken panang :oops:
Rush35 said:
I should still have plenty of the Aji Pineapple seeds as i grew them last year and am growing them again this year. Also growing the Lemon Drop again this year and i am sure i have extra seeds there as well.
Thanks SentencedToBurn has got me sorted with some baccatum variates to add to my grow.
As the saying goes... pepper people are the best people.
No problem. As long as you have what you wanting to grow this year.
Has anyone asked Judy at Pepperlover about shipping seeds with a phyto-sanitary certificate so we can look at a group buy? She has some interesting new seeds for 2015 that i would like to try out. I have not had luck getting parcels through...maybe someone else is ordering and has better luck if the cert cannot be offered and i can add a few packets to their order?
New grow table is coming along nicely.
Still have two full heated propagators with Jiffy pellets waiting to pop and go under the lights.
Have to get the greenhouse built up again in the back yard to rescue all the outside plants before the frosts hit us.
Good stuff, i've started another lot also, got rid of a lot of last years unhealthy plants i was going to over winter, so i now have the space. Amazing how these f***ing ahpids get inside to find seedlings though- geez man. :banghead:
FireFlyNZ said:
Good stuff, i've started another lot also, got rid of a lot of last years unhealthy plants i was going to over winter, so i now have the space. Amazing how these f***ing ahpids get inside to find seedlings though- geez man. :banghead:
After last year's nightmare with bugs I am super careful this year. It started with fungas gnats which were a pain the ass, but not too damaging. Then the aphids came and caused trouble...nailed them.
Then the psyllids arrived and I did not realise what they were until it was too late. They are an absolute nightmare to get rid off and they leave your plants with "psyllid yellows" which kills the plant even after you managed to get rid of them. And they keep coming back as well....give me aphids anyday rather!
Rush35 said:
After last year's nightmare with bugs I am super careful this year. It started with fungas gnats which were a pain the ass, but not too damaging. Then the aphids came and caused trouble...nailed them.
Then the psyllids arrived and I did not realise what they were until it was too late. They are an absolute nightmare to get rid off and they leave your plants with "psyllid yellows" which kills the plant even after you managed to get rid of them. And they keep coming back as well....give me aphids anyday rather!
+1 aphids are soooooo easy compared to psyllids.
With aphids, one spray of the magical insecticide keeps them away for a couple of months...psyllids take constant attention!
Psyllid infestations on my outdoor plant were a nightmare not so much greenhouse + indoor plants, Yates sheild Sucess ultra only puts them at bay for about a week unless you have a rigorous spraying schedule, Turns out that all that convolvulus i kept ignoring acted as a base of operations for Psyllids, they were absolutely riddled . I was wrong to think they only target members of the nightshade family. Won't be allowing convolvulus to flourish anymore. In saying that they kept away from my tomatoes though??
I alternate between the yates success ultra and confidor.
Ill spray success ultra a couple of times in a row over a month. Then ill switch and do the confidor. Just to try to stop things building up a resistance. 