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The Last Great Pizza Thread

'Bout time we had a thread for all those that make their own dough and sauce. Too many good cooks on THP to let something as magnificent as that king of foods, pizza go unnoticed on this forum. This thread however comes with some rules to post...

1) Make your own dough and post the recipe. Thin crust. Whole wheat. Foccacia. NY or Chicago style. Naan....your choice!

2) Make your own sauce and post the recipe. Red. White. Olive oil w/ garlic. Whatever gets your mojo workin'!

3) Mandatory that it brings teh heat. Habs. Serrano's. Bhut's. T-Scorps. Fatalli. Hot sauce's and puree's will qualify. Using wimp sauce's such as Tabasco Brand or Franks will
be ridiculed with extreme prejudice and boooooed heavily!

4) Toppings can be anything. Pepperoni. Avocado. Greek olives. Pulled pork. If it came out of the ground or walked, swam or crawled, its all cool and the gang!

5) Bake them in the oven on a sheet pan. In cast iron. A pizza stone. On the grill. Got a wood fired pizza oven? Have mercy!

6) Pics are mandatory! Anyone can talk smack about it but put up or shut up. No pics? It never happened and ridiculing and boooooing will follow. Capiche?

Alright ya'll, lets get it on.....

I think that should be an international spelling.

Yea, statewide variations may still exist...

But there's only one PROPER way to misspell that word.

I have to give credit where credit is due.

That word came to be inspired from the bastardization of the language by a former THP member.

I shan't name him but he was both an irritant as well as an endless source of comedy.

To him...

I salute you!
First here is the recipe for the dough:

233g warm water
5g Sugar
5g Salt
15g Olive Oil
10g Active Dry Yeast
236g Bread Flour*
174g Whole Wheat Flour*
*King Arthur brand flour is what I use

As for the Pie
topped with Arugula Pesto
-blanched Arugula
-roasted garlic
-Olive OIl

Mozarella Cheese
Gorgonzola Cheese Crumbles
Onion Jam (made with some smoked Habaneros)
finely chopped Butch T

Crust was brushed with melted butter then topped with black sesame seeds and shredded asiago cheese

Baked on a preheated stone @ 475F for about 10 minutes, with 5 min to go tossed some pinenuts on the pie also.

Ok and since there is no proof without pics here are a couple shots, enjoy Im pretty sure I will!



It was finally time to test the new oven!
And apparently, it REALLY likes to make pizza!!!!!

This turned out to be one of my best pizzas ever! Scovie asked me if I always put the sauce on before parbaking the crust....
...not sure about that! What were we drinking last night?!?! But whatever - it totally worked!

And the pizza pan is merely a transportation device...








Pretty nice for a home pie. I would't have added whole pignolis though, and aren't they already ground in your pesto?
Nice, CJ. SoFlo doesn't par-bake their thin crusts. No need. Looks scrumdittilyumptous.

Now go pimp a cheap@$$ pizza while I figure out how to pimp a cheap@$$ sandwich.
Oh by the way gang, its actually misspelled spiceenesxt, as in "to bring teh spiceenesxt," This is usually accomplished by a professional cowboy cooker the old way, by floating a hab in some Dr Pepper. Carry on.
So I've been wanting to do a spicy pizza since getting into peppers. Buffalo chicken pizza was always my favorite at pizza hut. This pizza turned out way better! Feel free to ridicule, I bought premade dough since I didn't have time tonight to make my own.This was simple and delicious.

Started with a red 7pot in the food processor -

Added some ranch!

Then cheessssse.......

And leftover almond crusted chicken from the wife's meal last night.....

Put it together!



The wife wouldn't touch it which made it even better! MORE FOR ME!

We put that sheeit on ever 'thang.



And yes, pizza.

mrs. blues could eat every meal with a side of queso and a side of chipotle ranch, both for dipping.