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the tea thread/ tea of the day thread.

Has anyone ever tried Ashitaba tea? It's a Japanese medicinal tea. It's a bit expensive, but the good thing is it grows very fast. I grow 3 plants and have the tea often. It gives you energy and provides a LOT of good health benefits.


This seems news to me.Must try it out.

How do you grow it here in US? Did you start from seeds?

If yes, how can I get them?


How do you grow it here in US? Did you start from seeds?

I did a search of Canadian seed suppliers to see if anyone here carried the seeds and couldn't find one, it appears the item is an herb but one website said it is a weed, but then again dandelion and chickweed are sometimes classified as a weed but many people use them in salads and as teas. I remember as a boy helping my dad pick dandelion peddles to make dandelion wine - if I remember correctly he never did drink it but I remember watching him burn a teaspoon of the moonshine some 10 years later - then he tossed it out. Now that I am aware of this product I will keep my eyes open in oriental supermarkets - hopefully they will also post signs in english; I find chinese and japanese character sets a little challenging to read.
Today I tried Lipton Island Mango and Peach. When I opened the box it had a pleasant sweet and fruity scent. I sipped it and it tasted like a cross between lawn clippings and rubber tires. Gag!
I just finished a box of Japanese Sincha (Green Tea) supplied by an US company. Only one word needed to describe it.

wow I haven't read this thread in a LONG time.... Ironically I was having a nice cup of lichee black tea as I noticed the topic...