smoking Thought I'd share some pics

Here are some pics from my backyard;

Low & slow Schweineschulter, flavored with salt, pepper and some garlic..

Put this one on my Weber OTP

My prize winning cherry & chipotle ribs

Something I believe you guys call ribeye (From a belgian whiteblue) with filled zuchini (Gouda cheese, red onion, garlic, jalapeno, herbs)

My garden with the chili bed...

Too bad you Americans don't eat meat : -)

PS I'm looking for cherry Jell-o to try a New cherry mob for my ribs, might anyone be willing to hook me up with some? I can't find an on this Side off the ocean.

Please excuse typos.. my autocorrect is fighting my english.
Pfeffer said:
Here are some pics from my backyard;

Low & slow Schweineschulter, flavored with salt, pepper and some garlic..

Put this one on my Weber OTP

My prize winning cherry & chipotle ribs

Something I believe you guys call ribeye (From a belgian whiteblue) with filled zuchini (Gouda cheese, red onion, garlic, jalapeno, herbs)

My garden with the chili bed...

Too bad you Americans don't eat meat : -)

Let me assure you, we real Americans are quite the carnivores. Only the frou-frou crowd do not.
Americans eat lots of meat! We love meat! That pork shoulder and ribs look amazing! It's those crazy vegans ya gotta watch out for... California pumps out more of them than any other state. That's not to say EVERYONE from California is crazy. Some are normal folks.... some
Haha, don't worry, I was just messing with you guys. BBQ is far less popular over here. For bbq supplies you need to go to specialized webshops.
Phil said:
Americans eat lots of meat! We love meat! That pork shoulder and ribs look amazing! It's those crazy vegans ya gotta watch out for... California pumps out more of them than any other state. That's not to say EVERYONE from California is crazy. Some are normal folks.... some
Hey hey now, just cause yer in tha south and I'm in Cali. Doesn't mean I appreciate smoked hooved or cloven mammal any less than you.
Every once in a while me and the boys like to get all hopped up on brisket, and go over the bridge to Berkley for a good vegan bashing.  :rofl:
hogleg said:
Hey hey now, just cause yer in tha south and I'm in Cali. Doesn't mean I appreciate smoked hooved or cloven mammal any less than you.
Every once in a while me and the boys like to get all hopped up on brisket, and go over the bridge to Berkley for a good vegan bashing.  :rofl:
lol... I left a disclaimer in there for you guys! But ya gotta admit... that Hollywood crowd... :crazy:
Don't eat meat. Hahahahaha obviously a joke. Duh. Hahahaha

That all looks awesome right down to the zucchini boats and I would pick that BBQ pork up like a turkey leg and eat that sumbitch.

But I gotta ask maaan... Jello? On BBQ??? Please god NOOOO!
And only because you have a yellow lab.....I can hook you up with some cherry least a few packs~~~   and just because I'm curious how you intent to use it and to piss off Scovie!  :rofl:  
DISCLAIMER-  may have to ask a bit for shipping just because some shipping across the pond can be $12-18...... Let's Talk~  ;) way I can finagle a bit of that pork.....but it looked good!
I thought it was used to thicken up the mob, but it's part of the rub. Since I now figured out that you guys do actually eat meat, I thought I'd be on the safe side.


4 Tbs Turbinado sugar
2 tsp Salt
0,5 tsp garlic powder
0,5 tsp union powder
1 - 1,5 tsp chipotle powder (or other chili powder)
0,75 tsp cherry jello

It's just a try.. I'm not going to grill slabs of jelly - don't worry!

Off course I will pay for the goods and for the postage. Maybe I can even send over some seeds. The jello can be put in an envelope to cut down on postage (I don't need a year's supply).
PM your mailing address to me.  This is just too much fun to let go~
Nice looking food!  Even the zucchini looks great!
I might have to try that cherry rub myself, thanks for the recipe!
Dude pass on the artificial cherry Jell-O.
And that rub has too much sugar, it's going to burn after it caramelizes, you need a better balance.
And turbinado sugar is not a fine grind. It is large crystals and will not work in a rub. That recipe is wack!
Not sure who gave you that recipe but the folks here can do a LOT better!
Just found it online and some people recommended it. I'd still like to try it though, we don't use turbinado here (and won't import that due to the postage). Instead I usually use raw cane sugar or brown cristal sugar. My own rub is;
- Ground chili (usually a mix of habanero (my own cheiro pfefferianus thingy.. cheiro roxa x unknown habanero) and cayenne)
- Ground bell pepper (usually just paprika powder)
- Raw cane sugar
- Sea salt
- Freeze dried sour cherries (blended to powder)
- Djinten (I believe you guys call it cumin; just a little sniff)
- Onion powder
- Garlic
- Mustard seeds
- Ground black pepper
- Ground green pepper
The glaze is made with;
Unsalted butter
Minced habanero or jalapeno (or whatever is on the plants)
Cherry preserves (often out of schnapps for the flavor)
More finely chopped onion
More garlic
Cider vinegar
Put everything in the blender and add the onion afterwards. Let it simmer on a low fire for a while.. than glaze. I don't know the actual sizes, as European cups/spoons are in different ratios. Usually it all goes on feeling (or fingerspitzengefühl). It is usually smoked over cherry or apple for about 2-4 hours (on 100-110 Celsius = 220-230 F), than we steam it for 1-2 hours and then we glaze it for about 30min. How do you guys cook your ribs? Are you just grilling them or do you guys do them low&slow aswell?
I'm not planning to make it into a jelly goo. I'm also only starting with one rib. If it doesn't taste well it's food for the pigs (damn cannibals..). There is an unexhoustible supply of pork here.
I'm also wondering what kind of pigs you guys use; my top 5:
1) Mangalica (Wollschwein) - Very fatty meat, outstanding flavor
2) Iberico - Relatively fatty meat, great flavor
3) Pietrain - Verry slim meat, have to use thick slabs and mob a lot.. Superb flavor
4) Danish land race - Normal to fatty, fast growing race with good food to weight ratio = cheap meat
5) York - Same as #4
Your rub sounds A LOT better!