• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tommys south texas glog '15--FINAL GROW LIST FRONT PAGE 2/9/15

Well after a few months of research and advice from the fine folks here at THP, I'm happy to start my very first glog!

I started the day by building a stand for my lights, now I'm thinking I may need another ballast.
After I set up the stand and lights, I laid down some foam, then my heat mat.
I filled my 7 cup station with MG seed starter and watered in. After mixing the soil around I laid in my seeds.
*Yellow Primo
*Carolina Reaper
*Greek Pepperoncini
*Bush Big Boy Tomato Hybrid
*Pequin x2
I laid saran wrap over top and tried my best to seal it, but saran wrap and I have never seen eye to eye.
Programmed the timer on the light, 18 on, 6 off, going on from 5pm to 11am. I know lights aren't necessary at this point but what the hell.
Should be getting more seeds in the mail soon, so I'll be setting up a bigger station after that. And now for something we hope you'll really like!



The station to the right isn't active yet, thinking I may get another mat for it, especially since I found a place locally that sells them.
Thanks for checking out my glog, wouldn't be possible without y'all!
UPDATE 2/9/15: Here is my final grow list, but first, a very special thank you to the following members:
transient exuberance
Thanks to all of you for sending me seeds to get me started!
Now here is my final list in order of rounds planted
Round 1 Planted 1/22
Greek Pepperoncini
Carolina Reaper
Yellow Primo
Round 2 Planted 2/2
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Bhut
Yellow Brain Strain
Yellow Giant Congo
Yellow Moruga
Bahamian Goat
Carolina Reaper
TM Scorpion
Giant Orange Habanero
Bido Tacana
Murupi Amarela
Caribbean Antillais Habanero
Bonda Ma Jacques
OW Ghost Scorpion
OW Moruga 
9 mystery seeds
Round 3 Planted 2/9
Cayenne x Peter
Red Fatalii x Savina
7 Pot Congo
Caribbean Red Habanero
Mystery Red Moruga
Yellow Spaceship
Chocolate Devils Tongue
7 Pot Caramel
Monster Naga
Peach Scorpion
7 Pot Bubblegum
Yellow Cumari
Cumari Du Para
Mustard Bhut
Purple Jalapeno
Mustard Habanero
Yellow Bhut
Little Big Red
Bolsa De Dulce
Aji Pineapple
Bhut Orange Copenhagen
Aji Omni
Orange Wild Brazil
Paper Lantern Habanero
Jays Peach Scorpion
Chocolate Habanero
Sweet Datil
No idea how deep my roots where but if I would of let them 2 easily would of taken up an entire 4x8 raised bed. I had two other plants in there and they was growing all up into their business as well 
twilliams386 said:
That's too cool. But I definitely don't plan on going that big. I have 6 seedlings now, hoping to sell or give away two pairs and keep a pair for myself. I think I could rig up a suitable cage. They'll only be in about 5 gallons (wally bag) so I don't expect them to get monstrous. Well the ol hamster wheel is turnin now!
You're probably wise... you can only eat Tomatillos so many times a week after all. ;)  I grew 4 plants last year and we couldn't use them all, so I ended up canning them up in quart jars and put away a whole case by the end of the season. If you want to make your own cages, you could probably make something from the mesh they use in concrete slabs. You'd need a small bolt cutter or hacksaw to cut the wire 'cause it's a heavy gauge, but it's stiff enough to be a good support to the plants and will definitely last you quite a few seasons.
Pretty sure that's what my dad used for his. Don't remember what else. I want to say rebar but I remember it not being rusty so maybe something else. I'll have to look next time i'm there. 