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pics Updated pepper pics

Just an FYI that I've finally got around to uploading some more pepper pics, they can be viewed from the link below. Here is one of Savina plants from the hydro setup.

Hey Paul,
Doing a little hydro experiment? Glad to see you expand your horizons. But, from your pics last year, I hope your'e still putting some in dirt, your plants looked great. do you have a say on preference yet? ( production yield/growth water vs. dirt) like to know youir updates.

Turk, I could be shot here, but I think the hydro's use rock wool? Is that it Paul???

Hey guys,
Those are Hydrotron clay pellets in the cups, rockwool is used for starting seeds. If you guys have trouble with the pic coming in just follow the link to my gallery and you should be able to see all of them.
Yes I am putting in a dirt garden probably next week some time. I already tilled the garden and added a couple dozen nightcrawlers to the garden. 12 X 25' around 65 plants this year.
Well the garden is in. :shocked:
I ended up with 55 plants in the ground this year and another 15 in pots and the hydro. All that's left is to transplant my 2 African Piquin plants to a DWC setup.
I went with a coco coir / hydroton mix for all my potted stuff. First time I've used the coco so it should be interesting. I will update my gallery with pics a bit later.

So this years crop consists of:
Chocolate Habs
Red Savina Habs
Bhut Jolokia
Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Santa Fe Grande
Hanoi Red
Thai Dragon
African Piquin
Long Red Cayenne
you already put the peppers in the garden :shocked: I learned the hardway last year we (central MN) had a late frost/freeze towards end of May & lost some plants, plus it was such a hassle to do all the covering for about 2 days.
they're saying for the lows within the week will be in the 40's

unless you cover your plants & dont mind doing that ? but me I dont like doing that extra BS :lol:
chilehunter said:
you already put the peppers in the garden :shocked: I learned the hardway last year we (central MN) had a late frost/freeze towards end of May & lost some plants, plus it was such a hassle to do all the covering for about 2 days.
they're saying for the lows within the week will be in the 40's

unless you cover your plants & dont mind doing that ? but me I dont like doing that extra BS :lol:

I have row covers if need be but it looks good for the next 10 days anyways. I'm in the SE metro so I'm usually +5f over the telecast temps.

POTAWIE - No big jim, they didn't make it this year, even the one in the hydro kicked the bucket. :(
The Hydro section is updated now and the plants are doing great! I've really seen significant growth since the last update. You don't realize how far they've come until you go back and review earlier pics. I got the garden too but have not had a chance to update those pages yet. Soon.
Link is in the sig, enjoy!
plants are looking good, have you grown choc habs before or eaten them before ? I figure they might be close enough in taste with the jamaican hot choc & was just curious what to expect on the taste. how does the piquins/tepins types hold up for growing outside in our temps/season ? heard they do better the 2nd season vs the 1st growing season.
I've grown the chocolate habs but never from scratch. I've always order mine from CC nurseries. They taste about the same as the regular habs but not as fruity if that makes sense. If your going to do these in the ground you really have to have them in early and plan on covering them late in the season or they won't make it very well.
I'm already seeing a vast improvement from last year on the pequins. I only had them in a small pot and got a couple peppers off of them last year. This year already I have at least a dozen peppers and more flowers/buds than I can count, and that was before I transplanted them. Now that they are in a DWC setup I am hoping they really take off.
Well I got back from a weeks vacation and man what a difference. The plants have gained a couple inches and several branchings since I last seen them. I had to actually raise the light up for em. Most of the plants have flowers or buds coming in already so I swapped out the bulbs for the 6500k variety. I will adjust the nutrients too this weekend.
Time to start growing some peppers!

Woot! I have the first peppers are coming in on the hydro setup. The Cayenne has tons of flowers and about a half dozen peppers starting to form. The Savina's have a few buds starting to form and the Bhut Jolokia is coming along nicely as well. The only plant that's really lagging behind is the Thai. I don't think he gets enough light with all those broad leafed habs around it.
Unbelievable growth in the last couple weeks on these plants. :(
I'm just so happy right now! :mouthonfire:
Well a picture is worth a thousand words, from the garden.


The rest of the pics are updated on my site, link is below.
P_Schneider said:
I'm just so happy right now! :D
Well a picture is worth a thousand words, from the garden.

The rest of the pics are updated on my site, link is below.
Just checked out the pics. Those chocolate habs are looking tasty. I can't wait for mine to ripen.
P_Schneider said:
I'm just so happy right now! :D
Well a picture is worth a thousand words, from the garden.


The rest of the pics are updated on my site, link is below.

That's a good looking garden. I usually put weed paper down, but I never got to it this year. Now my peppers are awash in weeds. I'll get a picture before I do some weeding in the morning.