• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Very first try at growing peppers. Rymerpt 2014 ( 2 pod CHALLENGE VIDEOS)



The seedlings are Thai and the egg carton is Thai seeds. The other little pots have habenero seeds. I'm also gonna try some supperhot seeds when the package arrives from Smiley. (Thanks again Mike)

I'll post progress often I'm sure. Yesterday the seedlings moved from a small six pack to their new nesting grounds. All rest in nothing but organic seed starter soil and water.

You know it took a full bag of:


To fill those three pots (the seranno is 3/4 full)

I'm gonna have to pace myself at 12 bucks a bag.
We have a new addition to our family. I just bought a nice ghost from a guy for 5 bucks. It already has buds and is about 18" tall. We will call him Casper.


Also potted up all but six of the seedlings (they will have to wait till another payday)


Now you can make it super thai hot! Nice job, buddy. That plant is bigger than any of my Thai's that I started months ago.
Ps I just had a couple reapers ripen up. Holy crap they are something else.
Spork said:
Now you can make it super thai hot! Nice job, buddy. That plant is bigger than any of my Thai's that I started months ago.
Ps I just had a couple reapers ripen up. Holy crap they are something else.

My birthday is coming up quick and my wife says I may get a box of supers. That would be cool.

Check out all the pods on my Thai plants.
Keep up the good work, and congrats on your first ripe pod I remember way back when I got my first pod to ripen, how excited I was, such a thrill! And good luck w/ the supers!

Went with family to Petroglif to paint for Fathers day.
Look what I made.
I'll pick it up Tuesday after it gets time in the kiln.

Had a nice BBQ at my brothers house for lunch.

Just picked up stuff for dinner at Whole foods. Found a small bunch of Ghost peppers!

My son wants me to eat one on camera. Stay tuned.