Why do you eat hot stuff?

Chile Juju said:
I kind of dig the fact that when we eat superhots, we're tasting something that the majority of humanity won't ever taste! Like a secret flavor or something!
And oh, what stunning flavors there are to explore!!!!!!   :)
We are like a " secret Society "  
I like feeling like I'm in the "secret society" because I eat something hotter than Tabasco.   :lol: 
I also eat hot stuff because no one else in my family will eat hot stuff.  Just like no one else in my family has a tattoo or a body piercing.  maybe it's some latent rebellion thing going on???  So maybe there's some of the "at the dinner table, in your face, look what I'm eating"...but since I only see that side of the family once a year or so.....well....that's probably not it.... 
I like pushing flavors and heat for the sake of pushing personal boundaries and getting used to hotter stuff.  Tolerance can be built up, and I like the endorphin rush.  Funny thing is, the kid swears he's not a chilehead, but he will eat generic spicy food products (chipotle cheese dip, spicy chips, hot wings, ...)and say "that's not hot!"
He's been fully assimilated into the ChilePepper Continuum! 
salsalady said:
  Funny thing is, the kid swears he's not a chilehead, but he will eat generic spicy food products (chipotle cheese dip, spicy chips, hot wings, ...)and say "that's not hot!"
He's been fully assimilated into the ChilePepper Continuum! 
Mine is the same way.  He'll see me grabbing the sauce or powder for my meal and he follows suit.
I think his inner gorilla is coming out.  Ohh Ohhh!
Because I've always liked spicy food, and I decided to take that obsession to its logical conclusion.
And I've been a gardener from a young age.