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Why do you keep torturing yourself?

Every time my wife sees me dealing with the after effects of pepper intake, she asks me why I continue to torture myself. In the past I'd just wipe the tears out of my eyes, smile at her through the pain and mumble something like "but it's so good". She just doesn't get my penchant for peppers.

Tonight, I dove in to a sauce that I augmented quite heavily with pepper extract. This was my first run in with it and I now realize that I overserved myself. Needless to say, I couldn't taste the chicken and the hot pit in my stomach nearly made me horf it back up.

After some hovering over the sink and some aimless wandering around the kitchen, stopping now and then for a sip of something cool, I felt the first bit of relief. Looking at my wife through teared up eyes, sweat running down my face, I hear it again. "Why do you keep torturing yourself?"

Being a pepper junkie, I know what effect capsaicin has on the body. I enjoy the endorphin rush and feel most at ease basking in the afterglow. But, is that it?

How do you explain this practice to those folks who don't imbibe?

Do you even try?

I'm glad to have found this forum. There are no pepperheads in my immediate circle of friends. Here I am one of many.
I have given up trying to explain it. I work with a fellow who breaks out in sweat just looking at black pepper and he just thinks us pepper heads are plain insane. I only counter him by saying that I think plain palleted people are boring. :lol:
I hear ya on people being like that. My girlfriend was like that, and still is to a certain extent. I was deseeding a Bhut the other day, and left the remnants sitting on the cutting board to answer the door, and while I was gone she proceeded to lick the inside of the Bhut. She tried to keep a straight face when I came back in the kitchen, but it didn't happen. She deemed them evil and said they were of no use to her cuz they are too hot. But she has managed to get herself hooked on peppers, cuz now she gets excited over the ripe peppers and figuring out a way to use them, and the next thing she wants to use is some Bhuts for a hot sauce. Now I just have to get her to eat one :shocked:
Because we're masochist's that's why! But before understanding what a masochist is, you must know what a sadist is. The masochist says.."beat me beat me". The sadist says.."no. uh uh."
At least enjoying the burn is a fetish that as yet is not against the law....yet...I said.

Salute', TB.
We've had many threads on this subject. It seems for the most part it's actually an addiction. I for one completely admit that I am addicted to peppers. I have them breakfest, lunch, dinner, snakc in between, in beer, fresh off plants.

Now, when asked and whe nI get "the look", I usually say the following;

"It's fun"
"Pain is good, it makes you feel alive."
"Because I love it"
and the aways amussing
"Try it and find out"

But when it comes down to it, we love it. For some esoteric reason, we do, and the mystery will all ways be there as to why.
Dude!!!! This is a simple one to answer!!!!

THE RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The endorfin rush....

That and well ....I like it!!!!
I have always liked spicey foods, starting with pepper steak as a youngster. This chilli thing now is just an extention of that love i think. That and i don't want to be a bloody sheep that eats what everyone else deems "acceptable".
Health issues also weigh into the argument as well for me, capsaicin is good for you.
Heck, not only did everything I ate today have chiles in it, I made a burrito containing a whole Bhut, an O-Hab, a Jalapeno, Naga666 sauce...ya, there was a wee bit of room left for meat and two cheeses.

Oh, and I videoed eating it. ;)

Hell, I gave away a sample of my Naga4Brainz sauce I made to a friend, and got two kinds of Naga sauce back...aieee!

Now the TS in the fridge is staring at me..I believe it needs eating soon. :D
We do it coz like IGG said it is an addiction. Capsaicin has addictive properties similar to Nicotine and Morphine, only milder. Plus of course there's no bad side effects (well apart from making the old barking spider sore the next morning). Chillies are a superfood - there's craploads of health benefits in one little old pod. So they taste nice, you get an S/M burn and they do you good. What's not to love? I don't know any chilliheads round here but I'm getting buddy of mine into growing and eating them. I gave him a bottle of my Naga Mango sauce and now he's hooked - so there's one more convert at least.
There's tons of chileheads in the UK mate..they just had a FFS in Brighton, and of course there's the Dorset Naga, and the Goans, eh?
rds040800 said:
I hear ya on people being like that. My girlfriend was like that, and still is to a certain extent. I was deseeding a Bhut the other day, and left the remnants sitting on the cutting board to answer the door, and while I was gone she proceeded to lick the inside of the Bhut. She tried to keep a straight face when I came back in the kitchen, but it didn't happen. She deemed them evil and said they were of no use to her cuz they are too hot. But she has managed to get herself hooked on peppers, cuz now she gets excited over the ripe peppers and figuring out a way to use them, and the next thing she wants to use is some Bhuts for a hot sauce. Now I just have to get her to eat one :shocked:

Why was she licking the inside of your Bhut? Seems like an awfully strange thing to do
Why do we do it?

Scottborkowsi, that sounds exactly like me! My wife thinks I’m crazy sometimes. Unfortunately I think my pepper habit has turned my wife off on spicy food. She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind when I’m guzzling the milk and dancing around like a little girl when I’ve bit off more that I can chew! Yet I keep doing it. Something about it makes you feel so alive! My 14 year old daughter has some of my affinity for peppers. She gets in over her head sometime too but keeps coming back for more! Some people get it and some don’t.
Blister said:
Why was she licking the inside of your Bhut? Seems like an awfully strange thing to do

Because that's how she rolls. And the sad part is she actually took a bite of one today.:mouthonfire: And it was alot hotter than the one she licked. She is starting to understand what it is all about, but she refuses to cut them up.

QuadShotz said:
She heard there was a ring ...

And what is this talk of a ring. :crazy: Don't give her any ideas.
For me its definatly the the heat and the enhanced flavor hot peppers bring too your food. There is nothing like having some authentic Thai curry dishes with the heat kicked up to hellish hot levels, one of my favorite foods in the world. Or some fresh Conch salad with fresh scotch bonnets of goat pepper all through it.

Also being a Bahamian, hot pepper is pretty much a part of our culture and used in most of our foods.