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We have been waiting for the pictures of the lions...sure would like to see them...

I am willing to send a critique from the Fort Worth Garden Club.... ;)
We could to set this up for Celeste. Is there someone in her area that can show up, take pictures, pose as the writer/photographer for a magazine?

Or just go anonymous and then totally mess with him when he starts receiving letters from everywhere with pictures of his yard. LOL!
yeah, but can they squeal like a pig? roflmao....
Any web designers here? Maybe even up a site like the 'look at these ugly people sites' but do it for gardens, but only include pics of junkyards and rubbish tips and of course the only garden would be???? Yep THE LIONS!!!!!!
www.uglygardens.com :lol:
Okay, ya'll have waited a while for this- I give you

The House with the Lions!


Take your time, look at the photo carefully, note all the details!

It looks well-kept.......but a bit over-done for my taste. I for sure don't see why he has a problem with YOUR yard....to me, it's just a difference in your approach and preference.

....of course, you could sneak over and spray his lions Pink Panther Pink.....I wouldn't think badly of you. ;)
Is that another lion face on the plaque on the front of the house?

I dunno...looks like it belongs in New Orleans or something with the Bourbon Street-esque lamp post and hanging lanterns.

I agree with Paul, it's well-kept, almost to the point of being ostentatious, but different strokes for different folk. Doesn't make your yard worse than his because you choose natural landscaping instead of snipped-with-tiny-scissors manicured landscaping.
I think the lions look stupid. If I was a dick, I would tell him what I thought and ask him to remove the embarrassing yard ornaments.
Well, the Lions are in the 4 foot easement that technically belong to the city. and you'll notice, he terraced those, too. I've seen those Lions on flanking four car garages in the halfmillion dollar home neighborhood. This is the 5 figure neighborhood, ya know? to each his own- and the city told him- and me, that what you do with your landscaping s your own busness- not the city's. and shouldnt be the neigbors. I think diversity is cool, myself, and why I picked this neighborhood. I can show you, just so you can see my whole perspective:

This house is close to the top of the street, and we'll walk down in order:


in this one you can see the sage that grows taller than my coral berry:

This four family, one of a handful of rental apartment buildings on the block, mows less frequently than I, today their grass ins 12 inches high:

continue in next post~
neighborhood walk continued:

The one right next door to me coming down the hill:




His is the most ostentatious house on the block- and thats fine, its his money. To each his own. I just wanted to do mine my own way.
I thought it looked like the sidewalk was behind the lions! Now, after seeing the other houses, I can totally see where the lions are between the sidewalk and the street curb.

The first picture has some clipped hedges and the house is totally obscured by the trees.

The second picture has the double stairs with dead grass in the middle and a boisterous planting (similar to your natural plantings) on either side.

The four-plex has half-dead grass.

And the one next door???? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thanks for the walk-about. It does say a lot about the neighborhood.

Maybe your neighbor is wishing he was living in a 7-digit home and is trying to make his 5-digit home suffice. That's still no excuse for being a jerk!

Thanks for the pics Celeste! I've been waiting to see those lions. They are definitely out of place.
Face it Celeste....

You just happen to be the unlucky soul that got stuck living next to the prick.

There's one in every neighborhood. ;)
The lions look like cartoon lions!! And the fact that they ain't even on his property makes it worse, unless he bought the little plots from the city surely a complaint could be made that he has built on property that isn't his with no permission.
And his symmetry is out of whack, 2 lions, 1 handrail and 1 light and the fact that the imitation victorian streetlamp is white makes it even more tacky, the original lamps would have been black.
I'd defo do some digging to find out if he has any right to build and erect lions on the plots between the sidewalk and the kerb, if not he'll have to return them to their original state, would it be good to sit out front with a cool glass watching him do this!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd defo do some digging to find out if he has any right to build and erect lions on the plots between the sidewalk and the kerb, if not he'll have to return them to their original state, would it be good to sit out front with a cool glass watching him do this!!!!!!!!!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Can you imagine how pissed he'd be if he had to tear it out? With you and the rest of the neighbors on the front porches with frosties watching?!?
nope, he asked permission to do it. They said he had to make it "nice". well, his craftsmanship is flawless.. His taste is not mine.
My honest opinion is that his yard is the one sticking out. I can appreciate that he seems to be trying hard but as Davetaylor said: "And his symmetry is out of whack, 2 lions, 1 handrail and 1 light and the fact that the imitation victorian streetlamp is white makes it even more tacky, the original lamps would have been black."

He fails.

Using property that he has no right to use?

Fail again.

Point this out if he ever complains about your yard again. If you want to piss him of you might even ring his doorbell and tell him that YOU will report HIM to the city of he doesn't shut his pie hole.