overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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I noticed we are missing a few usual suspects around here lately. What happened to Candice, Micca and Nova?? Anyone heard from them lately?
Ok, here's some Saturday morning pics.

The garden beds are almost full, only 2 more Jalapenos and some more Asian Birdseye in a bed where some 3 year old plants died to go.


Here's some Bhut Jolokias in their second year. I just let them go over winter, did absolutely nothing but top up with some sheep manure, coco peat and more sugar cane mulch. 1 of the 10 plants looks a bit sickly, everything else has new sprouts and looks fine.


Here's a Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde from JungleRain.


Have a look at these Raspberry canes! There are easily 1000+ Raspberries already on there, gonna be awesome this year. Anyone for a Raspberry based chilli sauce? ;)


And here is what is left in my grow tent in the garage. Guess I need to sell/give away these plants.

Nice update Milkman!! Hopefully your main issues with the plants are behind you now and you go on to a bumper season. Extremely jealous of those raspberries. .... a big thing I miss around Christmas here in Aussie compared with New Zealand is the abundance of cheap fresh pick your own berries .... raspberries and blueberries in the supermarkets here are like gold and I don't think I have ever seen fresh boysenberries or blackberries (which are a free roadside staple back home) ... on the flipside pineapples and mangoes and ginger are dirt cheap.
How long before the berries are ripe for picking bro??
Nice update Milkman!! Hopefully your main issues with the plants are behind you now and you go on to a bumper season. Extremely jealous of those raspberries. .... a big thing I miss around Christmas here in Aussie compared with New Zealand is the abundance of cheap fresh pick your own berries .... raspberries and blueberries in the supermarkets here are like gold and I don't think I have ever seen fresh boysenberries or blackberries (which are a free roadside staple back home) ... on the flipside pineapples and mangoes and ginger are dirt cheap.
How long before the berries are ripe for picking bro??

I have Raspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries and Blackcurrants. Strawberries and Raspberries always the first to produce, already picking the Strawberries, the Raspberries will start in about a fortnight I reckon.

I've also got a Banana that has fruited at the most perfect time, check this out:


I noticed we are missing a few usual suspects around here lately. What happened to Candice, Micca and Nova?? Anyone heard from them lately?

I'm still lurking around.
Been pretty darn busy trying to build my Chilli army :cool: oh and fighting the ever increasing weeds!
Hope yours are starting to crank now Trippa as the season gets going.

A bit peeved at our *%@* weather right now though, nearly into summer and over here we have got 19Deg.C tomorrow and 20 monday Brrr get out the heater!
Using this to my advantage though and transitioning lots of babies outside before the heat kicks in.

Hey Milkman nice update :cool: , that Pimenta De Neyde Cross will be one interesting Chilli to keep an eye on.
Nice other plants too. Have you heard of the Pineberry? It's suppose to be a Strawberry with a Pineapple taste?
Unfortunately you need a cutting for it to grow true and it's not available here :cry:

Nice to see you Micca ... the weather over this way has been hit and miss aswell. Too much wind for my liking and no decent rain in months
Yeah the weather will sort itself out.
Might have to do some sort of Chilli sacrifice to ensure a good crop though, just need to pick the least favourite :twisted:

WTF? I got little caterpillars getting into a couple of my pods. Saw some holes in a pod, ripped it off, started cutting it open and this caterpillar shot out. And I mean shot. It was a friggin' bullet. Managed to give it a good squishin' though. :D
WTF? I got little caterpillars getting into a couple of my pods. Saw some holes in a pod, ripped it off, started cutting it open and this caterpillar shot out. And I mean shot. It was a friggin' bullet. Managed to give it a good squishin' though. :D

You sure you hadn't had mushrooms for tea ;) :D
You sure you hadn't had mushrooms for tea ;) :D

Ha! Thought I might have had some mushies for a second there when it happened. :lol: But seriously, I'm not kidding. I've never seen anything like it. I start cutting the pod and next thing pshwwwww. I'm just like WTF????
hey gas...

I have the same problem, i looked and had a couple of small holes at the top of the chilli, i saw a caterpillar poking out, only a small one but still frustrating to see your first chillis ruined...
hey gas...

I have the same problem, i looked and had a couple of small holes at the top of the chilli, i saw a caterpillar poking out, only a small one but still frustrating to see your first chillis ruined...

Squish 'em good ferozaj! What really pisses me off is the little bastages appear to have a little nibble of a pod, just enough to ruin it, then move on to the next one. :mad: It wouldn't be so bad if they just demolished one pod and that was it. Nooooo.... I'm an asshole caterpillar.
yep i saw a small hole in one this morning with a caterpillar hanging out of it.

I killed it and the hole didnt look very deep i think he just started, so im keeping it on the tree.

Going to buy some caterpillar pellets, just hope my dog doesnt eat them....
I'm getting quite excited about this season, things are going real nice at the moment with the pick up in weather. Check these babies out.


Also got myself a new compost tea brewer from the US, it's 12 gallons (45 litres) and is super easy to clean. Ran it up on the weekend for 24 hours, combined the tea with Seasol + Powerfeed, both sprayed and drenched the plants.

i have a worm farm at home, however im kind of scared to use it often with my seasol as im not sure what concentrations etc to use...i run water through it once per week to keep it moist and collect this water say 5 litres or so. Then i have no idea how mich more water to dilute this with in the watering can.

Im finally seeings some of my superhots (chinense) take off...some one was right when they mentioned once they get a good root system going its all hands on deck....

However of all my chilli's i think the super fish are the fastest growers
No pods. I intentionally pluck all the flowers from my Jalapenos so the plants grow nice and tall, otherwise I notice you don't get as many pods off the plant at any one time.

I think I ended up planting about 3 HTM's, I will post pics once they start podding up ;)
and in new news...

I think some of my plants have mites...there are little raised bumpps on the leaves...some leaf stems look brown and 'eaten' and i occasionally see brown fat looking aphids on the underside of leaves...
