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smoking Woods for smoking ?

I'm growing several fruit trees that I planted(grafted trees) last year. I have apple, nectarine, peach, lime, mandarin, lemon, plum and avocado. Can all of these be used for bbq/smoking or are there any of these that would not be recommended. Thanks !
This is something I found online and have posted in my garage near where I keep my woods.





looks like it might be the same as the link hogleg posted just in a different format. Good info though :)
The problem as I see it is that you are in Modesto and I am in Maryland.  If you were closer I could help you get rid of some of your fruit wood by burning it in my smoker.
chiefmanywrenches said:
You can pretty much use any wood for smoking except for conifers.
I've heard Sycamore and Walnut are not good. For all the damage it does to crops, I can see why walnut isn't good. Not sure why Sycamore is not good though.