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World Yawn-er, Cup

Jamison said:
Neymar-  Brazil
Robben - Netherlands
Totally guessing here :high:
You've already lost. Neymar will miss the rest of the tournament, due to a fractured vertebra. (courtesy of the Columbian defense) Turns out, he really wasn't faking the last time.
millworkman said:
Klose for Germany again!!
Robben for Netherlands.
I would love to see Klose as standalone top goal scorer for World Cups. I am thinking he'll come in as a sub but he only really needs one chance.
HopsNBarley said:
Brazil Hulk
Argentina Higuaín
Oooh! Even did the accent correctly! I thought about putting Müller earlier but was too lazy to hold down the u to select it on my phone keyboard.
Umlauts sure are fun!
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
if you watch a baseball game for 2+ hours and no one scores, you've witnessed a brilliant pitching performance - a rare display of control, skill and dominance by both starting staffs. By comparison, if you watch soccer for 2+ hours and no one scores, it's just soccer.
You have to be joking    :rofl:
So let me get it all straight. 2 hours of scoreless baseball is undoubtably, and in every instance, nothing but pure mastery, while two hours of scoreless soccer is a bunch of fools running around CERTAINLY with no "display of control, skill and dominance" from the teams involved. Just aimless running.. 
mx5inpa said:
baseball golf and soccer are all about equal on the boredom scale
And WHAT, pray tell, is more exciting? Give your sport of choice a chance to be lampooned, if you will.
Pepperjack91 said:
You have to be joking    :rofl:
So let me get it all straight. 2 hours of scoreless baseball is undoubtably, and in every instance, nothing but pure mastery, while two hours of scoreless soccer is a bunch of fools running around CERTAINLY with no "display of control, skill and dominance" from the teams involved. Just aimless running.. 
Didn't call them fools.  Also didn't say anything about "aimless running", or "no display of control, skill and dominance from the teams involved".  
You said all that. Just now. Why would you use the quotation marks for disparaging things that I never said?  :?:
And as a matter of fact, yes - it was tongue-in-cheek, so to address your question/statement, I was indeed joking. Did you somehow miss the amusing manner in which I phrased it, or the point of me just messing with my friend? 
Hmm.... :beer: 

What I was doing was trying to spur on a little world cup talk since there wasn't any and I figured it could be an interesting topic. And since I thought that exchange between my friend and I was a funny thing, I posted it like that.  
Then I figured I'd give away some sauce and have some more fun.  Some other folks have had fun in this topic too. You seem to be the only one not having fun. 
Sad for you I guess. :(
cypresshill1973 said:
The Messiah who will lift the cup ...
Argentina has not been playing well, and all of the so-so teams have gone home... Not going to happen.

Before you slag me, my wife and family are all from Argentina, and we are all in agreement on this. We are confident this will be a victoria de Copa Mundial de los Europeos.
Bababooie bababooie!  Howard Ster... eh nah nevermind it's lost its shine.
Oh wie ist das schön, 
Oh wie ist das schön, 
Sowas hat man lange nicht gesehen, 
So schön, 
So schön...

Olé Olé Olé, 
Super Deutschland, 
Super Deutschland, 
Super Deutschland Olé Olé...