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Worst Heat Experience

Worse, hahahahahaha which 1, was showing some1 my plants "oh look at these" as i bent down a Bamboo stake went into my eye, nearly lost it.

Frying steak with a housefull of people"oh make it hot neil" ok, chopped a few Habs, tossed into frying pan, Cleared House for an Hr

didn't eat as busy before testing Chocolate Habanero. Errrrrr bad an hr later Fetal position on floor, thinking of a trip to hospital, a Litre of Milk helped, but i don't recommend empty stomach chilli eating

forgot after deseeding naga's with gloves, that the juice gets on the Knife anyway, then after taking off gloves and doing stuf, went "oh better put that away" then wiped away sweat, picked nose went to toilet..was burning all over.

had a coulpe of Peruvian Habs for dinner, and as i do, use a fork to hold, then slice put on Meal. 10 min later my 3 yr old decided to use that fork to pick up a piece of his dinner "ooooooooo hotttt Daddddddy drink, drink" poor little dude.

My 18 yr old was bet $10 to snort a Line of Tabasco sauce. lets just say he wasn't well after, but was realllly funnny and the 1st Vid i put on youtube..

Made a curry using Red Savina's, chopped them up on chopping Board. Mr 18 yr old decided he wanted a sandwich so used that board to make it on,hahaha the hottest vegemite sandwich in worlds history.

a dude popped in to buy some Plants "oh can i try a chilli, give me a hot 1, i can eat anything hot" Oh Really "here ya go this is a Fatali, its pretty hot but not the hottest"" "GIVE ME 2 THEN" ok (laughing to self),, i love that look on a persons face a minute into it, when they realise that it was a Bad idea and bad things are gonna Happen, Plus NOTHING will stop it.

lucky i don't drink anymore as Chillis + Alcohol= painful memorable mornings but not remembering why
theHippySeedCo said:

Made a curry using Red Savina's, chopped them up on chopping Board. Mr 18 yr old decided he wanted a sandwich so used that board to make it on,hahaha the hottest vegemite sandwich in worlds history.

Having eaten Vegemite on buttered toast as is the proper way..that's a +1 from me..lol

I'd like that actually...hmm.

Worst here? Heck if I know.
I havent grown the Naga's yet. :twisted:

Prolly would be the time I was drunk and decided to chop up some habs and mix with beer in my 52oz mug. Was crazy hot..and of course, I wasn't about to waste the beer....

That hurt. :D

Now, I actually love the taste of habs & beer, but that first time was a doozy.

Can someone share what vegemite is?? My mind is leading me toward a foreign version of spam......correct??

And everyone please keep the stories coming they are great for a laugh, hopefully I can post mine later on.
K, here you are:


I dated a gal from AU who introduced it to me. It's kinda like crossing mushrooms with soysauce as a paste...lol

Hard to explain really. Remember the Men at Work song about a Vegemite sandwich? That's it.

I like it though. She said the Kraft is the best..although I wasn't sure. :D

I have probably touched each and every sensitive spot on my body after handling peppers.

Yeah, I know... I AM wearing gloves, but sometimes you spill some sauce or handle seeds and just don't think about washing your hands.... It's funny though, the pain won't set in immediately and a rusdh of burning pain a few mins after peeing didn't let me draw the right conclusion on the spot. I was afraid I had some strange infection or worse until I remembered that I might've had some Jersey Death on my fingers.... Works fine on your ass, too!!!!

Ive burnt myself,my woman lol and did the sniffing of freshly ground habs lolThe only thing that gets me is if I eat too much in one sitting is the cramps I get till its out..example my last curry had 6 japs and 2 carrabian habs..was good going down but not too nice after
pickled jalapenos go straight through me - end to end it takes about 10-15 mins after eating them - no other chili does that to me!
Ok here goes. Seeding savinas for seed saving purposes. Placenta stuff goes in trash can. Cat gets into the chicken bones from supper that were under the pepper stuff. Not good, not good at all. I still think the cat is plotting her revenge on me while I am asleep.
If you put beer on the BBQ plate and let it go gloopy and thicken, it looks and tastes like Vegemite,, i use to think thats how they made it, Big Tankers from the brewery took it somewhere and cooked it till it got thick.. try it and see :)
My worst chilli heat experience by a long long way was when I had the stupid idea to process 20kg of Nagas to make a concentrate. :mouthonfire::mouthonfire::mouthonfire:

I still shudder thinking about it:


(scroll down to '14th April - The Worst Day of my Chile Life!')

I wouldnt wish that experience on my worst enemy!!
darlochileman said:
My worst chilli heat experience by a long long way was when I had the stupid idea to process 20kg of Nagas to make a concentrate. :mouthonfire::mouthonfire::mouthonfire:

God, I remember you doing that. I sent that link to so many of my friends.

gardenkiller said:
I still think the cat is plotting her revenge on me while I am asleep.
Ummm.... don't cats do that normally?
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it is really close between two experiences. One when I tried The Source straight. Just a good dab on a straw did me in for a good half hour. The other would have to be the time I accidentally drank Blair's Possible Side Effects. Posing for a funny photo acting like I was drinking it straight from the bottle, the cap came off (had been left off) and about a shot glass amount went in my mouth and down my face. Not good.
darlochileman said:
My worst chilli heat experience by a long long way was when I had the stupid idea to process 20kg of Nagas to make a concentrate. :mouthonfire::mouthonfire::mouthonfire:

I still shudder thinking about it:


(scroll down to '14th April - The Worst Day of my Chile Life!')

I wouldnt wish that experience on my worst enemy!!

Cool your the nage snake bite guy, another sauce I need to try.
I love this site for the cheer density of hot sauce contacts...

As for your blog, omfg that sounds intense!!! :shocked:
Naga's sound like some serious darn peppers, good thing you didn't spill the concentrate down the front of your pants
Bubonic said:
Cool your the nage snake bite guy, another sauce I need to try.

True. I just got it yesterday and am full of praise for it! As Rainbowberry pointed out, it's probably the best natural hot sauce one can buy atm.

Hooray for the chileman!
Chiliac said:
Nice one!!! "You're very red, dad!" :)

Yeah I was! The worst part was after it hit my stomach. Damn it hurt so bad! Gonna do it again in July though. My oldest son is coming to visit and we have a $100 bet for who can eat the most Nagas b4 drinking. :mouthonfire: